In Belgium 50% of hospitalizations in intensive care are under 48, that is to say the parents of infected children in schools. The Prime Minister is making it clear.
The Belgian Prime Minister says that schools are a hotbed of contamination and that children transmit the virus to their parents.…
Parents who are following the science KNOW that households mixing in an indoor setting without scientifically recognised mitigations for an airborne virus is not in accordance with Health and Safety legislation.
SafeEdForAll – 23/02/2021
Reaction to Government’s plan for full return for all on March 8th 2021
Reaction - disappointed
Since March 2020 it has been understood that education provision required a long term strategy to be safe, sustainable and fair to all.
The full return for all in September along with guidance that allowed bubbles of 300,
interchanging classes of 30+,
no social distancing possible,
no masks in classrooms and no ventilation monitoring...2/
...alongside no evident recognition of the nature of aerosol transmission in relation to identifying close contacts of a positive case was, to many parents who were following the science, unbelievable.
1/7 As parents, we are concerned ab insufficient Covid19 control in schools. Govt now admits students spread it. We have made proposals (see pinned tweet). But govt ignores us & seems to ONLY listen to WEIRD “herd immunity” linked parent lobby, which we want to tell you about.
2/7 UsForThem was created 5/20, claiming to represent parents. Core demand=schools back to normal despite Covid19. Group appears to push for flawed “herd immunity” plans supported by Great Barrington Declaration, which they encourage public to sign, regardless of qualifications.
3/7 To oppose Covid19 policies in schools, UFT cites mental health impacts lockdown/school closure, but disregards making schools safer e.g. masks/rota/distancing to AVOID closures/disruption. Long term factors MH crisis in kids, e.g. cuts to CAHMS or SEND support not mentioned.