6/ Measuring GFR is too costly and laborious for clinical practice
an ENDOgenous molecule that's
freely filtered
not reabsorbed/ metabolized by the tubule
AND easy and cheap to measure
Cr based eGFR is now the most commonest test of renal function!
7/Creatinine is popular but not perfect
1. Secreted by the PCT
👉Insignificant at higher GFR. As GFR drops, contributes to higher proportion of renal Cl ➡️OVERESTIMATION of GFR
👉Competes for secretion with drugs➡️📈S Cr without change in GFR
2. Production corresponds to💪mass
8/ Ok.. So, how do we get from a serum creatinine to an eGFR?
Currently we use 3 equations to CALCULATE an eGFR based on the serum creatinine 1. Cockroft- Gault (CG) 2. MDRD 3. CKD-EPI
Which is your favourite?
9/ Most of us are familiar with the CG equation👇🏿(1976)
1. It estimates CrCl not eGFR- so it estimates an estimate
2. At low GFR CrCl overestimates GFR (contribution of secreted Cr)
3. Sampled 249 veterans- 94% ♂️
Correction factor for ♀️- not validated!🤦🏿🙅🏿
10/ MDRD formula - 1999
This mere spin off of the original MDRD trial became its lasting legacy!
>1700 patients : training + validation sample
40% female
12% non-white
Mean GFR 38.5ml/min
Only demographic and serum variables
Initial 6-variable formula, later adopted with 4 👇🏿
11/ First the CG formula and later the MDRD heralded a new era in nephrology.
MDRD made eGFR everyday lingo!
MDRD derived eGFR were used by KDIGO for staging of CKD and developing prognostication tools.
1/ Is a GFR of zero always = to kidney failure?
How important are glomeruli?
Are we secretly guilty of ignoring the humble tubule?
Let's have a look at the Seahorse, this year's contender for @NephMadness an AGLOMERULAR fish. #AnimalHouse#NephTwitter@NSMCinternship@AJKDblog
How can an aglomerular kidney provide the function of the kidney?
Let's briefly recap the function of the glomerulus and the tubule using what we know of human physiology
3/ How would you expect the composition of the urine of aglomerular fish to compare to that of glomerular fish?