I continue to be appalled by the culture in the NHS when it comes to bullying and undermining. There has not been a moment in my career when someone that I knew wasn’t experiencing the absolute horror that it is. I have sat and listened to too many of my colleagues and witnessed
too many moments. I don’t get it when juniors are bullied, I mean how dare you shout at someone else, how dare you belittle them, how dare you absolutely destroy their confidence, what on earth gives you the right to do it? Because you are a ‘senior’...let’s just breakdown
what that even means. It means you have worked in the system longer than others and you are an ‘expert’ in the field, it means little else. It does not afford you a right to exert hierarchical pressures on others. Our profession is supposed to care for others, to give them
dignity and respect, yet we cannot manage this for our own colleagues. Our colleagues are every bit as human as the patients we treat, they too have minds, hearts and souls, they too are damaged by psychological assault. If we inflict this damage then it is also being inflicted
on those who love them. Bullying has the same effect as a metastatic disease, it doesn’t just stop at one person, it touches everyone who is connected to them. Please..let’s stop this...let’s call it out for the monstrosity that it is. We have the power and ability to do it.
What can we do? 1. All ‘seniors’ everywhere will be conscious if their colleagues are like this, we must have the convictions of our values to call this out immediately otherwise we are complicit 2. If trainees are being shouted at or being undermined, be polite but firm, that
the senior’s behaviour is not acceptable. If a mistake has been made by the trainee then feedback must be given, but in a way that grows the individual and doesn’t tear them down 3. Don’t suffer in silence, please find someone to talk to, there are allies everywhere,
don’t be afraid to ask for help. This problem is endemic in the NHS, @RCSnews has taken an important step and others have been fighting this battle. Let us make this our priority, let us develop a national metric around it, just as important as VTE or waiting times or cdiff rates
There are many heroes who can help in this battle, from the wonderful people in my organisation to so many others that I know will stand up and call out this intolerable behaviour. Let us start, there is no time like the present. As caregivers, this is our duty #bullyingisacrime
I wonder what would happen to Healthcare if it’s staff were allowed to work a four-day week. If we were given the opportunity to take unpaid leave when needed. If we could move seamlessly from one job to another without having to take leave to do checks which we did last year.
If we were offered jobs which were close to where we live, without having to move to and become bereft of support. If we didn’t have to be geographically separated from our spouses, partners and children. If we were given the space & opportunity to do mandatory training in a day.
If the special moments in our life were recognised as times that should be treasured, instead of having to barter for them as if they are commodities for sale. To never be short at the most critical times. To be thanked for our tireless efforts & comforted in times of grief.