Lu_lu💘 Profile picture
10 Mar, 117 tweets, 44 min read
Some thoughts on ep. 62 of #Hercai

You are what u are looking for.
If u aren’t looking for the mansion of life, let it be.
If u are looking for a bite of bread, be bread.
If u are looking for a drop of water, be silent
~ Rumi
If you are after persecution, you are cruel.
If you are looking for love, you are love.
You are whatever your heart is drawn to.
~ Rumi
My praise goes to Ebru and Akin like every week.
I loved Ebru in the dramatic scenes, I loved Ebru in the funny scenes, I loved Ebru the way she was one of the most beautiful and breathtaking brides I ever have seen.
I loved Akin and the way he portrayed M’s emotion on the balcony when he talked about ReyMir’s love. I loved him in the funny scenes, I loved him in his business man scenes.
Overall all ReyMir scene, although the script is weak, are what keeps ppl watching this dizi.
Their scenes and the wedding scenes were once more the proof for me.
And once more also in this episode Ali took out the big guns and showed us the beauty of ReyMir combined with the beauty of nature and Midyat’s surroundings.
Please, please, please get us all the possible outdoor scenes because we love them so much.
R: “In this world, no one should die without experiencing the feeling of love”

Z: “My daughter is pregnant, she needs my help. I will go to my daughter, nothing else matters”

R: “Death is bad for those who regret something, mom. I don’t regret anything”
G: “They say that happy people should be witnesses, so that those who marry are happy.”

M: “They say the Lord doesn’t make two people meet randomly. It’s either a test or love. For us it was a test and love.”
- Why did neither Azra nor D ask why there was a “2nd” wedding? Why was there not little scene/whispering between the 2 afterwards saying: what did M. mean with his words before?

- Why was Azra completely fine dancing with no sad face whatsoever?
° I am still waiting for Esma and Dilsha confrontation… I haven’t forgotten.

° I am honest, as we didn’t get a scene of the trying on of the bridal dresses, I wished at least to see Miran’s reaction when he first saw Reyyan in her dress.
° I wished to see how he put the necklace with the infinity sign on Reyyan.

° I wished to see how he told Reyyan to take off Dilsha’s ring and to wait for a surprise.
° I wished to see Melike at ReyMir’s wedding. I can’t understand how she as THE REYMIR WARRIOR since day 1 was not there. Ok, she is now at Aslanbey konak, but she is still a Shadoglu maid. Hazar/Nashu could have come up with an excuse&say they needed M. for the night.
° I couldn’t enjoy it that much that it was Zeynep to dance along with Reyyan and not Melike. Especially because we had the story of the chickpeas just the episode before in which we saw that Melike was always an important person for Reyyan.
Melike helped them always, she was the one to walk with Reyyan before she left for the 2nd wedding. It was her at the beginning of S3 to help Reyyan meet Miran. She deserved to be there.
I don’t have much to say about this scene only that it confirmed how manipulative Dilsha is and for me to repeat how much Zehra owns my heart.
A: “Who will win and who will lose, we have to find out.”
➡️As we understood by the end of the episode, Azize is working with Azra and Firat against Füsun. I was so relieved that Firat is not betraying Miran at this point.
M: “Mom said very hard words to R., I started to put pressure on her, so it came out. Dad, mom offended Reyyan very much, I don’t know what I’ll do.”
H: “Son, your mom doesn’t hurt R., your mum is not that kind of woman. Azize brought her to such a state.”
M: “I’ll talk to the doctor now, ask about treatment, I’ll ask Azra too.”
➡️I was wondering here why Miran didn’t tell Hazar what exact words Dilsha uttered towards Reyyan.
Didn’t he repeat it because it was difficult for him to pronounce those words said by his own mother directed at the love of his life or because only pronouncing/thinking about it makes him go crazy?
D: “Reyyan protects her at every possibility…. Reyyan thinks I am a bad person, and my son too.”
➡️I didn’t like Hazar’s passiveness at all in all this. Every alarm bell should ring when he heard those words from Dilsha.
Reyyan who gives everyone a chance, always and no matter what, would have something against Dilsha? And why didn’t Hazar go and see Reyyan afterwards, especially if Miran told him how harsh Dilsha was towards Reyyan?
And there goes my hope when I tweeted about how much Hazar could have made it up to Reyyan by standing against Dilsha if she were ever about to attack Reyyan.
M: “Whatever happens, she can’t treat you like this, especially say such words. I will do my best to keep her healthy and you happy, I promise you.” (...) Is it true that this is only about Azize or is there something else btw you two?”
➡️I liked that M. wasn’t blinded by Dilsha’s excuse that she acts this way only because of Azize. But I guess he isn’t pushing R. because he is afraid of her pregnancy. He knows that every kind of stress should be avoided so he leaves it for the sake of not putting+
+ pressure on Reyyan. What he still should pay more attention to is how Reyyan immediately stepped away from Dilsha trying to touch her belly.
Reyyan did this with Sultan when she was cursing her child, so I hope he will start to connect the dots here.
M: “Azra will be your doctor.”
➡️I don’t know why Miran thought it to be a good idea because:
1) this girl is too young and doesn’t have enough experience as a doctor with complicated pregnancies
2) she is a family member and first rule in medical school: you don’t treat your own family members.

