And perhaps even more striking is that 30% don’t plan on being vaccinated or are yet to decide!
Health Inequity continues to be prevalent with only 39% of Black HCWs compared to 57% of White HCWs having received 1st dose. @DanielEDawes@EbonyJHilton_MD
HCWs mirror the general public as it relates to confidence in Vaccine safety and efficacy.
Unvaccinated HCWs who were unsure or didn’t plan on getting vaccinated attributed being concerned about side effects as a major factor.
Lots of noise about the safety + efficacy + trust of an expedited #vaccine this Fall. As a recent @RWJF Health Policy Fellow in the @USSenate, I had the opportunity to work on the SAVE Act. Some thoughts:
The Safe Authorization of Vaccines during Emergencies (SAVE) Act seeks to ensure that expedited delivery of a #vaccine (which we ALL want) is grounded in data & science. We cannot afford a bad vaccine—or further loss of public trust in a good vaccine—because of politics.
In drafting the bill, the primary goal was to ensure that officials within the Trump Administration could not circumvent the normal licensure process in which independent panels of experts vet and validate vaccine manufacturers data on the vaccine product.
Not only are we not going to “stay in our lane”, but we are going to do everything in our power to ensure that Americans in communities all across this nation our protected from these senseless tragedies.
This is Not about being anti-gun, and the polarization that @nra brings to this conversation demonstrates the lack of interest in coming together to provide common sense solutions.