Hi, I'm Keith and I'll be live-tweeting today's Friday, Feb 19, 2021, Cleveland City Council's Finance Committee: General Fund Budget Hearings (Day 4, Part I) starting at 9:00 AM for #CLEDocumenters
@cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle
If you're just tuning in and want a refresher read Cleveland Documenters' Cleveland’s Budget - A Primer

Catching up?

Review Day 1's Afternoon Session

Cleveland City Council's Finance Committee:
General Fund Budget Hearings
Tuesday, Feb 16, 2021
Day 1, Part II Afternoon Session

Catching up?

Review Day 2's Morning Session

Cleveland City Council's Finance Committee:
General Fund Budget Hearings
Wednesday, Feb 17, 2021
Day 2, Part I Morning Session

Catching up?

Review Day 2's Afternoon Session

Cleveland City Council's Finance Committee:
General Fund Budget Hearings
Wednesday, Feb 17, 2021
Day 2, Part II Afternoon Session

Catching up?

Review Day 3's Morning Session

Cleveland City Council's Finance Committee:
General Fund Budget Hearings
Thursday, Feb 18, 2021
Day 3, Part II Morning Session

Catching up?

Review Day 3's Afternoon Session

Cleveland City Council's Finance Committee:
General Fund Budget Hearings
Thursday, Feb 18, 2021
Day 3, Part II Afternoon Session

Stream -
Note: full day, jump to around 4 hour point for Afternoon
Join us and watch Day 4's Morning and Afternoon Session of Cleveland City Council's Finance Committee: General Fund Budget Hearing,

The General Fund Budget Hearings are annual meetings in which the City Council (the city Legislature) reviews the Mayor's (the city Executive) proposed budget, which is known as the "2021 Mayor's Estimate."

The budget can be accessed here,

Tip: If you're at a computer, split your screen between the budget and the stream so you can jump to the page they are referencing throughout the Council's Finance meeting.

It's a great resource to hand on hand, page 1 of the Budget (PDF page 7), details how to read it: Image
Day 4's agenda may be accessed here,

cityofcleveland.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&… Image
The Council's Finance Committee went live at 9:00 AM and immediately pass an emergency ordinance 70-2021,

cityofcleveland.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&… Image
Finance Committee then transitioned into continuing their review of the Mayor's Estimate budget proposal by starting with a review the budget of the Civil Service Commission, po. 112-115 ImageImageImageImage
Michael Spreng, Secretary of the Civil Service Commission is present and reviews the office, its proposed budget, 2020, and 2021. Image
The Civil Service Commission is partially responsible for hiring practices for all seeking employment in the city, this includes law enforcement. Image
While reviewing activities of the office, Secretary Spreng mentions they've introduced affidavits that asks law enforcement candidates if they've lived in the city for at least 12 months and will be introducing a text messages program
In the Division of Fire, Civil Service Commission introduced a new physical exam test and a mandatory requirement of attendance of minimum of two practice sessions.
Generally, the Commission has sought to create a deliberate, collaborative, and intentional approach to hiring.

On 2020, Secretary Spreng stated, "Limited hiring [due to pandemic] has seen limited changed."
Ward 13's Council Member Kelly enquires about the changes in Contractual Services from 2019 to 2020 to 2021.

Secretary Spreng answered the contractual services are primary testing services from outside vendors. ImageImageImage
Ward 8's Council Member Mike Polensek is present and asks,

"As pertains to any test for a civil service possession, are the testing lists available for review?"

Sec Spreng answers, "Yes, ... any lists you want to see you are free to do so." ImageImage
Ward 17's Council Member Charles Slife is present and states that historically Civil Service Commissions were created to allow for equitable access to careers. "That is the fundamental goal." ImageImage
Council Member Charles Slife enquires about the certifications of lists,

"If a list has expired, but has been certified are we able to hire from the certified-but-expired list?"

Sec Spreng, "Certified candidates are able to be hired in the interim even if a list has expired."
Ward 1's Council Member Joe Jones is present and asks,

"How many minorities makes up that list [the candidates available to the Division of Fire]?" ImageImage
Secretary Spreng answers,

"The composition of the list was:

1% Asian
13.2% Black
18.6% White [misspoke? white/Hispanic?]
72% White"

Ward 17's Slife asks about the 1-in-10 Process & details his worries about qualified candidates being removed from the list.
Ward 10's Council Member Anthony Hairston is present and is concerned about the hiring practices that may lead to disqualification,

"How are we qualifying candidates?" ImageImage
Ward 10's @HairstonCCC10 implores the Civil Service Commission to review the test language to make sure it is not a hinderance.

