I wanted to provide some context to this tweet: I’ve been a language interpreter virtually all my life. Prior to med school, I received formal training and volunteered for 2 yrs as a Spanish language interpreter at the NIH. Today, as part of my residency 🧵 1/8
I do primary care at the Center for International Health, where I use a language interpreter for about 90% of my patient encounters. My patients are mostly East African and South East Asian. Yesterday, I stumbled upon an article about the use of interpreter services. 2/8
It was a descent article. But how do you think I felt when I discovered that the all-white-male authorship team included no interpreters? If you are going to write about interpreter services or really any topic, pls partner with people who are doing the work. 3/8
By writing about it you are positioning yourself as an expert on something you don’t do and potentially stealing an opportunity from somebody who may have been inspired to write about it if it weren’t for your article. Please stop that. That’s all I’m asking. 4/8
Collaboration is key. If you are going to write about racial inequities, partner with people of color who experience or are working to dismantle them. If you are going to write about rural populations, partner with providers who work in those communities. 5/8
If you are going to have a panel about racism in academia, include Black women who are most likely to experience overt/covert aggression and hostility within our medical systems. Despite my intersectional identities, I can’t provide you the perspective they bring. 6/8
If you are going to write about transhealth, please try to include members of the GLBTQI community in your scholarship. 7/8
If you are going to write about interpreter services, for the love of God, please include the interpreters who give their time— often times for free, to ensure that our patients receive adequate culturally appropriate care. Thanks for listening. 8/8 #MedTwitter
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That Asians are often considered the “model minority” by white people doesn’t mean we should perpetuate this message or that they are. Read: this is a STEREOTYPE. This myth: 1) contributes high suicidality among young AA women by promoting unrealistic expectations of 🧵1/
success that foster feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness (plenty of research to support this), 2) allows racism against Asians to be normalized by preventing them from talking about racism and by downplaying its significance/impact, 2/
3) is often used as an oppressive tool against Black people to perpetuate white supremacy (“if white supremacy is as bad as you say it is, then why are Asians able to succeed?”) 4) perpetuates the false narrative that Black/Latinx people are lazy, violent, loud, 3/
Did you know that at 3 mo, babies look more at faces that match the race of their caregivers? That children as young as 2 use race to make sense of people’s behaviors? That by 30 months, most children use race to choose playmates? 🧵
2/6 Did you know that expressions of racism often peak at age 4 and 5? And that by age 5, Black and Latinx children show no preference toward their own racial/ethnic groups, whereas white children at this age remain strongly biased in favor of whiteness?
3/6 Did you know that talking to kids about race and interracial friendships can improve their racial attitudes in as little as a single week?
No, no you probably didn’t. And neither did I and I’m a pediatrician. I didn’t know until I explicitly looked it up bc it’s important.