AMLO's true project is to lead Mexico to a "total crisis", to seize power and all resources, bring the businessmen and their opponents to their knees and have an impoverished people that is totally dependent on a demagogic dictator who functions as "papa government ", canceling
freedom of expression, freedom of business, private property, etc.
It is a Maoist-Marxist-Leninist project and for this the indoctrination of the Servants of the Nation and Morena's cadres has already begun through communists such as John Ackerman, El Fisgón, Paco Ignacio Taibo,
Epigmenio Ibarra, etc.
That is why the pandemic fell like a "ring to the finger" to exacerbate the economic crisis, cause the bankruptcy of companies, generate unemployment and have 10 million more poor people, who sell them their vote in the 2021 elections.
In that project they
are not concerned about the life or health of Mexicans. The only thing AMLO cares about is gaining power and wealth .... That is why he put a communist Marxist in charge of the Federation Treasury and the other niece of communist Pablo Gómez as deputy governor of the Bank of
Mexico and another communist as undersecretary of education ...
Trump, another populist demagogue, allowed AMLO his project of total destruction of Mexico, but the arrival of Biden sickened AMLO, who fears that his project of Venezualization or Cubanization or Bolivianization
of Mexico will be aborted.
For that, he requires his mornings to indoctrinate, alienate the people of Mexico with a demagogic, lying speech, which creates a new reality, while using it to divide, confront Mexicans and generate conflicts where there are none, while through of
Congress, which Morena illegally committed itself with an overrepresentation outside the law, tries to destroy the Constitution, the laws and the institutions to end the Republic, the Rule of Law, Federalism and the autonomous organizations and of the civil society that could be
a counterweight to his ambitions for power and an obstacle to his project to lead Mexico to communism.
- That is why AMLO does not want to have vaccines that protect or save Mexicans from the pandemic, on the contrary what he wants is to use the pandemic to exacerbate the
economic crisis, as well as the crisis of violence and insecurity, while giving "hugs" to the narcos, to turn Mexico into a communist narco state.
That is why the economy and companies were not helped with countercyclical measures to avoid bankruptcies and protect employment.
600,000 small and medium-sized companies will go bankrupt and more than one and a half million jobs will be lost in the first year of the pandemic that began in March 2001 alone.
None of this worries AMLO, on the contrary, he is happy, because all this cooperates with his
project of leading Mexico to a "total crisis" ...
The only thing that can prevent that is that the people of Mexico, sleepy and cajoled by that "nice but heartless old man," wake up, open their eyes and become aware that Mexico and Mexicans are in danger while that communist
remains in the Presidency. That is why not one vote for Morena in the 2021 elections. Do not sell your vote for a few pesos because you are selling your homeland and you are endangering your life, that of your families and that of Mexicans. It is time to wake up and say no to
El verdadero proyecto inconfesable de AMLO-Morena y su #4T que en realidad es la #4D (cuarta destrucción), es llevar a México a una "Crisis Total", para convertirnos en un narco estado comunista, por eso su afán de destruir a las instituciones (organismos autónomos,
fideicomisos, etc.), y por eso no hace nada para ayudar a las empresas a no quebrar y a proteger el empleo... porque quiere ver a los empresarios arrodillados y quiere llevar al pueblo a la pobreza, para que todos humillados dependamos del "viejo amigable".
Su proyecto es llevar a México al comunismo y sigue la doctrina maoísta de la "crisis total" para que no haya posibilidades de defensa frente a su ambición de apoderarse de todo el poder y los recursos... Por eso no consigue las vacunas, porque la pandemia "le cayó como
El verdadero proyecto de AMLO es llevar a México a una "crisis total", para apoderarse del poder y de todos los recursos, arrodillar a los empresarios y a sus opositores y tener un pueblo empobrecido que dependa totalmente de un dictador demagogo que funcione como
"papá gobierno", cancelando la libertad de expresión, la libertad de empresa, la propiedad privada, etc.
Es un proyecto maoista-marxista-leninista y para ello ya empezó el adoctrinamiento de los Siervos de la Nación y de los cuadros de Morena a través de comunistas como John
Ackerman, El Fisgón, Paco Ignacio Taibo, Epigmenio Ibarra, etc.
Por eso les cayó como "anillo al dedo" la pandemia para agudizar la crisis económica, provocar la quiebra de empresas, generar desempleo y tener 10 millones más de pobres, que les vendan su voto en las elecciones de
- ¿alguien ha podido entrar a la página de registro de vacunas? A mi todo el tiempo me aparece caído el sitio
- no
- ¿Por qué no me extraña? (jajaja)
- Yo pude registrar a mi papá hace un ratito.... Pero costó trabajo entrar
- Medio país tratando de registrarse... No le calcularon bien a la carga de sus servidores 😂
- X2 Puede registrar a mi papá y sólo falta mi mamá.... (y ya no se diga mis abuelitos... está para llorar )
- Como dice el meme: no pueden poner una página que esté disponible y
quieren hacer una red social y quieren hacer una ley para regular a las redes sociales (jajaja... para llorar AMLO y los de Morena.... No pueden hacer ni un sandwich y quieren organizar un picnic!!!! jajaja... Así o más ineptos... pero eso si muy leales jajaja)