3) Ask Reyyan what/who she wants as her doctor, fgs
Zehra: “You can’t forgive Azize because she separated you from your loved one, can you?”
➡️I didn’t like this scene for so many reasons:
1) Hazar not even listening to what Dilsha said to Reyyan in the first place by interrupting Zehra
2) because he was not reassuring Zehra after she uttered these words. Her hurt eyes were so heartbreaking to see. I am also not seeing where they are taking Hazar’s character again … because when Dilsha grabbed his hand he took it away and +
+ patted fatherly on her hand but when Zehra talks about Hazar’s previous relationship with Dilsha he can’t take a clear stand. Off yaa...
Dilsha to herself: “You will become so attached to this mansion with such love that you won’t be able to breath anywhere else.”
➡️The manipulativeness even against her own daughter at this point proved that Dilsha has gone crazy.
As many of you already tweeted the moment Miran spots Reyyan in the basement got us so much museum flashback vibes and I loved it. I loved that we saw Reyyan forming the basement of the vase and I loved the very round shape it had.
It reminded me of the life she is growing inside of her and the shape of her future super round baby belly. I liked the way Reyyan was surprised when Miran said he would like to learn (although we know he did it just to be close to Reyyos).
I liked the way both started giving form to the vase together. I pray we can read this as a metaphorical transition: Reyyan will tell Miran about her condition, and instead of thinking he will not support her decision+
+ he will support her and help her shape the life growing inside of her and her own life the best possible way, come what may.
Azize: “Don’t go live there, Füsun will understand our connection.”
Azra: “The fire inside of me is increasing every day.”
Azize: “She will trust you, will get used to you. You will reveal the truth when she can no longer refuse you.”
➡️I was confused about this last part: “u will reveal the truth when she can no longer refuse u. Is “the truth” that Azize&Azra work together or is there more to Azra that we still don’t know about? Because how can F. be sure that Azra isn’t talking to Azize in the 1st place?
Wasn’t it strange for you to see Yaren and Azra at one table? So Azra sits there with the pregnant widow of her own brother? Does Azra even know she had a half brother that just recently died?
To be honest I don’t understand why we got such a rushed Azat-Gonül wedding and Tansu and Oya leaving that fast. I think their love story, together with the general plot, would have had space to flow and grow nicely with the story.
I didn’t like how Gönül was suddenly threatened by Füsun when she was clearly the one in charge in the Aslaneby konak before. It’s her who accepted H.&Yaren into that mansion and with it also Fü. Ama they are gone by now and these questions won’t be answered anymore.
The thing I loved though: it seemed that the final scene for them was between AzGön and ReyMir, thus, Tansu, Oya, Ebru and Akin shot their very last scene together. To know this makes me happy.
A very important detail in this scene Gönül says that she wishes for them (AzGön) to be as happy as ReyMir are and Azat ads: “you and our nephew will bring us luck.”
Have you seen what was on the bag that Reyyan carried with herself? I bet u didnt't.
Two birds/doves. Thus a pair. Interesting, interesting, interesting... and a big coincidence too.🤔
M: “Let me look after you well. (...) To take a good look at mom, and only then after the baby…”
R: “No, first Umut. He can hear us now, he understands what we are talking about. I know.”
➡️It killed my heart how many times in this episode Miran repeated that Reyyan comes before everything else. That she has to be ok and then everyone else. That she has to be ok and then the baby.
M: “I will do everything so that u have a quiet pregnancy, my angel.”
R: “What is that?”
M: “As the doctor said u are at risk of miscarrige, I … off. We can handle it, nothing will happen. (...) Every morning u will dip your feet in salt water.
And then foot massage. I looked for information, this speeds up the circulation. True, I also know other ways to accelerate blood circulation.”
R: “You and your son will love each other so much.”
M: “But most of all you.”
➡️This scene made me laugh and cry at the same time. Only shameless Miran bey tells Reyyos he knows “other ways to accelerate her blood circulation” in the morning just to hear a few words later that Reyyan is the most valuable person for Miran.
This scene was proof that ReyMir not only can serve us high drama, but also comedy. The way Miran was jealous and the way Reyyan enjoyed the sight of jealous Miran.
