THREAD: Gov. Kristi Noem launched a coalition on Monday (notably *after* sending back the girl's sports bill) calling to Defend Title IX. Her office says we to "gather states together to fend off the NCAA’s pressure." This is a huge reason she cites for refusing to sign the bill.
Similar bills are working their way through ~30 other state legislatures. So the national coalition that Noem says we need already exists. The momentum is there.
Why was Idaho @GovernorLittle willing to risk lawsuits to protect girls' sports, but not Noem? And by not signing the bill, isn't Noem actually HALTING the very momentum she claims we need?
It's worth noting the ACLU predictably sued Idaho over its Fairness in Women’s Sports law. So the legal battle has already begun. Just not in South Dakota.
In Idaho, where there appears to be a governor willing to take on the fight.
I wish I had thought to bring this up on yesterday's Relatable podcast with @conservmillen, but you can hear more of my thoughts on this situation here:
I will #NeverForget being in middle school on 9/11 and not knowing if my dad who worked in NYC was OK. There were so many children in my Connecticut town whose parents worked in the city that teachers didn't want to tell us what happened—they just told us we were all going home.
My dad was one of the lucky ones, but some of my classmates' parents were not. That day changed my life in more ways than I'll ever know, and is the reason I work in politics. I am a child of the 9/11 generation.
In high school, I watched a group of guys I knew volunteer to serve and defend America from evil. One of them was Private First Class Nicholas Madaras, who enlisted in the US Army in January 2005. He was 18 years old and still had one semester of high school to finish.
The @NLRB "attempted to subpoena all emails and communications between staff members [at @FDRLST] going back years—including about editorial decisions, hiring decisions, and confidential sources during our coverage of the Russia-collusion hoax." @WSJ
All this because @bdomenech made a JOKE about sending his employees “back to the salt mine” if they tried to unionize. Not one employee or contributor to @FDRLST complained. WE ALL KNEW IT WAS A JOKE. @MattBruenig did too, but he filed a lawsuit anyways.
Now, taxpayers (myself included) are funding a multi-thousand dollar lawsuit to sue @FDRLST WHEN NO ONE COMPLAINED. Want to know the truth? This lawsuit could actually HURT FDRST employees and contributors bc @bdomenech now has to spend $$ defending himself and his publication.