Jordan Walton was murdered by APD on February 10th. Before Jordan’s murder, his family contacted law enforcement and the mental health crisis hotline to make them aware that Jordan was experiencing a bipolar episode, that he was schizophrenic & that they were concerned for him.
During the alleged standoff between APD and Jordan, Austin Police Department spoke to Jordan’s mother extensively. She shared *again* that Jordan was experiencing a mental health crisis.
This did not change APD’s response to Jordan or the situation, as far as they’ve reported or as far as we know. Jordan’s dad showed up at the scene of the supposed stand-off. He also shared that Jordan was experiencing a mental health crisis. Nothing changed.
Once they’d shot and killed Jordan, Austin Police Department refused to confirm to Jordan’s parents that it was, indeed, Jordan that they had killed. In fact, Jordan’s parents had to file a missing person’s report just to confirm that he was dead.
It took three days for APD to respond to the missing person’s report.
To this day, 21 days later, APD has not taken a meeting with Jordan’s family, despite their requests. Jordan’s mother would not hear from the department again until February 25th, when a detective reached out to her to “confirm Jordan’s mental health status.”
Today, a reporter came to visit Jordan’s Place, Orisha Land. The reporter shared that Austin Police Department has still-21 days later-not released Jordan’s name to the media. They have not released body cam footage.
They have not released a ballistics report, though they claim that Jordan fired shots. They have not produced proof that Jordan had a weapon. It’s been radio silent in response to media requests for more information.
During the winter storm, while canvassing the neighborhood in which Jordan was murdered, a resident shared that he witnessed APD throw a stun grenade before fatally shooting Jordan. If this is true, there’s absolutely no justification for shooting Jordan.
This was not reported by the police when they detailed the incident the night of February 10th. The resident also shared that the police have been dishonest about Jordan’s relationship to the people whose home he was in when shot.
Finally, two days after Jordan Walton was shot and killed, Brian Manley resigned from Austin Police Department. Manley was at the scene of the “stand off.”
None of this is normal. The community should be seeking answers. Both for Jordan’s family and for ourselves.
If APD did nothing wrong and everything was as they initially reported, they should have no issue releasing body cam footage, releasing 911 calls, releasing ballistic reports, and naming names. But they’ve yet to do that. 21 days later.
400+1 has distributed over 300 meals, redistributed reparations to 115 families, and housed 14 people. We directed traffic where lights failed to function and delivered water where The City had none to offer.
Each time we showed up, each time we offered support, we communicated to those receiving the help that this was not charity. That, in fact, this was an opportunity for them to recognize the failure of both capitalism and the state and to reject them.
Each time we gave something away, we asked for something in return: investment in revolutionary struggle.