Marjorie Greene is a reminder that while the U.S. has obsessively focused its “War on Terror” on brown Muslim men both outside and inside its borders, this white, blonde, Christian woman inside its Capitol is the face of terror at home.…
Fed up as I am with the consistent refusal to take seriously the danger of white women like Marjorie Taylor Greene, I present my If so-and-so was a Muslim Test to cut through the fuckery that white woman are allowed to commit. This was part one…
To stay up to date with future If So-and-So Was a Muslim, sign up to FEMINIST GIANT.
Greene was dangerous and vile long before she was elected but because much of her vileness was directed at Muslims, Black people, and Jews, Republicans shrugged and carried on being the craven shits they are, happy to throw their weight behind anyone who brings them votes.
The danger, always, is that someone as vile as Greene is normalized by the U.S. media. White, blonde, Christian women--even the dangerous ideologues--are afforded the privilege of default and the audacity of innocence.
In a feature on QAnon in October 2020, Elle magazine described her thus:
Even as calls for her expulsion from Congress grow, Axios sees fit to create a false equivalence. On January 28, the publication included her among “The Mischief Makers”, who Axios says are “troublemakers within their parties and political thorns for their leadership.”
Fed up as I am with the consistent refusal to take seriously the danger of white women like Marjorie Taylor Greene, I suggest you forget the Bechdel Test & follow my If so-and-so was a Muslim Test: If Marjorie Taylor Greene was a Muslim she'd be in Gitmo…
If the white women who stormed the Capitol were Muslim, they would have been called “fanatics” and “extremists,” and vilified for the violence they committed, not constantly remembered by loved ones as the best version of themselves.…
If Amy Coney Barrett was a Muslim, her zealotry would have been pathologized, not earn her a lifetime post on the highest court in the land.…
"First detailed look at the women of Trump's insurrection?" That would be my article on January 10 RETWEET and SUBSCRIBE to FEMINIST GIANT…
"First detailed look at the women of Trump's insurrection?" That would be my article on January 10 RETWEET and SUBSCRIBE to FEMINIST GIANT…
The ancient Egyptian word for "makeup artist" derives from the word for "to write/engrave."
And the word for "makeup palette" derives from the word meaning "to protect."
I'm having fun with this essay on eyeliner, perimenopause, and the pandemic.…
I am especially interested in connecting “write/engrave/protect” of make up to tattoos. I’ve spoken of how my tattoos helped me heal and my essay on eyeliner will explore that more.
In this essay, I wrote about why I had bright red hair for so long. In the forthcoming one on eyeliner, I'll write about the significance of the tattoos I have…
“If we could, we would get on a plane and we would be on the front line with them," Argentine abortion rights activist Rosana Fanjul showing solidarity & support w/women of Poland who have been protesting a court ruling imposing near-total ban on abortion
Some protestors in Poland cover their faces with green handkerchiefs, which are the symbol of the abortion rights movement in #Argentina, which legalised abortion last month in a landmark move #StrajkKobiet#NiUnaMenos
“When the fascist fucks in your country use a pandemic to tighten their grip on your body with a near total ban on abortion, the path to freedom must be paved with profanity. Politeness is capitulation.