She tried so hard not to laugh. I personally laughed so hard at Miran’s “Then I will take classes and be your instructor.”
A: “I am glad to be your doctor.”
R: “I don’t want you as my doctor. I don’t want anyone from the family.” (...)
A: “You have to tell Miran. How can Miran live if something happens to you? You can't take such a load on yourself.”
First of all I have to say that it freaked me out how the scene started. Azra was looking so strangely at Reyyan at first and also for the fact that she had no problem at all being her doctor although she is part of the family.
And I repeat as I said before, she is family, she shouldn't treat her in the 1st place. The scene got better as R. finally got to talk to someone about her condition&I liked A’s words that R. can’t take that load on herself all alone&that she needs to talk to Miran.
Two things that I still can’t get out of my mind in this scene are:
1) The red hand scarf of Azra was shown very predominantly. If Azra will bring “only” good to Reyyan, why was the red color chosen?
Shouldn’t it have been like green or blue or any other color than red… after we already have a history with the red color?
2) Azra saw Reyyan's medical condition. Why didn’t she see though that Reyyan appartently can’t have any other children if she gets an abortion? A professionally done abortion shouldn’t be a risk for future pregnancies.
Why is once Reyyan the problem (dying at birth), once is the baby (she can have no other babies in future)? Why didn’t Azra see any problem that morning when Reyyan and her went for a check-up at the hospital?
Why doesn’t Azra propose another and deeper check-up to be sure about R’s condition? What if all the documents/ultrasounds were false and as the doctor didn’t get R. to have an abortion she flee because Reyyan is only feeling this sick because she is having twins?
As you can see, I still haven't given up on Umut and Yildiz.
Although the scene was heartbreaking, Reyyan crosses two children in this scene: a boy and a girl. This is later repeated when she walks with Miran and stops to take a picture with them on the stairs. Again it’s a boy and a girl.
R: “U won’t love another one after me, will u? U will not look into her eyes as you do in mine. U won’t bury our love in a dusty album, will you? U won’t think that I have never lived, that you have never loved me? (...)
I cannot say these words looking into your eyes. I am dying. I can’t say that, love. Can’t say it.”
This whole scene was a little piece of art by itself. The way the frames were set, the scenery, the ReyMir beauty, the music. Everything was TOP.
And when I said during live tweeting that I couldn’t wait to see which outdoor shots we would get from Ali in this ep.,I wasn’t mistaken. This tweet was so true and aged well😇
There is quite a lot to say about this particular ReyMir scene. First of all we saw ReyMir walking hand in hand all the time (remember always hold my hand and never let go?), we saw Reyyan taking a picture with two children: a boy and a girl (coincidence!?).
We saw ReyMir walking and stopping at a monastery. And let’s think about what places monasteries are? Monasteries are places where prayers are placed, accepted and heard (of course if you believe so). R. said: “u won’t look into someone else's eyes as you do in mine?
You won’t bury our love in a dusty album.”
This can be seen as a sort of question, request and prayer at the same time and I am sure it will be heard because Reyyan won’t die and Miran will always and forever love only Reyyan.
They will live their love&it won’t be forgotten in a dusty album. Another thing I was thinking of in this scene: they go together to a coffee place&M. got balloons for R.. She happily gives one balloon to a boy that keeps it&it can be read as her giving life to Umut.
The other ones she happily sets free later. This scene of Reyyan letting them fly reminded me so much of her wish for flowers not to be cut but letting them bloom on their branches. Another way of saying: let everything and everyone have its own kind of freedom.
She always said she is a bird and she will fly away from her prison with the man who will be her miracle. What if letting those balloons fly was a metaphor for this? Because during the whole time she was with Miran, she was never alone.
What if the flying balloons symbolizes their freedom together (= after all it was/will be Miran who helped her get her freedom) in the future and the different colours of the balloons represent other children they will have?
And as we are talking about balloons and if u missed this tweet
