We observe large differences in cumulative naturalisation rates:
🇸🇪 80%
🇳🇱 67%
🇩🇰 37%
Differences increase after contrasting policy changes.
Language requirements and integration tests were introduced in both Denmark (B1/B2) and the Netherlands (A2), but not in Sweden.
Dual citizenship was restricted in the Netherlands but liberalised in Sweden.
We employ stratified Cox proportional hazard models to model duration until naturalisation.
We find that the introduction of citizenship tests is associated with substantial naturalisation gaps in both 🇩🇰 and 🇳🇱, esp. among migrants with lower educational background.
Our findings on selection effects of civic 'integration' requirements are in line with previous work by @kkrjensen et al on 🇩🇰
Our estimates suggest that the introduction of civic integration requirements is associated with substantial delays in naturalisation.
Even in 🇳🇱 with modest A2 language requirement, esp. among lower educated migrants.
When looking at #dualcitizenship, liberalisation increases the propensity to naturalise, but relevance is strongly conditioned by migrants’ origin context.
Higher rates if dual citizenship possible, esp. among 🇪🇺 migrants and those from highly developed origin countries.
We find that being able to retain one’s origin citizenship is associated with durably higher naturalisation rates among EU citizens 🇪🇺 and migrants from highly developed countries.
These results on delaying (civic integration requirement) and putting off naturalisation (dual citizenship restriction) are in line with earlier work on 🇳🇱 with @LabussiereMarie.
I had a look at party positions on #citizenship in 13 election manifestoes.
What did I find…?
1. Right-wing restriction 2. Left-wing silence / ambiguity 3. Small liberal center 4. New diaspora capture
A thread /
#1. Right-wing restriction
No surprise. Parties on center-right (VVD), orthodox Christian right (SGP) & populist right (FvD, PVV) advocate citizenship stripping.
‘Freedom’ Party PVV advocates restrictions of #dualcitizens (eg military)
FvD & SGP against pathway to citizenship.
#2. Left-wing silence / ambiguity I
The Greens (GL) & orthodox Socialist Party (SP) are silent on citizenship.
Labour Party (PvdA) somewhat ambiguous on #dualcitizenship: ‘no sign of lack of loyalty, but want to help people get rid of other citizenship, if they want’.
Difference-in-differences design exploits exogenous variation in origin country #citizenship legislation to identify the treatment effect of destination country policy reform.