thinking this morning about how being reading lots of books from a young age can kinda mean being radicalized to believe that things Should Make Sense, as a social/cultural norm. Ironically I'm not sure if that phrasing itself makes sense, but I'm workshopping an attempt
thinking less about the sense-value of a single set of utterances, but rather about the overall PURSUIT
now thinking about how much of my confusion over the years has been from being in exchanges with people and mistakenly assuming that they too were Trying To Make Sense
people who are not interested in Making Sense will be suspicious of people who are trying to do that
"people who ask questions are suspicious, what agenda do they have"
none of this is new to me but somehow every so often it startles me how I end up missing it in plain sight
just stopped to look at a couple of replies - I think everyone does seek narratives that make sense, true, maybe the distinction I’m looking for is about interrogating those narratives. Some see investigation as play, a duty even. It’s complicated, there’s a spectrum, but
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one of the things that I'm most fascinated about, but don't talk very much about because it can come across as really weird, is class/status markers. I'm scrolling thru someone's instagram right now via an ad, and I "can just tell" that she's lower-middle-class trying to be UMC
I don't think there's anything wrong with that, it's a very human thing to do, to try and signal status. and it probably works reasonably well-enough amongst her peers etc
I would looove to do a sort of detail-by-detail analysis but creating such content seems cursed/unhinged
trying to find a general principle... I think people trying to signal a higher class semi-unsuccessfully tend to fall short by trying too hard.
IMO it's like product placement in branding. there's an insecurity in it, like "make sure they can see the logo!!"
bitcoin has the daily carbon footprint of 57,000 hours of youtube a day? jesus, that sounds like a lot. I wonder what youtube's daily carbon footprint is... ah
57000 seconds is ~16 hours
a billion seconds is ~31 years
"it's daily electricial usage is the same as 1 american household over 25 days" is another funny one
you telling me that the whole world can have cryptocurrency for the cost of powering 25 US households a day? that's WAY cheaper than I had guessed
you never seen a tall skinny guy slouching and standing awkwardly? he wasn't born slouching, that's a consequence of his social environment. deviance from norm is punishable offence
a group of 5 shorter guys can coordinate to mock and tease the tall skinny guy, it's pretty easy. first guy yells "hey giraffe-fucker!" or whatever, second guy laughs. a whole school of kids can coordinate around this. it's not that hard
when I meditate deeply and become absolutely still, it becomes clear to me that society has still not even really begun to understand the power and potential of social media
big reason for this is that people primarily operate via outdated intuitions based on past experience with past tools, and their imagination is constrained accordingly