“‘You don’t behave enough like staff,’ I was told derisively by the tenured professor who was then my supervisor.” A devastating and important read by @readywriting. chronicle.com/article/stop-i…
In my last admin role, the staff on my team were treated in deeply problematic and patronizing ways. (Lee was on that team. Her voice matters.) I saw, not only what was said about them and about me (also staff), but heard some of what got said about them behind their backs.
I remember far too many meetings where I had to relay the contents of those conversations to the members of my team. It was devastating to morale and did direct harm to even the very positive relationships we had with many faculty.
At that institution, the faculty/staff divide was a deep trench. I was once told by the provost in front of a room of other administrators and faculty members that I “spoke too much like faculty.”
When I was asked to collaborate with a faculty member on a major reorg of the teaching center, the provost pitted us against each other, literally telling the faculty member to be “hard on me.” When I subsequently felt bullied, the provost didn’t follow up on the situation.
When I considered filing a grievance, I was told the grievance board would be made up entirely of faculty and that a staff member had never filed a grievance against a faculty member. A draft of the grievance still sits in my HR file.
Questions were regularly raised about why the staff members on my team were teaching, instead of “doing their real jobs.” The members of my team had over 60 years of collective teaching experience among us.
Staff on my team were regularly left out of conversations, even around initiatives that they originated.
I was told by a faculty member that I should be “ideologically neutral,” that my role was to serve faculty, not to have or express my own ideas about teaching and learning.
The members of my team were accused of “padding our CVs” if we published, and when I made research a large part of their job descriptions, I was told it wasn’t appropriate to give staff time for research when their job was to serve faculty.
I was told busy faculty would resent us for having time to do research. The members of my team were prolific technologists, teachers, scholars, while also being brilliant faculty consultants and collaborators.
As I wrote in a piece for the AAUP, I was told by institutional leadership that “a teaching center should be like a cafeteria,” a service unit, a one-stop shop for “basic, remedial help.” aaup.org/article/human-…
I sat in one meeting where an associate provost asked to see the job description of a senior member of my staff, someone with over 20 years of experience in the field, because they were (like me) resistant to the idea that a teaching center is merely a “service unit.”
I’ve argued in much of my writing and talks how important collaboration is to the work of education. So many of the staff at an educational institution are also teachers, teaching teachers, and working directly with students to advance the educational mission of the institution.
Instructional designers are teachers. Student support staff are teachers. Advisors are teachers. Librarians are teachers. RAs are teachers. And so often students are teachers. This work needs to be recognized and valorized.
Faculty developers are teachers. Writing center staff are teachers. Student tutors are teachers. Tutoring center directors are teachers. Disability resources staff are teachers. I could go on.
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Educational institutions are incredibly attached to the power they hold over students. Sadly, some teachers are also incredibly attached to that power. So much of the student experience of education crashes upon the rocks of their own systemic disempowerment.
In response to my student advocacy, I’ve been told I’m “pandering,” “naive,” “teacher-shaming,” that faculty development should be “ideologically neutral.” I’ve been called a “gumdrop unicorn” and worse. Because of my calls for compassionate pedagogies, I’ve been bullied myself.
In the last year, I’ve watched educational institutions make decisions that leave students flailing, all without adequately consulting those students about what they need to be successful — what they need to be safe.
In the last week, I played marathon sessions of The Last of Us and The Last of Us II. I usually play/finish about one video game per year. I finished two in the last week. If catharsis helps you deal with trauma (it does help me), these are two of the best games ever made.
But they are also incredibly heartbreaking, violent, and disturbing, from the very first moments. I cried several times, just short of sobbing at one point. I used to regularly write about horror (alongside and intermingling with pedagogy). These games made me miss that work.
One of the strengths of the horror genre is its ability to deal directly with issues that would be taboo in other genres. Politics, race, religion, gender, sexuality, grief, loss. All of those are in The Last of Us with an incredible nuance I’ve not seen in other games.
“Proctorio requested retraction of an article by Shea Swauger critical of algorithmic proctoring in the peer-reviewed journal @HybridPed. When the journal refused, Proctorio CEO Mike Olsen and the journal’s editor, Jesse Stommel, got into a Twitter spat.” vice.com/en/article/7k9…
Thoughts drawn from threads referenced here. For many reasons, it’s nearly impossible to publicly critique edtech companies without repercussions. As I’ve said before, these companies deliberately market themselves to the least knowledgeable, most powerful people at institutions.
The monetization strategies for most edtech companies aim for university-wide adoption. When an institution requires all its teachers/students to use a particular tool, they create an environment that inhibits or silences critics.
My thoughts from this new @timeshighered piece: “We need to trust students to be partners in shaping the future of their own education. This means we can’t begin with the belief that our job is to rank them against one another or police their learning.” timeshighereducation.com/opinion/teachi…
More of my thoughts from the interview:
We need to carefully examine our approaches to grading, marking, and assessment. So much of our system is mired in one skewed approach to assessment, which focuses on quantitative, standardized, and supposedly objective marks.
There is very little wiggle room for teachers to challenge the systems for assessment in higher education and very little relief for marginalized students who are not well-served by these systems.
If your college or university’s re-opening plans are being delayed or cancelled at the last minute, now is the time to reaffirm your commitment to compassionate grading policies.
If you think students will not do the work without grades, ask yourself who education is for (and who it should be for). You can also ask other teachers who don’t grade whether students keep doing the work. (They do.)
If you think students need grades (for graduate/medical/law school applications, to show employers, or for their GPAs), consider that there are many institutions that don’t have grades. And their graduates still get jobs, go to graduate school, etc.
I‘d say it’s too late to really plan for Fall at this point. Most colleges and universities are looking at another round of emergency remote teaching. Right now, I’m gonna encourage every single teacher and institution to start planning and preparing for Spring.
Stop investing in Purell stations, Webcams, and Zoom contracts. Invest in faculty development. And not best practices or Q&A processes. Rely on experts in higher education pedagogy and create spaces for your faculty to have meaningful conversations about teaching and learning.
You don’t need to hire faculty in higher education pedagogy right now (but when you can, you should). Look to those already in your community who have been doing this work for decades. You do not need to reinvent the wheel of online, hybrid, digital, and inclusive pedagogies.