@mentions@Duyo96 Goran Stojcik, a 🇲🇰 ambulance driver who worked in the refugee camps during the war, testified under oath at the Hague that he had eye-witnessed Western news crews stage-managing fake news footage in the refugee camps. He said, "CNN was the most prominent in stage managing...
He gave examples of news crews coaching refugees on how to act in front of the cameras. In one example, he said a news crew threw a refugee child into the mud to make him cry for the camera.
@mentions@Duyo96 Eve-Ann Prentice, a British journalist who covered the Kosovo war for the Guardian and the London Times, testified during Slobodan Milosevic's trial in the Hague. She said that rather than being driven out by the Serbs, "The KLA told ethnic Albanian civilians that it was their...
@mentions@Duyo96 ...patriotic duty to leave because the world was watching. This was their one big opportunity to make Kosovo part of Albania eventually, that NATO was there, ready to come in, and that anybody who failed to join the exodus was not supporting the Albanian cause."
@mentions@Duyo96 Alice Mahon, a British MP and a member of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Brussels, also testified during Milosevic's trial. She said, "The KLA definitely encouraged the exodus."
@mentions@Duyo96 Muharem Ibraj and Saban Fazliu, two ethnic Albanian witnesses from Kosovo who testified in Milosevic's trial, said Serbian security forces encouraged civilians to remain in their homes, and that it was the KLA who made the civilian population leave the province.
@mentions@Duyo96 Fazliu testified that the KLA would kill anybody who disobeyed its orders. He said, "The order was to leave Kosovo in later stages, to go to Albania, Macedonia, so that the world could see for themselves that the Albanians are leaving because of the harm caused by the Serbs.
@mentions@Duyo96 The London Times reported how "KLA 'minders' ensured that all refugees peddled the same line when speaking to Western journalists" by threatening the refugee's loved ones. Unfortunately, that report was one of the few honest pieces of journalism to come out of Kosovo.
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Christiane Amanpour's praise of this new fictional film about the Srebrenica massacre makes her very pleased indeed considering the attrocious propaganda she peddled during the war.
Let's review the scene at the Fontana Hotel that took place on July 12th 1995 with the muslim representatives from Srebrenica. They arrived to negotiate with Mladić and UN General Karremans to surrender the weapons from this designated safe zone and safe passage of civillians.
The next scene I found quite interesting. The MSM throughout the war portrayed Mladić as a ruthless butcher without emotion or remorse for the innocent. The film touches on this slightly here, but not empathetic enough to showcase the true reality of Mladić character.
John Kerry, the Dems presidential candidate (2004), was given money by a terrorist organization known as the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA).
Watch Richard Holbrooke who comes over and jokingly says, "He almost got me killed." then laughs with his KLA pals. slobodan-milosevic.org/news/kerry1018…
Watch how Krasniqi visits a gun store to purchases weapons for use in Kosovo. From this point forward you get to see how easy it was for the KLA to smuggle weapons from the US into Kosovo, disguising them as humanitarian aid and so forth.
Cash is king for smuggling weapons into Kosovo. In 2005, the Dutch reporter asks about Independence: "It's going to be war?"
Krasniqi replies: "Hope not, but if it is were ready; if not this spring then the next one. If Kosova does not get its independence there will be a war."