Nobody draws the Irish this way anymore. I blame cancel culture.
In greater seriousness, I know the whiteness literature is a little out of fashion right now, but it's hard for me to look at 19th century art & not conclude that Anglo-American WASPs racialized Irish Catholics.
Some people have noticed that the woman (Bridget McBruiser, an example of Irish depravity from Samuel Wells' 1866 New Physiognomy) looks like the Grinch. That's not an accident.
One compelling argument made by @philnel is that Dr. Seuss used ethnic stereotypes not just for human characters but also as the basis of various fanciful or anthropomorphic creations like The Grinch & Cat in the Hat.
This is not - I want to be clear on this - an argument for delisting or cancelling the Grinch or Cat in the Hat. The stereotypes they were built on are so distant & suppressed that they are really invisible (or almost so) to contemporary readers. But it's good history to know
So, something I didn't know:the simian Irish imagery continued for as long as X-Men #28 (1967) with The Banshee. (Created by Roy Thomas and Werner Roth).
1. Really good thread on how fundamental anti-monarchism is to USA political culture & how odd it is that American right has now embraced the crown. But that also has roots worth thinking about.
2. Buckley up people, we're doing an old style Jeet tweetstorm. Some thoughts on American monarchism, William F. Buckley's spanking fantasies involving the Queen of England, Spanish dynastic politics, fascism, George Wallace and Jack Kirby.
3. So, the praise of the British monarchy from American sources like National Review & Heritage Foundation has struck many people as strange. Aside from long-standing USA anti-monarchism, the American right has long had a powerful anglophobe strain.
1. People are starting to wake up to the fact that Bernie Sanders is now one of the most powerful political figures in America. Here's Politico.
2. And here's the LA Times: Bernie Sanders, Power Broker.
3. Bernie the Power Broker cuts against two nominally opposed positions. There's the Hillary Clinton position that Bernie is just a whiny outsider that no one likes (in fact he's an effective parliamentarian) & the Sorelian left view that "politics is over" after 2020.
1. I want to make one thing perfectly clear. I'm not against cos-play or LARPing if it is done in the right spirit, as dorky hobbyists who like to dress up on weekends. What I object to is foreign policy LARPing.
2. By foreign policy LARPing I mean the concerted attempt to model USA/China relations on the high cold war. There are signs of this everywhere. A new anonymous "Longer Telegram" (not a telegram but, yes, long) modelled after George Kennan (aka Mr. X)'s long telegram
3. In the Washington Post we hear calls for using putative China threat for a new Sputnik moment of financing education & science. Also, absurdly, a repurposing of NATO to contain China.
2. The key biographical fact about Sturges, the explanation for his extraordinary ability to capture the comedy of clashing classes, was that he was an economic yo-yo, going from riches to rags to riches to rags etc.
3. Sturges' dad was a stolid stockbroker, his mom a bohemian arty type (& gal pal of Isadora Duncan). So Sturges had a twin inheritance of 19th century stern austerity and modernist expressiveness, which played out in his work
1. Philip Roth's The Ghost Writer has a chapter titled "Married To Tolstoy" about favorite Rothian theme of the pain great writers inflict on the near & dear. Could easily be Married to Dickens, Married to Woolf, Married to Cheever, Married to Naipaul, etc.
2. But if being in the shadow of genius is hazardous, an arms length proximity can be nurturing. Consider Glenn Gould & Robert Fulford who were next door neighbors & best friends at age 9 going forward.
3. By Fulford's account, even when he was 9, everyone around Gould expected great things about him. There was even a teenage Salieri in the neighborhood who bore a grudge against the budding Canadian Mozart.
1. The Lincoln Project. Brooklyn Dad Defiant. That Abramson guy. Truly we are living in The Twilight of the Resistance Grifters.
2. I think @samuelmoyn's analysis of Never Trump holds up really well except he was too generous! In the form of The Lincoln Project, Never Trumpism was pure grift. The recent NY story documents this in detail.