1. The financial world is moving on from IBOR - expected end date is end of 2021.
2. ISDA has announced its market-wide approach to the transition, which will be implemented via the (1) ISDA Fallbacks Supplement and (2) ISDA Fallbacks Protocol.
3. The ISDA Fallbacks Supplement applies and covers all transactions entered into after January 25th, 2021 that reference the 2006 ISDA Definitions.
4. The ISDA Fallbacks Protocol, effective January 25th, 2021 is a means for users of derivatives to amend agreements across all...
...counterparties by adhering to the protocol.
5. The ISDA Fallbacks Protocol is not a complete solution - it is a back-up plan.
6. Managers affected by the transition should be prudent in their adherence to the Fallbacks Protocol and adopt a careful and coherent strategy...
...that considers all implications of the transition on their portfolio, legal and operations.
Thank you to authors Poseidon Retsinas and David Balass.