Hm, implementing an RSS reader inside Roam, built on top of new write API. Actually seems very doable. Can use iframes as well - or the latest hypothesis SmartBlock trickery...
As we start writing more to blocks, becomes more important to be able to separate raw material from stuff we want to appear when we search...
If there was a global filter which still let me see stuff where I put it, but hid it from all search/block ref autocomplete, back links...
Minerva Project is hiring a full-stack engineer (JS and Django) to work on our Forum platform - fully active learning with very carefully thought out lesson plans, and integrated curriculum. We started with Minerva Schools, currently we have a high school program, exec ed...
I've been working at Minerva for two years, and I deeply believe in what we are trying to achieve (I spent ten years researching collaborative learning with technology before joining). Amazing team - work closely with faculty to develop technology that fits pedagogy.
You guys have got to stop encouraging me... I've got actual work to do :( Demo of RSS feed reader inside @roamresearch, reads a list of URLs from your graph, fetches RSS, parses, and inserts title and content of three lasts posts. Total proof of concept...
If you actually wanted to build this as a real thing, would want to think about checking which articles already exist, to add new ones only, as well as parsing of content (right now just dumps a blob of HTML), and many other things.
Also not convinced it's a good idea to import tons of content into your Roam graph at the moment. But some day it will be (I'm pretty sure, I want to keep my life there), so worth it to begin playing.
Up early on a Sunday to read for my book club on Sapiens📒, enjoying the calm. Asking myself some qs ahead of reading to prime myself, keeping track of when I read, looking up some relevant info in Wikipedia, and adding an SRS to keep track of it.
I know a lot of people are critical of this book, and I found a bunch of links that I'm also looking forward to going through. One thing that we discussed a lot around the first section is how the cognitive revolution/upper paleolithic transition actually happened.
Harari seems to suggest "we don't know but probably a random brain mutation". Vervaeke suggests we developed psycho-technologies, possibly through shamans, related to existential thread ([[Toba catastrophe]])
. Have about 45 cards, going to work through them and start adding more. Still experimenting but generally happy with the quality of my cards and underlying notes.
Doing it in Roam is great because you have context. Because answer is a reference, shift+clicking gives so deep context in the sidebar - where it's from, the bigger story. Often, reviewing a card, I will add to my notes, look something up.
Watching amazing @RoamResearch Portal by @DharamKapila from the book club, and it's giving me major Knowledge Forum vibes. Here's a video I made 10 years ago: a course where we also read a book, dived deep, reorganized our ideas, created custom views...
KF is a platform for inquiry in schools, training kids to think like scientists. It uses scaffolds to structure your thinking (like simple AOTs? @cortexfutura ), and encourages build-upons (kind of like fleeting->zettel), as well as multiple views - and the spatial component
One of my favorite aspects was at the end of the course, each student created their own view of the ideas and notes that had most inspired us - even if we hadn't written them. Kind of like queries, block refs etc allow. Would love to see sth similar for book club (cc @bod0ng )
Just watched great overview of SRS in Roam with @Jeanvaljean689 . Love the custom CSS, stole it. Interesting approach to use a daily query with #minimal, to avoid seeing trail, that's been a problem when page title gives away answer. Going from this to this is a huge improvement!
Found the code to minimize queries in here…. Also interesting approach to a catchment area with tags and TODOs etc. What I wanted to do was more simple - a query for all cards due before today's date, using between.
So this - turns into this ... (yes, I left my SRS practice alone for a few months, and am planning to restart it again with better systems like this one).