He also asks, "Have we surveyed those who have taken the tests? Image
Sec Spreng answers,

"Not every test cycle, but we have...We lose too many people before the test."

Ward 10's @HairstonCCC10 wants to make sure Cleveland is doing everything it can to make sure its processes aren't a hindrance in the creation of a diverse qualified workforce. Image
Civil Service Commission Secretary Spreng responds to Council Member Hairston's general concerns,

"I will raise in the hiring committee this issue of trying to track better of who is selected and why." Image
Ward 1's Council Member Joe Jones asks,

"How long have you been doing this?"

Sec Spreng answers, "Civil Service, 8 years. As Secretary, 2 years." Image
Ward 1's CM Jones reflects on the lack of diversity historically & presently in America and Cleveland. Image
Ward 1 CM Jones,

"There has been a long history of African-Americans being kept away from the table...Unfortunately, in Cleveland we've had 100 years of failure of not having African-Americans as Firefighters. Not even 25%.
We are having lots of younger people who have tried to come on and they are blocked from taking a part in the process."
Ward 6's Council Member Blaine Griffin @GriffWard6Cle is really interested in if CCS tracks career trajectories.

"Where can you do more realignment to be more customer friendly for the public?" ImageImage
Ward 6's Griffin @GriffWard6Cle asks,

"Why did we choose 1-in-10 over banding? What is your opinion on this?"

Sec Spreng that was done in general to provide
Ward 13's Kelly @kevinkelleyCLE interjects and states "Council did that to expand the pool that I believe was a very positive step for Council."

What primarily affects selections is who is in that final pool.
Ward 7's Council Member Basheer Jones @basheerj,

"Is it true that departments choose who to hire and they send that to you?" ImageImage
Ward 7’s Council Member Jones engages in a back and forth with Civil Service Commission’s Secretary Spreng, seeking to clarify the hiring process for the City of Cleveland.
Ward 7’s Jones, “Civil service does not make hiring decisions other than my own internal specific staff, we do not make hiring decisions. Those hiring decisions are made by appointing authority within those divisions.”
Ward 7’s Jones, “Let me stop you there. …What you are saying is that Civil Service hires who the appointing authority hires?”

Sec Spreng, “Civil Service makes no hiring decisions other than my internal staff. The hiring decisions made by the dept are made by those authorities.”
Ward 7’s Jones, “I want to stop here and highlight that. In reality each department has its own hiring authority. They send it to you?“

Sec Spreng, “That is correct, once the selection of a candidate is made from the eligible list of candidates that we have provided. … –
Ward 7’s Jones “Let me stop you there. You’re saying a different thing. … You’re saying something I want to highlight. You send the list from which they can hire from. Your department is the first filter of potential candidates.
Sec Spreng, “We are the source of potential candidates. We provide the list of candidates through an examination process.”

Ward 7’s Jones, “That’s filtering but OK. You take this list, you send that list to each dept to be hired. So, you do play a part in who gets hired."
Sec Spreng, “Forgive me, I was not suggesting I play no part. The role of this office stops with establishing through an examination process who qualified candidates are on a ranked list for hire by dept & that is the list they select from."
Ward 7’s Jones, “But, you do play a role?”

Sec Spreng, “Yes, that is correct. That is the Civil Service structure that is in this city and this state."
Interested in exploring Ohio's statutory code about the Civil Service?

Ohio Revised Code
Section 124.40 Civil service commissions in municipalities and townships.
Interested in exploring Ohio's legal code about administrative hiring practices?

Ohio Revised Code
Interested in exploring Cleveland's legal code about hiring practices?

Cleveland Code of Ordinances
The conversation continues. Sec Spring explains the 1-in-10 Process,

Sec Spreng, “When we look at hiring in non-public safety depts, that is each individual hiring decision is made based on a pool of ten candidates. If a department is hiring 1 person they get 10 candidates."
Ward 7’s Jones, “Do you think the process plays a part in the lack of diversity?”
Sec Spreng, “I don’t believe the basic structure, in and of itself, discourage diversity. I think there are things in the process that we do that can adjust and improve the nature of the pools of candidates we get.”
Ward 7’s Jones, “What would you say we can do to make it better?”

