1/There's a lot of chatter about the safety of schools opening.
Here's a thread on why I think it's safe.
Decreasing #COVID19 cases despite schools being open throughout the country.
2/ Schools have not been the primary sources of outbreaks:
From COVID-19.ontario.ca
3/Children, specifically those under 10, do not seem to be a major vector of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) transmission nejm.org/doi/full/10.10…
12/ Ultimately, I feel school should be an essential service. I want to commend our teachers for the amazing work they've been doing to keep our kids safe. We need you more than ever: cbc.ca/news/canada/to…
13/ Last thing, in #YOW, prior to the latest lockdown, our schools were doing fine. No reason to think this won't continue with low community spread, inc in vaccinations and better access to testing.