We have either reached, or about to reach a situation where the government will not have the financial resources to stop and reverse the degree of pollution of our river systems. It has taken just under 30 yrs to oversee their degradation.
It will require almost 50 yrs to restore them and at an exorbitant price.
The current generations owe it to future generations to leave a better place for them. Under the ANC governance in many munics, we have systematically and with utmost selfish intent
misappropriated funds for maintenance of sewerage treatment plants across all munics under the ANC. This is essentially evil.
It is common site in poor communities to see raw sewage flowing in their unpaved roads. Kids play in these filthy situations.
This reflects the hatred and disdain the ANC have for the poor.Yet they claim to deliver a better life for all. The once glorious movement has morphed into an insensitive and noncaring party. Evidence is in the unemployment ; inequality and poverty increases
The challenge has been made worse by the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. There is little mention of this impending disaster in the Recovery and Reconstruction programme. Plse make environmental pollution your biggest concern. Cite your case in the media.
In South Africa the ANC MO is to run down our public infrastructure through deliberate neglect and classical incompetence and then design reconstruction projects with the overriding purpose to provide tenders political leaders and their cronies.
We then call such intervention Reconstruction and Development Projects and seek FDI funds to implement them. It becomes an eggregious process of self-enrichment and looting. This has now become the raison de'tre of the ANC.
There are plenty of examples to cite in support of this statement. The Vaal river pollution (Emfuleni); Haartebeespoort dam (Sedibeng); etc.
Plse contribute more in order to develop a catalogue of neglect and destruction.
What is happening in the municipalities governed by the ANC - Led government is unconscionable and downright evil. And I speak with respectable+deep knowledge on the subject.
Poor people cross streets with free-flowing raw sewage in their communities.
Consistent availability of drinkable water is an exception in many municipalities. Witbank is without clean water and relies on expensive bottled water from the private sector?
Provision of clean water and sewerage treatment are state responsibilities.
Collection of refuse is also a public responsibility.
Given the historical inequities in these services, it required public servants with a high level of consciousness to achieve high performance and social justice in the delivery of these services
Evidence by Khoza + others @StateCaptureCom signals inability for the voters to intervene by way of sanction of the elected representative. This is a result of the proportional party list electoral system that makes the party chiefs more important than voters
The unintended outcome of the electoral system is that Parly is handicapped from objectively holding the executive to account. Mantashe put it more bluntly by saying none of the ANC members of Parly can follow their conscience. This is the Paradox.
In actual fact, our proportional closed party list system obliges us to grant power of attorney to the parties and their leadership. After casting our votes, there is very little voters can do about how representatives exercise their conscience in Parly.
Xmas festivities in 2020?? What Xmas festivities?? Covid-19 has comprehensively re-written the Xmas script. Maybe permanently for many.
Two of my children are right in centre of the front line health providers. A day has never passed without praying for
their protection in order to serve. Noo, they too, like some in their profession, have now tested +ve and are on solid recovery including their families.
My spirituality is in turmoil.
But I have accepted. We shall only see them AFTER Xmas.
My pain pails into insignificance as I reflect on how this virus and its new variant has ravaged and disrupted the UK with their incompetent leadership. The same applies to us with the hot-spots along the Indian ocean. Incompetent leaders here too.
As a shareholder....... the department believes that one of the critical areas for a restructured SAA to get off the ground is to reduce the high-cost structure caused by onerous contracts and high salaries and perks implemented under Saapa’s RA.”
This is precisely what Jarana was doing. Bringing down operating and fixed costs across the board especially pilot packages. But DPE openly blocked his path and undermined him. A suspicion of prejudice cannot be dismissed.
It was industry knowledge that SAA operating cost structure was uncompetitive. No rocket science there. This was why a cost optimisation strategy was quick to articulate and roll-out speedily. Davis, a restructuring expert, was roped in even prior to
The ANC predates apartheid and can't continue its existence without a major org review to reposition it optimally in contemporary and diverse South Africa.
The ANC in its present state and form seems to be trapped by its own hubris.
Here are some key drivers for urgent redesign: 1. Criteria for nomination and selection of representatives must be reset to deliver ethical and capable people 2. Org processes to germinate and formulate policy positions need review to optimise rationality
3. Reset of moral framework and accountability is critical and urgent 4. Procedures for discipline and sanction must be fool proof
The swathe of looting and criminality in the procurement of PPE equipment finally tipped the moral fragility within the ANC