M: “What did we say, we will not let anything be unfinished. Then let’s finish everything. I want to see you in a bridal dress, in a real wedding dress. Will u marry me?” (...) We invite you to our wedding too, my son. We'll dance with u. (...)
We will rewrite all the bad, old memories. To our son, Umut. We will not leave a single moment to catch up. Everything will be as you want it. U will wear a white wedding dress, as clean as our future.”
➡️I think if I haven’t loved Miran so much already, his words here were perfect. I can’t hide though that I wished for a little bridal dress testing. Because I am sure that scene would have added up to the perfection of the surprise.
D: “You [Reyyan] went against me yourself, Reyyan. You destroyed my family to create your own. I will do the same after you, Reyyan.”
➡️So now we put the evil soundtrack that was reserved for Azize also with D’s scenes? Vallah!! I don’t see how it occurs to D. to blame everything on R. And as Zehra rightfully said in the opening scene: “if your problem is Azize, then go to Azize, not to my child.”
M: “I can assure you of her kindness, humanity.”
C: “Since you are so sure, let’s go ask her. He (Miran) also says: I know her. She is your ex-wife. Of course you know her.”
M: “Gönul was my sister. And she remained. Watch what you say.”
➡️I found this reaction very interesting. And I was wondering if Miran’s words “watch what you say” were connected to Gönül’s honor or to Miran “apparently” not touching anyone other than Reyyan as his wife?
Z: “Miran, please watch out for Reyyan, ok? She had a tiring day.”
➡️Zehra’s tears in this scene, her addressing Miran with “son”, and Miran addressing her with “Zehra mother”.
I was waiting so much to see Zehra-Miran bonding happen after M. went and got her back for R. I still see the way Zehra was looking at M. when he whispered back into the phone: “I love u too, very much Reyyan.” I can’t wait for more Feride and Akin scenes, bring it on.
➡️Again the doves on the table are in the same frame while Reyyan writes to Umut. Ok, you can say she has no other place to write, but still.
R: “It turned out that it was not worth exaggerating. Another doctor exaggerated too much.”
D: “You can only deceive my son with this lie, who was blinded by your love, Reyyan.” (...) Even if they don’t leave you, you will just walk away anyway.
It is then that, I, my son, my daughter, my grandson - we will happily live in this house.”
➡️Apart that these words are horrible, what stuck with me were her “Miran who was blinded by your love, Reyyan”.
I was thinking if she said these words to R. bcs after all, she is Hazar’s daughter. In the sense, as father, as daughter, they blinded their lovers. Maybe she was so deceived by Hazar and thinks he never loved her for real that she projects this onto R. with M. too.
Of course no excuse, but Dilsha in fact does not know what ReyMir love went through and this is what ultimately will backfire at her.
Z: “You think so: “I’ll do whatever I want, bcs I am crazy. And no one will scold me.” From now on, I have lost my mind.”
➡️Have I said I love Zehra? Because I truly do!!!
R: “If I see that you are okay, the place where I will sleep is not the earth. (...) If something happens to my child, I'll commit suicide. I will follow him too. I will not hesitate for a minute. I’ll go. In this case, M. will not be able to interfere.”
➡️I think it goes without saying that we were all in tears by Ebru and Feride’s performance here. It was hard to watch, hard to digest and hard to accept. And here I need to say a few things about how Reyyan’s character and how it is written at the moment.
I wished now for two episodes straight that she would tell Miran because he has the right to know. Ok, she needed time first for herself and it’s ultimately her decision to have this child or not, but Miran is the father of this baby and the love of her life.
It is not in Reyyan’s character to just “give up”, it never was. She sacrificed herself many times yes, but never without fighting back. I don’t understand why she so passively accepts her faith. And it can’t be that we get to hear lines like:
"U won’t love another one after me, will u? U will not look into her eyes as you do in mine. U won’t bury our love in a dusty album, will you? that show how much she wants this love to last forever and live for it but then says words like:
“I will go kill myself and Miran can’t stop me”. Although she might fear that Miran will push her to have an abortion, if she tells him she does not want it, she should know by now that Miran will ultimatly accept her decision.
