“The Biden admin is expected to generate new business for firms with connections to Mr. Biden or his team that help clients get their way in Washington without formally registering to lobby — including WestExec Advisors and Albright Stonebridge Group”
Remember just two days ago the paper got caught deleting unflattering info on Kamala Harris from a two year old profile. Their excuse was “the original story remains available in print.” reason.com/2021/01/22/the…
So did WaPo’s media columnist cover her paper trying to memory-hole bad info on Dems?
Lmao of course not.
Her embarrassing twitter feed is indistinguishable from a Media Matters activist.
So @playbookplus reporting today that Senator Schumer's first legislative package will seek to limit dark money in politics, "including with new disclosure requirements for outside funding." politico.com/playbook