Ahead of tomorrow's #FireSafetyBill vote, we urge MPs to listen to the victims of the #BuildingSafetyCrisis, not the false 'reassurances' from Ministers.
These are real-life experiences of leaseholders right now 👇
Full Video 1 - Who's Paying the Price?:
Why should Alex be facing evacuation from his home, and paying for defects he did not create?
'The issues at the heart of the building safety crisis are very simple – they are of fairness and of political choice: will leaseholders be protected from ruinous costs to fix a scandal not of their making?
Ministers and two Prime Ministers have promised countless times that leaseholders should not pay for shoddy construction work, corporate malfeasance and botched government interventions.
This evening they broke that promise by voting against an amendment that would protect us in law.
They failed to listen to common sense and the moral arguments set out by the Lords. We are disappointed – and we are angry.