Doesn’t he have the right to cherish the time that is left for the two of them too? Isn't it selfish that she knows it and he does not? I think Reyyan hast the right to be selfish with any other character but not with Miran…
especially because he constantly repeated how important her life is for him and because everything Miran begged for his own life was to be accepted:
he begged Azize for to be his grandmother, mother and father, he later begged Dilsha to his mother, should he now also beg Reyyan to let him be part of this life changing decision?
Z: “What can I do now?”
R: “To become a mother for my child. You can keep a good eye on your grandson. I first give it to the Lord and then I entrust him to Miran and you. Hug him, love him. Become a mom for him, ok? I will not trust Umut to anyone but Miran and you.”
➡️I think we heard these words here because of D’s words in the cliffhanger. Reyyan will not entrust her child to anyone other than M.&Z.. To make Reyyan wake up because she fears that Dilsha will+
+ unite Aslana and Miran after her death was nauseating to me so much and I don’t like that Reyyan seems to fight back only because of this.
Ok, Reyyan sits at the only table in the room, and makes the fotoalbum, the doves are there while she does it.
So, my crazy self can’t not make this comment. Did you have a look at the colours of the wedding decorations? They used green and yellow the most.
Green= umut and yellow= yildiz. Tamam, now I run.
I loved the way Miran did not exactly know what to say at first and how to start. Then Reyyan let her hand slide down to his and he grabbed onto it. Only then he was able to start talking. I loved this detail very much.
I already said how much I loved the detail of Miran asking Reyyan if she wanted to be his wife and Umut’s mother on the bridge because the bridge as a symbol in Hercai is very important. If u want to read more:
First things first, I wished and expected finally to hear an apology from Azize towards R. I think it was masterfully done to blend and mingle the scenes between now and Azize throwing R. in her wedding dress unto the town square+
+and it would have been the perfect opportunity. Some said that this was a way for R. overcoming her trauma but I disagree. I think we can only overcome a trauma and eventually some day even forgive, if first&foremost people apologized to us for their wrong doing.
And this was still not the case in this scene. I rewatched this scene several times and asked myself if this hugging gesture was really about forgiveness as it seemed from the outside or if it was about “enemy alliance”.
I am still not sure if Reyyan’s looking back at Miran and Dilsha was mostly directed at Dilsha. Because we know Reyyan wasn’t “asking” Miran for approval, he nodded of course towards her, but it wasn’t a nod of “permission” but a nodding:
“whatever you do, I support you” kind of nodding. I might be very wrong with my interpretation but I think Reyyan approached and hugged Azize/Ayse because she wanted to go “against” Dilsha. I might be wrong of course. But what does R. have to lose anyway?
She knows Dilsha hates her because of Azize. Why not make Azize her alley at this point? She knows that Azize would do anything for Miran, thus also for her future grandson.
If Reyyan’s plan is to keep her child and Miran safe, it’s better to have Azize “protecting” them rather than trying to get any kind of human sense into crazy Dilsha anyway.
I found it an interesting parallelism of the clothes of when A.(all black) threw R.(all white) unto the square (=completing fully the revenge) in the first wedding and now D. (all black) uttering these kind of threads to R. (all white) at her 3rd wedding.
Azize, like Dilsha now, thought they would eventually break Reyyan, but didn’t take into account Reyyan’s character and ReyMir’s love. And while Azize uttered the words ”dying is not that easy” Dilsha now says “you will help me before dying”.
I am not gonna repeat what everybody has written already. The scenes were at times very randomly cut and the natural flow was missing. And apart from Reyyan and her behaviour being out of character, we had some truly beautiful scenes in this episode.
I read that many wish for this pregnancy to end the fastest possible way, I agree to this but I need Miran to find out about Reyyan’s condition BEFORE she gives birth.
For me all this building up of Reyyan hiding it from Miran must blow up before… I need to see the drama excellence that will come out of it.
If Miran finds out later, it’s very anti-climatic, at least for me. I want to see him struggle with her decision, even getting mad and disappointed, but then I need him to man up and be there for Reyyan.
And that was it: thank you all for reading kizlar🌿💛💚

