7/Anyway, the relief bill mostly isn't about fiscal stimulus. BUT, it's projected to get us back to our pre-pandemic growth trend anyway.
8/This is a lot better than Obama's stimulus, which was only maybe a quarter as big as the money we've now spent on COVID relief.
We didn't make the same mistake this time. We went big!
9/So how did Biden get so many good things through a somewhat hostile Congress?
Well, @csilverandgold has a good theory. Basically, Biden did so many things at once that conservatives didn't know which things to focus opposition on!
I think they'll try for a minimum wage hike later this year. But since it'll be subject to filibuster, I sadly think they'll end up compromising and going with something lower than $15...
12/But the real fun begins when we get another budget reconciliation bill next fiscal year! Then we can do INVESTMENT AND INFRASTRUCTURE!!
15/If Biden can bring back the era of big government investment AND create a new welfare state of mostly-unconditional cash benefits...his presidency will go down in history as a truly transformative one.
2/Biden's relief bill has no less than FIVE major cash benefit programs ($1400 checks, Pandemic UI, rental assistance, health care assistance, and the child tax credit).
3/When I was a kid, everyone was worried about welfare dependency and poor people being paid not to work. Workfare thus became the most popular approach.
1/In this @bopinion post, I talk about how the pandemic might change our view of the software industry's productivity and value -- and more importantly, how it might make the software industry more productive and valuable in reality!
I was always hoping for Twitter to turn into a giant flame war between partisans of Golden Grahams and Cinnamon Toast Crunch, but it hasn't happened yet
1/Today's @bopinion post is about how Clubhouse, Substack, TikTok, and other new social media are helping move public discussion away from Twitter, and in doing so are helping to build a better Internet.
The fact that this is happening in one of the most liberal Canadian cities makes me think that this wave of hate crimes isn't mainly due to Trump or to any sort of Asian-Black tensions, but is just a sort of self-sustaining meme. Which is pretty terrifying...
My working hypothesis is that this meme was kicked off by a general worldwide surge of negative opinion toward China (probably over COVID), of which Trump's rhetoric was just one manifestation. And after attacks on Asians started being reported on, copycats swarmed.