@DerWouter Per @SollenbergerRC for Salon, Cleta Mitchell replaced the Foley & Lardner PAC treasurer w Chris Marston, a regular on the 501c4/PAC treasurer circuit & whose work is generally substandard.... salon.com/2021/02/23/one…
...Chris Marston is currently the treasurer of 228 campaign committees per the FEC....
...I don't know if you remember but Chris Marston prepared the 990s for Shining City, a questionable 501c4 which at one point was led by Aryeh Lightstone who went on to Ambassador David Friedman's right hand man in Israel...
Been awhile since I looked at 990s filed by Matt Schlapp's American Conservative Union. The most recent one available is for the year ended March 31 '19. Here's a few screenshots. First is the cover page....
...ACU Chairman Matt Schlapp doesn't take a salary but some of the other employees are handsomely paid. (I'm sure benefits in other ways)...
....Matt Schlapp's American Conservative Union shells out relatively big $$$ to independent contractors....
Here's what I know as fact re what Ted Cruz's Jobs, Freedom & Security PAC reported to the FEC. The Cruz PAC reported a total of $758k in individual contributions in Jan '21 of which $648k reportedly came from unitemized contributions. Compare to the '19-'20 election cycle....
...Unlike in '20, WinRed recorded a memo transaction to record $767k in contributions to the Cruz PAC on Jan 12 '20 which I think means no cash changed hands. In '20, the Cruz PAC recorded every individual contribution....
..Between Jan '19 & Dec '20, the Cruz PAC paid WinRed a total of $12k in "credit card merchant fees." In Jan '21, the PAC paid $615k to WinRed for "credit card merchant fees" in a lump sum on Jan '12 '21, the same day the $767k receipt was recorded...
Something funny appears to be going on w Senator Ted Cruz's leadership PAC, Jobs Freedom & Security, re more than $1.4 million paid to Reagan Investments LLC w a virtual office address in Austin TX.....
...As noted above, yesterday @CREWcrew tweeted about Cruz's leadership PAC paying $240k to Cruz's leadership PAC but I can't access the PAC's disbursements on the FEC website today & the $240k payment is missing from a search for "Reagan Investments"......
..Not jumping to a conclusion re details of Cruz's PAC's Jan '21 disbursements unavailable but when I searched "Reagan Investments LLC", the $240k payment CREW ref'd isn't listed. Did Ted Cruz pay $1.2 million or $1.45 million to Reagan Investments LLC? ....
@DerWouter Speaking of Roger Stone's pals, Paul Rolf & Pamela Jensen, Pamela registered a super PAC on Oct 2 '20 named Miami-Dade Jewish Alliance For Positive Leadership using her Costa Mesa CA address & two different email addresses.....
...The link to the Jensen law firm's website, jensenlawyers.com, is dead & leads to an "account past due" notice. Still available in the internet archive....
...The other email address, jwilliams@ymprealestate.com, is linked to the PAC's only donor, YMP Vision, owned by Miami developer, Moshe Popack & his wife, Yaffa. Popack donated $34k on Oct 6 '20..... therealdeal.com/miami/2019/12/…
Chanel Rion's husband, Courtland Sykes, is the DHS liaison to Congress & a long time friend & associate of Jeffrey T. Hughes. Hughes is Rudy's comm director, Christianne Allen's long time boyfriend. Both Hughes & Sykes are veterans & worked in intel...
Courtland Sykes LinkedIn profile. Might be worthwhile for a member of Congress or LE to interview Mr Sykes about communications w the Capitol police, members of Congress, Rudy, Jeff Hughes, Chanel Rion....
...Courtland Sykes is a big fan of "Cory Mills" who appeared on Steve Bannon's War Room Epidemic show a couple of weeks ago...
As noted earlier, the DC US Attorney filed a lawsuit yesterday charging Michael Pack, Trump appointed US Agency for Global Media CEO, w illegally funneling millions from his not-for-profit 501(c)(3) to his for-profit film making company over a decade.... courthousenews.com/trump-appointe…
...I don't know how I missed this Sept '19 CNBC by @schwartzbCNBC about Michael Pack, Public Media Lab & Manifold Productions. How Michael Pack was confirmed is a mystery... cnbc.com/2019/09/20/tru…
..Correction: The DC Attorney General, which is a "state" official (DC is a semi-autonomous federal territory with limited self-governance), filed the lawsuit...