Parents are getting used to the shaming from elected leaders: Kudos to these Lexington parents for speaking up when *elected* School Comm member @kathleenlenihan publicly mocks them.
This is why we applaud 👏 @MASchoolsK12 disrupting local control
This, folks, is what us parents are getting used to dealing with from @MASCSchoolComm elected leaders ‼️
Simply because we are vocalizing that our children need to be prioritized and that any semblance of routine and in-person schooling is sorely needed. Shameful! #openschools
We are used to it, but it doesn’t make it OK. THIS is why @MASchoolsK12 needed to step in to help our CHILDREN
No, no @lexingtonsuper this is not professional, and more importantly this is why local leaders can’t lament the loss of local control when no one stepped in to curb this combative view of parents/children by local leaders. Thank you @MASchoolsK12 for helping our STUDENTS (/end)
Bargain for labor all you want but @massteacher PLEASE for the love of all things STOP telling us that you’re doing this for the students. You must not have heard the very concerning calls from doctors to re-open schools for these STUDENTS who so badly need it. (1/n)
In case you missed it @massteacher, some quotes from the folks who really are standing up for students ⬇️
At @MASchoolsK12 mtg: Commissioner @JeffreyCRiley discusses a provisionally accepted study by interdisciplinary group of doctors in a top infectious disease journal: "The effectiveness of 3- vs. 6-feet of distancing for controlling the spread of covid-19 among students and staff"
The study compared 194 MA districts operating at 6 feet with 49 MA districts at 3-feet from Sept to January, with all other mitigation in place, concludes: "there was not a higher case rate of COVID-19 in either students OR staff based on the difference in spacing." #openschools