“Well, the 1-in-10 test was an important step. We can continue looking at how we administer test, how we apply test, where we apply test, and giving access to test.”
After listening to Secretary Spreng explain his thoughts, Ward 7’s Jones is frustrated and crescendos to his thesis,

“We don’t need to sit down and understand the process. We need to sit down to take apart the process. The process has not been successful.
"It has not been yielding the results we are looking for...They are upholding a system that does not work…There’s something wrong. It’s not right...The proof is in the pudding. It is not just getting the best candidate. It seems to me that this process is to keep people out.”
Ward 7's Council Member Basheer Jones is upset about the hiring practices of the City of Cleveland, particularly in the Public Safety area of Fire and Law Enforcement. Image
Natoya Walker, Chief of Public Affairs chimes in.

"Instead of a hearing, I recommend a learning session. Civil Service is extremely complicated. It's complex. It is very legalistic. There are a lot of challenges."

Ward 7's Jones shakes his head and doesn't approve. ImageImage
Ward 7's Council Member Jones is frustrated with this conversation and, from his point of view, the defense of a system that preaches diversity but does not practice it.
Ward 7's Jones, "The fact is we don't need a learning session. This should be upsetting to all. ... It should be upsetting that we have 70% White Police Officers."
Ward 13's Council Member Kevin Kelly is upset with Jones.

"You voted on rules not to impugn others. ... It is not appropriate. No one has the market on rage or anger." Image
Ward 8's Council Member Mike Polensek takes the audience on a history lesson, reflecting on a past moment when he received a phone call from then Judge Carl Stokes about the challenges he had as the first black male & the challenges of Civil Service. That was maybe 25 years ago. Image
Ward 8's Polensek reflects,

On the 1-in-10, "I think it has improved the process."

On Civil Service, "There are many challenges today. We are competing with the private sector that pays more money...It is getting hard to recruit due to the vilification of police officers."
Ward 8's Polensek, "We need a holistic approach." Image
Ward 8's Polensek, "At the end of the day, we can’t force anyone to take a job with the City of Cleveland...I would like to look at the numbers of who are applying. I want to see the parameters. How many are former military? Where are they coming from? Who are these folks?"
Ward 16's Council Member Brian Kazy @kazy_brian,

"We are in a budget meeting. Let's get back to the budget." ImageImage
Council Staff Anne Tille reads portions of the Mayor's proposed budget for the Department of Aging, pages 169-172 Image
the Mayor's proposed budget for the Department of Aging, pages 169-172 ImageImageImageImage
Mary McNamara, Director of Department of Aging is present and has the floor.

She reflects on the past year and is quite proud of the department for their response to COVID-19. Image
Ward 3's Council Member Kerry McCormack asks about the decrease in the proposed budget.

Director McNamara acknowledges like other department, it has had to tighten up. ImageImage
Ward 3's McCormack and Ward 8's Polensek are both worried about the Department, its staffing, and view it as a critical department going forward. Image
Ward 15's Council Member Jenny Spencer is present and asks,

What are the qualifying repairs for the Age Friendly, Home Improve program provide?

Director McNamara answers includes, "exterior, interior, roof" ImageImage
For Senior Home Maintenace Assistance, including the Age-Friendly Home Investment Program review here,

Ward 3's McCormack, Ward 8's Polensek, and Ward 15's Spencer advocate for increasing the budget for the Department of Aging though for different reasons.
Ward 10's Council Member Anthony Hairston is present and has the floor.

He seconds the importance of the Department of aging and reviewing their budget for a potential increase. ImageImage
Ward 13's Kelly advocates for examining budget capacity but is generally in support of the Department of Aging. Image
Ward 1's Council Member Joe Jones seconds his colleagues' assessments on the Department of Aging. Image
Ward 1's Jones is seeking to see the comprehensive flow of funds in and out of a City Department. He is frustrated the General Fund expresses a pattern he has noticed concerning the general fund not revealing the department grants. Image
Greg Cordek, Budget Administrator, states, "Those are outside sources. Any funding from CDBG would be shown in the CDBG budget. If from outside, it would not be reflected in either budget. It would be reflected in ****, the 2020 has not been released yet." Image
Ward 1's Jones states, "In terms of new rules, new policies, and processes I would like to see a snapshot showing the other funds even though we are not necessarily approving them now." Image
Council broke for a 20 minute break.
To stream the Cleveland City Councils' Finance Committee's General Fund Budget Hearings Day 4 Part II Afternoon Session,

The Mayor's proposed budget for the Division of Public Health Administration, p.226-229 ImageImageImageImage
The Mayor's proposed budget for the Division of Public Health Administration, p.230 Image
Brian Kimball, Interim Director of the Division of Public Health Administration is present and has the floor. Image
Ward 11's Council Member Brian Mooney asks Interim Dir Kimball to call a Ward 11 resident involved with the administration of birth certificates; this particular program had supply problems when producing birth certficates. ImageImage
Ward 1's Jones asks, "How are you communicating with elected officials when you are having these inoculations for COVID-19?"

Council Member Jones is interested in communicating to the residents of his ward about where and when COVID-19 vaccinations are occurring. Image
Interim Director Kimball responds,

"Right now we are using a call center. The phone number 216-664-2222. We collect information and will try to inform according to zip code. ... The key is having ample vaccines." Image
Are you interested in being informed about the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine by Cleveland's Department of Health?

Interm Director Kimball recommends calling 216-664-2222

Alternatively, you may visit
clevelandhealth.org Image
Are you looking for information about COVID-19 and the State of Ohio?

Visit, coronavirus.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov…
Ward 15's Jenny Spencer @jennyspencercle asks, "Does the Health Department have a role with LEAD Safe Cleveland? If so, what is that role?" Image
Interim director Kimball, "Yes, since its inception. Members of our teams are actively involved in multiple committees."

There is no additional staffing requirements, pure collaboration.
In a response to Ward 15's Spencer inquiry about epidemiology, Interim Director Kimball notes that the Department of Health has teamed up with Case Western Reserve University to assess their data [re. COVID-19]. Image
Ward 14's Council Member Jasmine Santana @jsantanaward14 asks, "How many positions are currently open? Are they posted online?"

Interm-Dir Kimball, "There are 17 open positions. Most are not posted yet." ImageImage
Ward 14's Santana, "Does the Dept of Health have inhouse data analysis or do they always partner with CRWU?"

Interim-Dir Kimball, "That's are EPI team, collects and analyze data. Just recently some positions became vacant."
Ward 14's Santana, "Where is our City of Cleveland public health data available about chronic diseases and health?"

Interim-Dir Kimball, "A lot of that data is on our website, though some of it is not updated."
Ward 14'sSantana notes she is concerned about the collection of data - how it is collected - as often Hispanics are often lumped under "Whites."
The Cleveland Department of Health website is:

The top right of the Department of Health's webpage has "Public Service & Info" The drop down menu has a link for Data & Reports. Image
Alternatively, you may access the Department of Health's Data & Reports here,

Ward 14's Santana asks, "Is there an overall vision for public health? What are going to do to improve the health of our city?"

Interim-Dir Kimball, "It is time for us to review and update our 3-year plan. Feedback from the community will help us." Image
Ward 12's Council Member Anthony Brancatelli @TBrancatelli asks if there will be a assessable compliant portal on some Cleveland government website so a citizen may search. For example, a portal that will allow the searching for a house that has been reported for lead. ImageImage
Interm-Dir Kimball responds, "We will work hard to get it done for food inspections by Q1 of this year. For everything else, it is a matter of approval to reproduce forms by the State."
Ward 12's Brancatelli notes it is frustrating to have to make decisions based on data without having access to said data. Image
Finance Committe reviews the Mayor's estimate proposal for the Department of Health's Division of Health, pp.231-233 ImageImageImage
Mayor's proposed budget for the Department of Health's Division of Health, pp.234-236 ImageImageImage
Mayor's proposed budget for the Department of Health's Division of Health, pp.237-238 ImageImage
Ward 1's Jones asks, "Do we have any information that tells us about [the services provided]? Do we have anything that can show us some kind of productivity?"

Interim-Dir Kimball, "Yes," Image
Commenting generally on the Finance Committee sessions, Jones critically reflected, "Our Directors should have this stuff prepared and ready to go. They should be queued up and we should have this information ahead of time.
Jones continues, "Basically, what we're saying is "We will reup again for these program but we don't have any outcome measurements." None of this has been a part of opening statements or comments. It's just "this is what is and sign off on it."
Ward 1's Jones continues asking a series of questions about the DOH: Division of Health.

It is revealed the Department of Health received fourteen million ($14,000,000) in grants for emergency purposes.

Four million ($4,000,000) was for COVID-19 preparedness.
Ward 8's Polensek follows, and inquires about the availability of statistics for patients of two health centers:

McCafferty Heath Center,

J. Glen Smith Health Center,
metrohealth.org/locations/j-gl… Image
A follow up question, "What's the status of death certificates?"

Interm-Dir Kimball, "We are improving...we were working 2 days a week and have returned to 5 and we have hired temps to address backlogs." Image
Finance Committee review the Department of Health's Division of Environment, pp.239-241 ImageImageImage
Finance Committee review the Department of Health's Division of Environment, pp.241-245 ImageImageImageImage
Patrick Cusick, Interim Commissioner of the Division of Environment is present. ImageImage
Chief Martin-Thompson provided information on how the inspectors work. They're assigned an area and are responsible for a wide array of violations - from food to lead to nuisance violations. Image
Much of the conversation evolved around code violations, how inspectors operate, feedback from the Department of Health, and lead violations.

Ward 1 Jones noted he has received zero assistance from DOH since he has been elected.
Interim commissioner Cusick provided the following web tool to search if a property has a history of violations, including risk assessments.

Ward 3's McCormack recommended the following Lead Resource,

Ward 9's Council Member Kevin Conwell encouraged the DOH: DOE to keep pushing the lead awareness. Conwell spent his own money to publish 10,000 flyers to pass out in the Community of Glenville. He has called upon the DOE interim-chair Kusick to send him monthly lead reports. ImageImage
Ward 9's Conwell is upset about the lack of health the interim-director Brian Kimball has provided to his community. Conwell has argued that the DOH under Interm-Dir Kimball's leader has failed to issues citations to hold delinquent property owners responsible; Image
has ignored emails; and has not done their due diligence.

Ward 9's Conwell is upset and is very evocative. He sounds frustrated about the inability to address the conditions in his community and his inability to get any help.
Ward 13's Kelly has muted Ward 9's Conwell to remind Council Members to maintain appropriate decorum. Image
Interim-Dir Kimball is provided an opportunity to respond. Kimball disputes Ward 9's Conwell's allegations and asserts they have issued citations and have responded to emails. Image
Three general breakdowns happen according to Ward 1's Jones

1) Citations submitted > not showing they are received.
2) Citations submitted > legal department nullifies. Prosecutors dismiss tickets. Jones acknowledges COVID-19 has played a role in the past year. Image
3) not identified

Ward 3's McCormack moves the meeting among.
Council Staff Anne Tille reads off the Mayor's Estimate budget proposal for the Department of Health's Division of Air Quality, Image
The Finance Committee transitions to the Mayor's Estimate budget proposal for the Department of Health's Division of Air Quality, pp.246-249 ImageImageImageImage
David Hearne, Commissioner of Cle DOH: Division of Air Quality is present and has the floor. Image
Ward 7's Basheer Jones returns and is full of praise which is mistaken by Commissioner Hearne as being directed towards him. Basheer Jones directed it towards Chair McCormack. It was a brief moment of lightness in a day marked by budgets, questions, & grievances. Image
Ward 16's Brian Kazy returns and questions about changes in employment and property rental changes (10k in 2019 to 132k in 2021) ImageImageImage
Ward 1's Jones continues his crusade to acquire verifiable data so the Legislature does not remain a mere rubberstamp for the Executive. Image
Ward 8's Polensek follows in Ward 1's Jones spirit and requests data to see the amount of submitted referrals for violations/complaint re. air quality. Image
On Day 4's of City Council's Finance Committee's Budget Hearing the final Mayor's office for budget proposal review is the Office of Health, Equity, & Social Justice, pp.250-252 ImageImageImage
Tracy Martin-Thompson, Chief is present. This is a newer department and the second one Martin-Thompson holds a Chief position.

Ward 1's Jones is worried about how many positions that Chief Thompson occupies and wants to make sure the work is pr Image
Ward 9's Conwell would like to see a report on City procurement and the racial makeup of the contracts from this new department. How many African-Americans have contracts with the City of Cleveland?

"We've got to make sure black folks and females are working on these jobs." Image
Meeting adjourned at ~5:30 PM. This concludes the Cleveland City Council's Finance Meeting General Fund Budget Hearings (Day 4, Part 1 and Part II). The next meeting is scheduled tomorrow Mon, Feb 22th, 2021 at 9:00 AM. For more meeting coverage, check out documenters.org

Friday, February 19th, 2021 was Day 4 of Cleveland City Council's Finance Committee's General Budget Hearings. These meetings are structured to have a Morning Session, starting at 9:00 AM, and an Afternoon Session, usually starting at 1:00 PM.
Generally, Finance Committe will conclude around 5:30 PM.

Upon the start of the Morning Session, Council Members passed Emergency Ordinance NO. 70-2021, which approved appropriations for the daily operations of municipal departments. Image
Finance Commitee reviewed the Mayor's Estimated budgets for the Executive's various departments and their respective divisions, offices, or commissions.
For every budget reviewed, there was a spokesperson who introduced and explained their requested budget, discussed departmental actions of 2020, and upcoming goals for 2021.
The following departments and their spokesperson were present and reviewed,

Civil Service Commission, with Secretary Michael Spreng

Department of Aging, with Director Mary McNamara ImageImage
The Department of Public Health had the following divisions and speakers present,

Division of Public Health Administration, with Interim Director Brian Kimball

Division of Health, with Interim Director Brian Kimball

Division of Environment, with Patrick Cusick ImageImageImage
Division of Air Quality, with Commissioner David Hearne

Office of Health, Equity, and Social Justice, with Chief Tracy Martin-Thompson Image
Day 4 was marked by a serious tone and the airing of grievances by various Council Members.

Ward 1's Joseph Jones consistently expressed his frustrations with approving budgets that failed to provide any key performance indicators.
Ward 7's Basheer Jones expressed his frustrations and disappointments with the lack of diversity in key safety jobs, such as firefighting or police. He engaged in a passioned debate about the role of Civil Service Commission and the failures to have a diverse workforce.
Ward 9's Kevin Conwell expressed his disappointment with his perceived sense of a lack of effective action in his ward and communication with him by several departments.
There was pushback against the Council Members and their critiques. Ward 14's Kevin Kelly issued warnings twice to two separate Council Members, remining them of their oath to not impugn the intent of their fellow peers.
Ward 8's Michael Polensek commentary often reflected a middle way, likely born from years of experience. He was sympathetic to his fellow Council Member's passions & frustrations at the lack of results in Cleveland while providing feedback that highlighted changes & complexitiess
Other Council Members such as Ward 16's Brian Kazy sought to keep it focused on the numbers, reminding his peers they were here to review budgets.
Disclaimer: These summaries were written with an attempt to be objective and truthful but remain my interpretation. I recommend all to review the original source material for themselves to decide if such descriptions are accurate and reflective of reality.
To become involved and for more meeting coverage, check out documenters.org.

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16 Feb
Hi, I'm Keith and I'll be live-tweeting today's Tuesday, Feb 16, 2021, Cleveland City Council's Finance Committee: General Fund Budget Hearings (Day 1, Part II) starting at 1:00 PM for #CLEDocumenters @cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle
If you're just tuning in and want a refresher read Cleveland Documenters' Cleveland’s Budget - A Primer

Join and watch the streaming of the Cleveland City Council's Finance Committee General Fund Budget Hearing here,

Read 250 tweets
8 Feb
Hi, I'm Keith and I'll be live-tweeting today's Monday, Feb 8, 2021, Cleveland City Council's Health & Human Services Committee Meeting that will start soon at 11:30 AM for #CLEDocumenters @cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle
Cleveland City Council's Health & Human Services Committee Meeting can be accessed and watched here,

Cleveland City Council's Health & Human Services Committee Meeting agenda can be accessed here,

Read 82 tweets
2 Feb
Hi, I'm Keith and I'll be live-tweeting today's Tuesday, Feb 2, 2021, Cuyahoga County Council's Public Safety and Justice Affairs Committee Meeting at 1:00 PM.
Cuyahoga County Council's Public Safety and Justice Affairs Committee Meeting can be streamed and accessed here,

The Agenda for the meeting can be accessed and read here,

Read 63 tweets
1 Feb
Hi, I'm Keith and I'll be live-tweeting today's Monday, Feb 1, 2021, City of Cleveland's Board of Zoning Appeals
Meeting that will start soon at 9:30 AM for #CLEDocumenters @cledocumenters @NeighborUpCle
Cleveland's Board of Zoning Appeals can be accessed and watched here,

Today's agenda for Cleveland's Board of Zoning Appeal meeting can be seen here,

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