There is a way in which "cancel culture" is simply one more aspect of general corruption: when harmless or small stuff most everyone has done or said is technically illegal or cancellable, the powerful can use it against whoever they want for whatever purpose they want.
In other words, the dynamic of "cancel culture" is to render everyone suspect and everyone potentially cancellable, much like our legal regime right now. The effect is to make it so the powerful can prosecute or cancel whoever they need to with cultural or legal pretext & cover.
& this is why looking for some kind of method to this madness is pointless. There is no hypocrisy in all this because there are no principles in all this: most of the time it is simply a cover for power to do what it wants for reasons that have nothing to do with public justice.
And this is also why people on the right should not defend every "victim":
Red states need to band together to punish corporations who want to bully them. We need a Red State Alliance that agrees to take measures en masse against these corporations that aggressively seek to arrogantly thwart the will of red state Americans.
When a company spews out an outrageously false narrative that clearly serves the Left (“laws to secure your elections are racist”) and tries to force it on a red state, a bloc of red states should put ‘em on a list for punishment. First, remove any state/local benefits or breaks.
Second, consider proactive corrective actions as a group. There are many options.
Third, above all, we need Governors/Republican leaders to loudly tell these corporations to knock it off or else—& start defending their residents from Big Corporate fascist advocacy for the Left.
1971 college kids: Summer of Love was the way. Down with courtship and dating strictures of the past! Free love in a free-for-all!
2021 college kids: Can someone teach me like in a class about how to date and make friends?
1971 college kids: These established ways of meeting/dating people are arbitrary! Screw your hypocrisy we will just do wut we want. I'm a grown ass man bro.
2021 college kids: Can we please establish some damn cultural rules/habits here? We will all stay lost children w/o 'em.
1971 college kids: A formal dance is fake—we'll get in touch w/our inner selves & freestyle for brief sexual encounters.
2021: Events like a formal dance requiring w/partners w/no freestyle & no pressure for near immediate sex all ordered towards finding spouse would be amazing.
It’s not just that it’s all propaganda all the time, but also that even putting that aside—those now writing articles or producing videos are incapable of interpreting the world. They’re incapable of identifying and drawing true or meaningful stories out of the mess of reality.
People have been addicted to screens now for 70 years, so they have a deep effect—& Socrates wanted the lying poets booted out for a reason. But note also that they must keep the “market” unfree as much as possible to maintain their hold. Which is why they rabidly cancel/attack.
This too is an old and human problem. Those who make art, much like in education, are corralled and channeled and distributed by those who understand their power and want to abuse it. And practitioners themselves often get in on the act, if only to keep their bread buttered.
"Oh, is this or that hitherto innocuous thing ackshually offensive because you say so? Sorry, don't care. Not interested. Anyone can claim such a thing, and someone always does these days. Boring. Please shut up and go away."
Much of the complaints against post-WWII liberalism present as a complaint against "capitalism" or "business" themselves, and so are readily dismissed by the supposed "adults in the room", but this is not the true complaint of most of the young and clear-sighted on the right:
The true complaint is against the idea that business/markets are "value-neutral", or that they can be considered abstractly outside of political or moral or cultural concerns. This is a ridiculous fantasy. But this false notion haunted the right for decades.
The Left understood that business and markets were embedded in culture and politics from the start. So they eventually took 'em over with higher explicit cultural and political purposes in mind. They won, effectively, b/c they understood this obvious truth.