🚨Disney and the implementation of E.P.C.O.T project on a large scale : from Disneyland to DisneyWorld.
In fact, it is a smooth transition from Rothschild Land, to Rothschild World /Earth (I explained time ago in long threads that Disney was Rothschild).
(1) That House is at the top of the System, that World. Here is the House who hijacked the Earth and now they want to make the Earth their's, refusing Humanity to reach enlightenment.
The real Truman show has been there before your eyes for a long time ..
(2) It was not only a film on TV, you were already living it and you rushed into the illusion....
It started with DisneyLand to check if it will be accepted by the people, the civilians. But it had already been tested and validated previously...
(3) in German Military Batteries during WWII which were organized in mini towns with entertainments (cinema) , facilities (hospital, restaurant) and much propaganda.
Disney gathered the state-of-the-art innovations in the entertainment and validated them in situ ...
(4) by the people themselves. Many of these innovations came from the wonderful world fairs which are the Show Rooms of today.
The EPCOT experiment (Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow), which some have renamed "Extraterrestrial Psychopathic City of Today"...
(5) is the SMART city of today coupled with all the facilities, industrial complexes, amusement parks.... for you to live forever locked in this bubble (under a dome), with limited movement of your bodies and a prison for your souls forever...
(6) Yes, it is a golden prison. Yes it is sad but "All that glitters is not gold" !
Well, after Disneyland California (1955), the first prototype of DisneyWorld was created at Orlando, Florida (1967, official opening in 1971) : a city, an amusement park, facilities , housing...
(7) an industrial complex, R&D labs for the Corporations. And it is a world showcase, a template to build the others.... 20, 000 people were to live there. And what about its size? Twice the size of Manhattan, or 27,400 acres. And the space is totally closed !
(8) Some people claimed it was a camp, it is worse than that : YOU ARE UNDER THE DOME, it is a shrinked Eath, a copy of the crater "Earth".
The propaganda will tell you it is a "magic kingdom", I would rather say it is inferno. It's a technocratic city state(the Reedy Creek Act
(9) Reedy Creek Act, 1965) with its laws and money, the Disney dollar...and you are imprisoned. Yet, you can't see it and you come & visit the place thinking it is just an amusement park. It is your future Smart concentration city camp and very soon it will be built in areas..
(10) in the middle of nothingness, totally closed and fully controlled. They want the crater "Earth" for themselves because the realm is a jewel, a wonder and ouside, it is just "desolation". Those colonies are to be built apart from the "crater", in the Bigger Earth...
(11) beyond the ice wall. Space Beloveds is down here beyond the forbidden wall because outer space does not exist (watching the Moon, you can see where you live on its screen, a mirror image : the crater is the Earth...) Why did you ignore the signs which were sent in movies ?
(12) Remember "the Maze runner", the last city being a WCKD contolled maze...and outside, the runners discovered they were in an unknown place in the middle of a desert...
(13) Already in 1967, Roy mocked people speaking of "an exciting Blue Print of the future", Disney/Rothschild Imperator rejoyced of his Human trap ! He teamed up with NASA to deceive the world about space travels...
(14) On October 1, 1982, Disney Productions announced that the 21st century began on this day, "The Dawn of a New Disney Era", the Dawn of Lord Rothschild".
NO, I won't let him do ! I refuse to see your brain and soul locked forever in a closed space with no window and no door
(15) a prison for your mind. After the party over (as in Pinocchio), those who will be trapped (prepared with the vaccine and drugs) will have a spark of awareness of the other side of the coin before disappearing into that illusion for ever...
(16) That is frightening and I refuse any of you to be trapped. Because I LOVE all of you !
Today, all over the world, smart cities are created by grouping and concentrating all the inhabitants in cities. You have big showrooms outside EPCOT like NEOM, whose CEO is Siemens...
(17) The First SMART cities will be built in the crater Earth because they need the "useful idiots" to work for them. And the Humans will go on building their robots and AI..
(18) At the beginning, living in the middle of the Disney fun fair will seem very pleasant but the work will squeeze you....
EPCOT project is mature now and they are implementing it now (with the Great Reset)
(19) Beware Beloveds it is a mirage hence a trap. That is the final solution for the last survivors.
