Dear Virtual Friends, This is a special message for you. I want you to know how very important you are. Somebody once told me you are superheroes, and they’re right! You are! Superheroes have special powers, and so do you.
Do you know you are the very first in the whole entire world to ever learn the way you’re learning?? And because you’re staying virtual, you get to keep blazing the trail of how to get smarter even without the school building! Know who else does that? Spider-Man!
Spider-Man still goes to school, except for when he can’t because he’s saving the world. Just like you, he has to figure out how to get smarter without being in a school building. And just like you, he’s doing it!
Now there are friends who are also superheroes, and they’re superheroes in a different way. For all kinds of reasons, some of them are coming back inside the school to figure out how to learn at home some and at school some.
They are also trying something new that nobody ever ever has done before. It might be weird to see those superheroes at school while you’re doing your important superhero work at home. Guess what, they can’t do it without you.
We need you to keep on with your mission. Keep figuring out better and better ways to get smarter even when you’re not in school - you’re doing it! We need ALL of you, because kindergarten learning is different from 4th grade learning, which is different from 6th grade learning
And I have another mission for you because you’ve done so well with the first one. Kind of like a PBL, this mission starts with a question: How do we stay an inclusive Cardinal community when we’re learning in different places?
Or, how do we show our Cardinal Pride by caring for each other when we’re not all in the same place?
Superheroes, your mission is clear. We cannot do this without you. You are brave, you are risk takers, you noodle things through and figure out new and better ways to do things. Put your superpowers to the test and help make sure we are #OneSchool#OneCommunity.
I am proud of you. I love you. Good luck on your mission. #CardinalsUnite
Dear families, this time is challenging, so very challenging. First, thank you for your feedback on how things are going for your children w/ #ConnectedLearning. I love when you copy me on happy emails to teachers! It lets @CPES_AP & me join in the celebration!
Let me take a moment and thank YOU - after all, we’re partners in this. You, friends, are amazing! 100% of you have ensured we are connected with your children. You share constructive feedback w/ teachers so we can adjust this new way of teaching to meet your child’s needs.
Whether your child is at your home all day, at a friend’s home, or at childcare, it doesn’t matter - you have made this work for your children! Thank you!!
“Hi Superstar 2nd grade teachers 🙂I just want to say thanks for all of your efforts to make the first few days for the kiddos a success. I can’t imagine how challenging this must be for you!!...”
“I was just thinking how grateful I am to FCPS, CPES, and the teachers as K and 2nd are going so well! ... Thanks to you and your staff for all of the hard work you put in - I see it paying off!”
“My kids are doing well so far. I’m SUPER impressed with 1st grade... All in all, it’s been a successful 2 days!” 3/
What to Expect When You're Expecting to Learn Virtually: The First Two Weeks
(A Guide for Parents and Students)
There’s no question we are diving into a different way of learning soon, which might bring on nerves or even apprehension for what’s to come. Here’s a look ahead 1/
with tips to let you know what you can expect the first two weeks of #ConnectedLearning at Cunningham Park. When we all know what’s going to happen, then we’ll all be ready for a great start! 2/
Every day, set the stage for a full day of learning. Students, this is your job. Just like adults have jobs we take seriously and do our best, school and learning is your job. Be ready! (By the way, grown-up jobs are fun for us too - we laugh a lot while we work, 3/
Hey Cardinal families, have you checked out the email sent by Superintendent Brabrand this morning? Wondering what it means for CPES specifically? I’ll email you tomorrow w/ info and answers we’ve gathered for many of the questions you submitted to me. 1/
Mark your calendars for next Tuesday evening’s virtual PTA meeting @ 7pm via Zoom. Jenna White has the right message on how to parent through this pandemic with our sanity intact! We’ve got this! 2/
And finally, @CPES_AP and I would like to get together with you again to connect and look into questions have now arisen since the last time we talked. Let’s have a virtual tea next Thursday evening (8/13) @ 5:00pm. We’ll send details in the days ahead. 3/
Dear Friends, As I watch tonight’s School Board meeting still in progress, a few thoughts come to mind: we are #OneSchool always, whether we are on-campus or virtual on Sept 8th, we are #Connected 1/
This fall is not a matter of school being “open” or “closed,” no matter how this meeting ends, schools *open* in the fall, and we can’t wait! 2/
As soon as we receive final direction from @FCPSSupt, we are ready to hit the ground running and get concrete plans in place that we will share with you asap 3/
Hey parents, our choice is two days away. Listen, ALL the choices we’ve had to make since we’ve had children have been like 100% harder than pre-kid because there are young beings involved now. Look how well you’ve done so far! Your kiddos are great! And here’s the what 1/
No matter the choice you make, your children are going to grow. They will grow in realizing there is more than one way to learn. They will grow in understanding what’s right for one person might be different than for another person, and that’s totally fine. 2/
They’ll grow because no matter what choice you make, you are amazing parents, and you will NOT let it turn into a catastrophe. You won’t. You haven’t yet, and you won’t now. You have a stellar staff of teachers and specialists working with you. And we are committed. 3/