The anti-China "left" is having a hard time coping with the fact that their favourite bit of "Marxist" atrocity porn, "Spirit Breaking" at ChuangCN, was repurposed Falun Gong propaganda written by a Kissinger Institute agent using an alias.
I liked this post because it reveals the depth of their racism.
This toad believes that China would ineptly publish unedited government statistics that expose their otherwise super-secret genocide, but some doughy white careerist ghoul being lazy is just not realistic.
Byler is literally just a redwashed Adrian Zenz. Even under his "Adam Hunerven" alias he cites Adrian Zenz extensively.
Ultras really went and lifted their China understanding from this dude just because he used wounded instead of jingoistic language.
Notice how they think that the CIA just wouldn't bother with an "obscure leftist journal" even though they have a history of doing just that.
It's because the CIA has a better understanding of the danger of an unified anti-imperialist left than these self-hating "leftists."
Any hack who has ever accused their opposition of "stanning state capitalist regimes just because they have a red flag" was really projecting their own vice of falling for any CIA agent that claims to be a "pure Marxist."
Exposing blatant ops is now "fedjacketing" apparently. 😂
"Byler, writing under a fake name, wasn't citing VoC fabulist Zenz for his genocide propaganda, he was citing him for his police-state propaganda!! Nothing to see here folks!!"
ChuangCN reader: Accusations of exotic cruel Chinese culinary consumerism effecting disease are not unheard of. Whatever the truth, it buries the underlying brutal reality of terror state capitalism in China. 🧐
Thinking about how "celebrity left" pigs like Don Hughes close ranks to defend their buddy Matt Bruenig's racism.
So many "you just don't get it he's doing a bit" responses... 😂
It's literally Jon Stewart/South Park all over again.
First as farce then, also, as farce. Garbage then, garbage now.
This is the same scene that insists that there's absolutely nothing wrong with gorging on Marvel movies, and that if you treat them seriously as military propaganda you're some kind of tryhard wokescold.
I need people to understand that it's no hyperbole to state that the vast majority of "Marxist Academics" in the West are simply paid to produce anti-communist propaganda and make up stuff like this Deng "quote."
It's not an edgy statement, it's a viable really-existing career.
ChuangCN writes about "the slaughterhouse called capitalism" while publishing a Kissinger Institute Fellow.
Jacobin publishes this nerd who literally drills his students to hate Stalin and China, tells them not to read Marx directly, and recommends they read instead him and a guy who got a medal from the NED.
Western academics have kidnapped Marx and made him so goddamn boring. And largely erased Engels.
They're all deformed by their hardcore anti-Stalinism and anti-communism.
Unless you challenge their readings, it's hard to see how such writings ever triggered a revolution.
Engels: "If mankind, by dint of science and its inventive genius, has bent the forces of nature to its will, the latter avenge themselves by subjecting humanity, insofar as it employs them, to a true despotism independent of all social organisation."
Marx: "It is not individuals who are set free by free competition; it is, rather, capital which is set free."
I've heard people endlessly complain about cebrity culture, the worthlesness of being on social media, etc.
Along comes one bluecheck with some decent positions and everyone's like "he's the biggest asset we've ever had, you don't understand His plan."
The demands seem to be:
1) be grateful that a famous person echoed some of your work 2) be content with any partial understanding 3) be tolerant of repeated trashing of book clubs (which is how the research got done in the first place)
I disagree on all counts, of course.
I've always been diplomatic when disagreeing with Q/Andray, and this is how he lashed out last time I called out his unprompted mocking of book clubs.
Didn't see anyone demand he calm down or anything.