It is hard time to remember you have never been left alone and that there is a Creator who loves you and would appreciate to be respected. 🕊️
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🚨"Mettre la France sous clôche" est une tentative de coup d'Etat car l'intention est de couvrir la France toute entière jusqu'à la reddition : accepter le vaccin. NON, le vaccin n'est pas et ne sera JAMAIS obligatoire, c'est le libre arbitre de chacun...
(1) son propre choix "éclairé après avoir lu et compris son principe, son contenu...et lu, non pas le dépliant "commercial", mais le document tout entier. Le délai de réflexion devrait par ailleurs être maintenu pour laisser aux personnes, le temps de lire la documentation....
(2) Par ailleurs, les Français doivent savoir qu'AUCUN des "vaccins" n'est "homologué" mais simplement "autorisé" par la mise en place de l'"Etat d'Urgence". Cela explique la multiplication du nombre de laboratoires actuellement...
🚨 Encore une fois ils suivent tous le même script. En France, ils disent atteindre l'objectif de 10 millions de vaccinés le 15 avril ; au Royaume Uni ils annoncent 50 % de vaccinés d'ici la fin de la semaine....Les paris vont bon train mais ils perdent du terrain (suite)
Alors ils rappellent les poids lourds..... et Boris Johnson revient sur le terrain soutenu par les media, jouant un rôle de figurant dans "The Resident", il va interpréter le rôle du "Héro". Et tout va bien se passer car c'est du cinéma pour lui...
et il aura droit à sa petite petite injection de solution saline réservée pour le placebo. Ah Vous ne saviez pas ? Tous ces "vaccins" expérimentaux sur des techniques extrêmement sensibles (touchant l'ADN), ne sont pas homologués, ils ne sont qu'"autorisés"....
Do you know How they end the fake pandemic to recover better in poor areas ? Do you know how they fight against poverty ? And Antonio Guterres (ONU) rewards that eradication because the depopulation program is aiming at that ! -Thread-
I will explain by quoting an article from Les Echos of today, March18th. In South-West Asia, some additional 228,000 children under the age of 5 have died in 6 countries (Afghanistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka) due to the interruption of "essential services"
such as food aid. In short, they died of starvation.
In fact, Food aid never arrived because of blockades, like in Yemen. And the so-called ONGs are mocking you when they say "Give", because the food trucks are there but are blocked on the roads.This is death by starvation...
🚨 #Passeport ? Non c'est une diversion et personne ne le voit. Et la "Nouvelle identité numérique" sous forme carte d'identité est disruptive avec la "puce" et va se substituer au fameux passeport...
Y Jadot trompe les vrais Ecologistes car le Great Reset est une dystopie de l'Ecologie : l'Industrie va au contraire augmenter sa productivitié à une cadence "atomique", l'Industrie va diriger le monde...
Les Hauts Fourneaux vont refonctionner partout pour fabriquer de l'hydrogène. L'unique perdant est l'Homme, le "carbone fossile" qu'ils font disparaitre (on ne peut que le constater) ne voulant garder que l'Homme "utile", l'"Homme Augmenté" dans leur technocratie....
🚨The Place of the only Bullet is GSK (GlaxoSmithKline). But just before telling more about GSK novel "vaccine", know that Sanofi's vaccine is developed with GSK, that Pfizer made a joint-venture with GSK on August 2019.... It is a small world and they work with each over
GSK announced the start of Phase III clinical trials for a Covid-19 vaccine candidate, a combination of MEDICAGO's plant-derived components and GSK's adjuvant.
MEDICAGO, a Quebec City-based biopharmaceutical company, a Biotech Compagny , has received approval from Canadian ...
and US regulatory authorities to proceed with the enrolment of healthy adults in the Phase 3 trial based on positive interim Phase 2 results. It uses disruptive plant-based and virus -like particle (VLP)
🚨 The Mystery of Adam and Eve : A video to watch. I share my comments here with you. The first book (Gene-Isis) and the last book (Revelation) of the Bible are the most important ones and work together (to continue)
There're so many things to say about the serpents, the Kundalini, the strands of DNA...
Enjoy Sexuality, but use it properly.
Sexual energy is electric energy, it is the force that powers all creation ! but "DO NOT EAT the fruit of knowledge ! The forbidden fruit is ORGASM.
That energy is connected to the same energetic forces that sustain the individuals's own vitality.
Sexual energy is linked to the health of the psyche to maintain your 7 sensors which unite humans to the divine, and not only the 5 sensors you know.