antony blinken, biden's lackey, said he is opposed to the international criminal court investigating "the palestinian situation" bc it is "unfair". here's norman finkelstein explaining what "the palestinian situation" includes: the poisoning of the water supply and soil in gaza
as norman notes, harvard university's sara roy, one of the world's leading scholarly experts on gaza, has said that palestinian children are being slowly poisoned by the water supply and soil they live on. this is but one example of the brutality of the israeli apartheid regime
"israel is poisoning one million children in gaza". this is what biden's secretary of state antony blinken says shouldn't be investigated by the international criminal court. this is what he dismissively refers to as "the palestinian situation". this is how depraved they are
see also this harrowing account by sara roy of one of her visits to gaza. this is why I will never stop talking about palestine. it is, as is shown over and over again, the litmus test
here's the punchline to this tweet: that sabrina miller person that bari weiss is praising has started a campaign to get a professor at her university fired for his political views. guess what those views are? yup, he's pro-palestine. remember, bari HATES "cancel culture". LMAO
btw that professor's name is david miller, and you should all support him and ensure his FREEDOM OF SPEECH, which bari weiss doesn't actually give a fuck about bc she's a shameless grifter, is safeguarded. read more about sabrina miller's witch-hunt here:…
it's of course entirely unsurprising that bari weiss is shamelessly promoting a person who is right now trying to get a professor fired and is only known for doing that very thing. because bari sees a reflection of herself in her as detailed in this piece:…
liberals love to memory-hole the fact that colin kaepernick was doubly "cancelled": once by conservatives w/ backing from establishment liberals like obama and ruth bader ginsburg, and a second time by liberal freaks when he wore a malcolm x/castro shirt and became "too radical"
the liberal professional media class meltdown over colin kaepernick wearing the malcolm x/castro shirt and praising castro was relentless, but instead of bowing to their deranged hectoring he maintained his core beliefs
for more details on the historic meeting between malcolm x and castro see this thread
what in the actual fuck is this shit? why are sam seder and emma vigeland just outright fucking lying to defend biden? it wasn't just tara reade. her accusation was the most serious one, but there were 6 others. WTF are you doing
the quickness with which biden's long history of sexual harassment and assault has been memory-holed even by so-called "progressives" reveals how effective the professional media class has been in running defense for him. btw, these 7 are the knowns ones. there are others too
this thread provides further details, and pay particular attention to the first article, where biden's sexual harassment is spoken of as it were common knowledge among reporters *in 2008*
on this anniversary of brother malcolm x's assassination let us honor him by not letting him be turned into a harmless icon by those who vilified and smeared him endlessly in life. he was and always remained a revolutionary. THREAD WITH CLIPS
this was malcolm's response when cops shot and killed an unarmed black man, and it resonates to this day
also as true today as when malcolm said it decades ago
lib "critiques" of marxist thinkers are the most asinine, trite shit imaginable. all they do is ostentatiously pearl-clutch about the fact that they dare criticize the limitations of bourgeois, purely formal rights, and seek to transcend them by any means available and necessary
"omg did you know lenin said democracy under capitalism is always an illusion and for a genuine democracy to exist capitalism has to be overthrown" yes fuck off boomer bitch
see this thread for more on the concept of revolutionary violence as a defensive measure against the violence of the capitalist status quo, which is normalized and legitimized by liberal hacks