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3 Mar
Some thoughts on ep. 61 of #Hercai

When love fights for life, it cannot love to the fullest.
The lover who doesn’t give up his life, cannot reach his beloved.
~ Yunus Emre

Ebru and Akın
Like last week my heart cried with Reyyan and this is thanks to Ebru’s performance also in this episode. The way she perfectly shows what a mother is capable of doing for her child really left me speechless once again.
I loved Miran also in this episode and it amazes me how Akın is able to portray Miran as a man who falls in love every day more and more with his wife. What he said: “I fall in love with you every day more and more”, was truly displayed by Akın’s interpretation.
Read 101 tweets
2 Mar
Mini-thread on the recurrent symbol of the BRIDGE in #Hercai ✨✨

#Miran #Reyyan #ReyMir #EbruŞahin #AkınAkınözü
Let’s begin with asking ourselves, what is a bridge in the firsr place? A bridge connects to riversides that would otherwise run parallel to each other for hundreds and hundreds of kilometers but never touch. They would never touch, if they were not connected by a bridge.
Everything important that happened to ReyMir, happened on a bridge, even the first tantim was shot on a bridge.

Read 10 tweets
24 Feb
Some thoughts on ep.60 of #Hercai

Oh dear, I came to die with u
If u are fire, to burn
If u are rain, I will get wet
If you're cold, I came to freeze

Oh, darling
Not for jewels from u, I came to get a smile.
If u die, I die, I came to stay alive.
- Rumi

This episode was owned by the one and only #EbruŞahin everyone. The way E is able to convince me that she is pregnant for real and receiving such life devastating news about having to choose either+
+ between her own life and her child’s life...she got me crying here for real! Incredible to watch Ebru!❤️
Read 121 tweets
17 Feb
Some thoughts on ep.59 of #Hercai
There’s is no hate, my condition is for u.There is not need to speak,my silence is a statement to u.There’s is no need for words, my thirst is speech to u.There’s is no need of words,love is for u
As always my thread starts with my praise. I loved this episode so much and I want to thank Ebru once again for portraying Reyyan: a young woman who has the purest heart although greatest evil was done to her.
For me she will always be the strongest and purest character in Hercai. And I want to thank Akin for portraying Miran: a young man I want to repeatedly hug and slap at the same time. The way he can portray fragileness and anger so perfectly will never stop to amaze me.
Read 101 tweets
10 Feb
Some thoughts on ep. 58 of #Hercai

Souls are not sold at the bazaar of love. I’ll sell my soul, no one else can take it. They give peace because Yunus is dead. Bodies die, but lovers never die.
~ Yunus Emre

My praise goes to the two people who are the reason why this episode carries the number 58 which is nearly 60!
So thank you to Ebru and Akın, always and forever.
Now, let’s get started. 😌
Read 96 tweets

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