Liberals: I can't believe QAnon cultists seriously believe teenagers are being brainwashed into feminism, homosexuality, and atheism in organ-harvesting FEMA camps in California.
also Liberals: It's all happening in China, though!!!!
I can't get over this poorly-translated "reeducation camp footage" from fundamentalist nutcase Olsi Jazexhi. 😄
*footage of teens hanging out*
Liberals aren't any better than QAnon people.
They wallow in their atrocity porn in exactly the same way. They're just richer and more well-travelled, their social bubble looks a bit different.
I bet QAnoners look down on pre-internet people. 😂
You know how at some point most people realize that Capital is too fucking cheap and risk-averse to allow any substantial variety whatsoever in entertainment media?
The same exact cost-cutting logic applies to their cheap-ass regime change efforts.
I will never ever tire of pointing how cheap and blatant this propaganda blitz is.
"Ayo, just find some respectable-looking blob-man to replay the 2008 ISIS mix-tape. Between abysmal media literacy and stewing racism I don't think we have anything to worry about, nobody will notice."
Hot Take: Any talk about "Cold War" is itself reactionary.
The incessant never-ending imperialist siege began with the invasion of the Soviet Union in 1918 by every imperial power, and did not cease until it was destroyed.…
US President Truman, 1941: "If we see that Germany is winning we ought to help Russia and if Russia is winning we ought to help Germany, and that way let them kill as many as possible."
A good example of racism is how Chinaphobes invoke the 2010 Foxconn suicide nets story.
"China" is forever held responsible (not Taiwan, Apple, or consumers), their handling of it ignored.
Meanwhile, inexcusable warmongering by AOC or Sanders today is excused as "tactical."
I think it's one of the most important ones to study because it captures broader dynamics.
The beneficiaries of Apple products were *Western consumers*, but the story was crafted in such a way that they could expunge their *own* guilt and pin it on the Chinese.
Marx discusses a lot how the relationship between capitalists and workers is vampiric.
The capitalist *knows* he owes everything to workers. This clashes with the überman superiority they wish to project. The exploiter sees his dependency on proles as an embarrassing secret.
"Stop copjacketing! Copjacketing is one of the worst things you can do. Copjacketing is akin to using slurs!
Anyway, to build socialism in the US we need a Big Tent approach. Embrace your Biden-voting and Ex-Nazi comrades, but watch out for toxic pro-China tankies!"
Going around calling people cops is extremely divisive!