Biopharma companies use synthetic genes to test gene expression and the effects their drugs have on certain patient populations.
Synthetic genes are also important for CRISPR research because many RNA guides need to be created for testing.
8/ Twist is essentially a vertically integrated DNA factory.
You can think of it like a picks-and-shovel play on the genomic revolution. It also companies to do more experiments to accelerate biological product development.
9/ One other thing that seems like science fiction is Twist's DNA storage vision.
They even encoded a Netflix original in DNA code (A,T,C,G). I don't understand it but it's impressive.
1/ A liquid biopsy is usually a blood-based test that can detect cancer.
By detecting either CTC (circulating tumor cells) or ctDNA (circulating tumor DNA). In some studies, ctDNA has been shown to have 100x the concentration as CTC though.
2/ So why is this important?
Well, the standard of care is tissue biopsies. Doctors lop off a piece of the potentially cancerous area (a chunk of your lung for lung cancer for instance) to verify if cancer exists.
However, tissue biopsies are inferior in a few ways...
2/ Ancestry and 23andme are probably the most popular DTC genetic testing companies. You receive a test kit, swab your cheek and then you can get insights into your familial history, etc.
However, the DTC market has been more difficult than servicing health care providers.