If Cy Vance wants to, I'm sure he could put additional pressure on Trump Org employees to cooperate. Eg on her '17 OGE report, Lynne Patton declared a substantial portion of her income in '16 was derived from the use of Trump facilities which I doubt was taxed...
...Screenshot of Lynne Patton's OGE report. Part of her $106k income from Trump Org came from golf memberships etc. The fact that her income was only $106k including the employee bennies is a telltale sign of her real status in the company....
...Admittedly, I was angry that Lynne Patton, a self-acknowledged lifelong cocaine addict & chronic liar, held an important position at HUD overseeing billions of dollars of federal spending....
...I was flabbergasted when Lynne Patton wasn't fired on the spot for this Jan '19 FB post about convos w Michael cohen after he was indicted & bragged about knowing the most intimate details of the Trump family's personal lives...
...I thought the combination of Lynne Patton's drug addiction, her indiscretion & her long time boyfriend, Andrew Hayduk's financial problems, she was a security risk but apparently I was the only one who thought so...
After reading this WP article re two companies, Arsenal Media Group & Olympic Media, gouging first time political candidates, I compiled a list of all of the payments made to both firms in this election cycle per FEC records... washingtonpost.com/local/md-polit…
...Olympic Media took in $11.8m, $3.8m of which came from the We Are Great Again PAC. When I saw Chris Marston was the treasurer, I suspected it wasn't on the up & up & I was right. Not one dime of the $4.5m raised in the '19-'20 cycle went to support or oppose a candidate...
...The We Are Great Again PAC website is no longer accessible but the latest version in the archives shows GOP operative, @EdBrookover, as chairman. I'd really like to hear Mr. Brookover justify raking in $4.5m in small donations & spending the entire amount on admin costs....
WinRed, the GOP's answer to ActBlue, still hasn't filed a January '21 report w the FEC. Other campaign committees managed by treasurer, Ben Otthenhoff & his partner, Caleb Crosby, have though. List of committees they managed in the '19-'20 election cycle....
...Julie Dozier & Janna Rutland are friends/relatives of Caleb Crosby who all live in a Birmingham AL suburb. Neither Dozier or Rutland is a lawyer or a CPA. First came across Dozier's name in connection w Rick Scott's New Republican PAC....
...Odd. The Peachtree PAC, registered w the FEC on Nov 6 '20, hasn't filed a statement of organization yet although Julie Dozier, treasurer, filed a Filing Frequency Notice on Nov 9 '20. Peachtree PAC contributions totaled $38m in Dec '20, all from the Senate Leadership Fund....
Been awhile since I looked at 990s filed by Matt Schlapp's American Conservative Union. The most recent one available is for the year ended March 31 '19. Here's a few screenshots. First is the cover page....
...ACU Chairman Matt Schlapp doesn't take a salary but some of the other employees are handsomely paid. (I'm sure benefits in other ways)...
....Matt Schlapp's American Conservative Union shells out relatively big $$$ to independent contractors....
@DerWouter Per @SollenbergerRC for Salon, Cleta Mitchell replaced the Foley & Lardner PAC treasurer w Chris Marston, a regular on the 501c4/PAC treasurer circuit & whose work is generally substandard.... salon.com/2021/02/23/one…
...Chris Marston is currently the treasurer of 228 campaign committees per the FEC....
...I don't know if you remember but Chris Marston prepared the 990s for Shining City, a questionable 501c4 which at one point was led by Aryeh Lightstone who went on to Ambassador David Friedman's right hand man in Israel...
Here's what I know as fact re what Ted Cruz's Jobs, Freedom & Security PAC reported to the FEC. The Cruz PAC reported a total of $758k in individual contributions in Jan '21 of which $648k reportedly came from unitemized contributions. Compare to the '19-'20 election cycle....
...Unlike in '20, WinRed recorded a memo transaction to record $767k in contributions to the Cruz PAC on Jan 12 '20 which I think means no cash changed hands. In '20, the Cruz PAC recorded every individual contribution....
..Between Jan '19 & Dec '20, the Cruz PAC paid WinRed a total of $12k in "credit card merchant fees." In Jan '21, the PAC paid $615k to WinRed for "credit card merchant fees" in a lump sum on Jan '12 '21, the same day the $767k receipt was recorded...
Something funny appears to be going on w Senator Ted Cruz's leadership PAC, Jobs Freedom & Security, re more than $1.4 million paid to Reagan Investments LLC w a virtual office address in Austin TX.....
...As noted above, yesterday @CREWcrew tweeted about Cruz's leadership PAC paying $240k to Cruz's leadership PAC but I can't access the PAC's disbursements on the FEC website today & the $240k payment is missing from a search for "Reagan Investments"......
..Not jumping to a conclusion re details of Cruz's PAC's Jan '21 disbursements unavailable but when I searched "Reagan Investments LLC", the $240k payment CREW ref'd isn't listed. Did Ted Cruz pay $1.2 million or $1.45 million to Reagan Investments LLC? ....