It's a cottage industry on the left to single out @maggieNYT as being the source of all press failings. It's absurd.
Are all her tweets well considered? No. Whose are? Beat sweeteners? Yes, a few. But has brought more to light about Trump than maybe any other single reporter.
There are prominent male reporters, at NYT and of course Woodward, who *DID* hold back reporting for books. That deserves criticism. But what's even the logic in thinking she'd break story on Trump gravely ill/needing oxygen at time and hold back this until now....To what end?
"Regrets" for a baseless accusation of journalistic malpractice, but no apologies, and finding shelter in an overbroad definition of "access journalism."
1/ Catching up but: If McConnell made clear that he'd hold up Covid relief and nominations and all Senate business if Dems called witnesses—after he'd announced his and other votes to acquit were forgone conclusion—their decision not to is clear.
2/ The House managers have made a compelling case. Nobody is moving to acquit in good faith. The fact-patterns for Trump and his enablers will only get worse. And their cravenness will stand against that backdrop, as hearings and court cases proceed.
3/ McConnell, while Leader, had already maneuvered to delay the trial until after inauguration given the Republicans their fig leaf of an out—claiming (falsely) that the process couldn't proceed once Trump was out of office.
.@StaceyPlaskett is really making a masterful argument about Trump's patterns and practices of violent incitement and while I'm not sure what to call that sleeve/cape/shrug thing, I'm here for it.
she's highlighting things that either have been forgotten or aren't well known even to folks like me. Quite impressive.
Let's be honest, nobody had "voting machine companies rescuing us from authoritarian disinformation" on our bingo cards.
.@DavidCornDC reached out to the lawyer behind these suits—who, fun fact, MoJo has tangled with before, he's very good! (though we won)—and he all but promised OAN is next:…
Here @benyt talks to the other lawyer for the other company now suing Fox News, its hosts and...?