The European Parliament voted today on amendments to the due diligence proposition of the JURI Committee, and swept away some last minutes threats.⬇️
🟩Exclusion of all SMEs: rejected
🟩Passing on due diligence obligations to suppliers: rejected
🟩Restricting the notion of "control" of an undertaking over another (related to civil liability): rejected
🟥Forum necessitatis and proposition to amend Brussels I bis and Rome II : rejected (as expected), but...
🟩Mandatory overriding provisions: adopted
This position on private international law is a not perfect but sends a signal: we know there an issue there that needs solving.
The fact that NO amendments touched upon civil liability (reversal of the burden of proof, adequate limitation periods...) or administrative liability (heavy fines, exclusion of state aid and public procurement...) is a statement to the Commission and Council: this needs to stay.
The final vote on the report as amended should be tomorrow (unless electricity doesn't come back).