• 362 new cases (348 net w/adjustments to past days)
• 6,266 active cases
• 457 in hospital incl. 84 in ICU
• 12 more people have died. 1,705 total deaths now
In a low-quality video that spread on Twitter last week, Kenney was misheard as saying: "Some people have said our gov't repealed the 1976 coal policy that banned coal mining in the Eastern Slopes. We did no such thing."
That's not what he said.
Here's a better version...(🔊⬆️)
As you can hear above, what Kenney actually said was: "It did no such thing."
The "It" refers to the coal policy and the "thing" refers to the banning of coal mining on the Eastern Slopes.
Kenney is technically correct here, but he's also attacking a bit of a straw man...
It's true that the Coal Policy didn't outright ban coal mining across all of the Eastern Slopes of the Rocky Mountains.
What it did was heavily restrict open-pit mining in large sections of the Eastern Slopes.
• 352 new cases (351 net w/adjustments to past days)
• 6,242 active cases
• 434 in hospital incl. 81 in ICU
• Four more people have died. 1,709 total deaths now
Today an Alberta Environment spokesperson said "it was never the plan to 'delist' parks": cbc.ca/news/canada/ed…
In February, the Environment Minister sent a briefing to UCP MLAs: "We will also initiate the proposed removal of 164 under-utilized sites from the parks system..."
This briefing note also broke the proposed removal of these 164 sites from the parks system into two groups: