On December 9, 2019, @nigeriagov launched the #OpenTreasury Portal to increase transparency and accountability in government spending. #AskQuestions
In June 2020, BudgIT released a detailed report titled. “OpenTreasury.gov.ng: Nigeria’s Spending Platform: Review, Gaps & Recommendations”, in which it analysed data uploaded on the portal from September 2018 to May 2020. #AskQuestions
The report observed that between January and June 2019, over 2,900 payments were made into personal accounts while over 5000 payments worth N278bn did not have any description on the "Purpose of the payment" #AskQuestions
Subsequently, letters were sent to the OAGF on the problems and gaps identified by BudgIT on the platform. #AskQuestions
On August 6 2020, @NigeriaGov set up the Transparency Portal and Quality Assurance and Compliance Committee to review these gaps and resolve the issues. #AskQuestions
Consequently, both BudgIT and CISLAC noticed some progress regarding the issues raised on the OpenTreasury portal since the committee was set up by @NigeriaGov#AskQuestions
Since the committee's intervention, payments without description have reduced by 50.98% from N794,954,335.07 in about 28 transactions in August 2020 to N389,718,618.47 with 24 transactions in January 2021. #AskQuestions
Likewise, payments to personal accounts which amounted to N2,962,536,395.77 with 190 Occurrences in August 2020 rose by 98.40% to N5,877,687,578.87 with 336 occurrences in December 2020. #AskQuestions
However, these payments have reduced by 94.75% from December 2020 to N308,174,806.84 with 15 occurrences in January 2021.
In October 2020, a list of 44 transactions from 16 MDAs was handed over to the @ICPC_PE representative for further investigation for non-compliance.
However, despite @ICPC_PE's intervention, we observed some consistent trends emerging from @MNDA_Ng & @FMHDSD with both having the largest share of defaulters in the last quarter of 2020. #AskQuestions
Whilst speaking about this, @BudgITng's Principal Lead, @GabsynGreat reiterated the importance of unveiling those sanctioned to the public, as this will serve as a deterrent to other civil servants and public office holders to be more accountable in the use of public funds.
He further noted that while the platform is innovative and commendable, much work is still needed to achieve its goal of enabling public transparency and accountability.
In Jun, 2020, we discovered payments totalling N278bn without descriptions, N51bn paid into personal acts & other loopholes for abuse of public funds on the #OpenTreasury Portal.
As a result of this, @Nigeriagov set up a committee with a mandate to resolve these issues.
@BudgITng was nominated as a member of the Transparency Portal, Quality Assurance & Compliance Committee which also includes @ICPC_PE & @officialEFCC in response to our letter to the @OAuGF on the issues.
Since the committee's intervention, payments without description have reduced from N40.76bn with about 500 transactions in March to N601.3m with 44 transactions in October 2020.
Critical issues that need @nassnigeria's attention
N17bn will be spent by govt officials on intl. travels & trainings that can be done virtually.
Whereas 38 Fed. Hospitals do not have allocations for medical supplies.
The N64.75bn allocated for the construction of government buildings across all MDAs should be reviewed downwards, seeing that nearly 135000km of roads in Nigeria are untarred, obstructing the movement of goods and people.
Also, the N11.9bn capital allocation to the police formations and commands is quite small considering the dearth of equipment needed to provide security for almost 200m people and the poor state of police barracks.
BudgIT’s State of States report is a snapshot of the fiscal health of all 36 States in the country and it uses four metrics or stress tests to provide a fair overall Fiscal Sustainability Ranking of all the states.
A previous graphic on the ability of states to meet their recurrent expenditure is hereby retracted.
According to Mr. Gabriel Okeowo, BudgIT’s CEO and Principal Lead, “No single metric, when isolated, provides a fair assessment of any state; and none of the tests we used evaluates state’s fiscals for insolvency.”