🗓️CoVariants.org is updated to data from 24 Mar🗓️
The focal builds are in the oven! ⚙️🥐
(I'm not sure it's useful for me to tweet every time I update - may become more sporadic!)
Couple of interesting pictures/gifs in the thread! 👇🏻
501Y.V1 (B.1.1.7) continues to grow, sometimes to near-domination, in sequencing across Europe. Keep in mind that due to focused sequencing, this may not fully represent what's circulating (may be an overestimate).
This map-GIF from Oct 2020 - Mar 2021 gives an idea of how the variants of concern (reds & oranges - largest, reddest is 501Y.V1/B.1.1.7) have spread and grown across Europe.
Plus, 2 new variants, and new additions to the Shared Mutations page!
⚙️The builds are already updated and live!🔍
First, the S:Q677 USA variants S:677H (Robin1) and S:677P (Pelican) are added to the lists of variants & Per Country plots.
These variants arose at the end of 2020 & are found across the US, but prominently in the north-central & south-central USA (respectively).
We know the Shared Mutations table has been helpful for many people to compare Spike mutations shared between Variants - & now it's got even more variants! 🎉
Sort by commonness or position & see what keeps popping up.
We aim to add even more soon!
To help track variants of interest, we've added 20C/S:484K (B.1.526, sometimes called the 'New York variant') & 20A/S:484K (B.1.525)!
20C/S:484K (blue) carries the S:E484K mutation as well as a mutation at S:A701V (shared with 501Y.V2). Interestingly, 2 independent sister-clades nearby (yellow) do *not* have 484, but have S:S477N (same mutation as is in 20A.EU2 & 20F.
501Y.V2 is not downsampled much now, which means it gives a pretty good view of where the variant has spread. Shown in large dots here are the clusters in Mayotte, the French territory off the coast of Africa (yellow circle near Africa).
📅CoVariants.org is updated with data from 2 March📅, as well as a very exciting new change:
Variants & mutations are now separated & clearly labelled - & each Variant of Concern has it's own page & data! 🎉
A new, improved left-menu now clearly indicates whether a page is concerned with a Variant (collection of mutations in one part of the tree) or a Mutation (one change, could be in many places on the tree).
Updated naming helps, too!
And menus collapse to keep things tidy.
And to help you find what you're looking for - a table to help you link up nomenclature!! 🎉
A lot of people have asked for this - it's not yet beautiful but it's already hopefully useful.
And you can go straight to the CoV-Lineages reports on the 3 main VoCs, too!
While not downplaying our current careful situation, I think we've got a lot to be optimistic about in 2021, if we can think globally 🌍 & act appropriately 💉😷
On conspiracy theories:
"Unfortunately, conspiracy theories have become very dominant in the pandemic. I can understand: [they often] provide much simpler explanations. We scientists should learn from this, to make what we say more accessible and understandable."
On mutations:
"If many people have already been infected, it is an advantage for a virus [to evade] this immunity. A year ago that would not have been of any use to the virus. But now... we just have to be aware that the pandemic is not static. It is constantly changing."
📅CoVariants.org is now updated with data up to the 18th Feb! 📅
Plus! A new mutation has been added 😉
And we've had another few neat feature tweaks thanks to some great contributors!
Enough recent data has come through to push the graphs to the next 2-week mark (they're plotted by sequences per 2-week period to help avoid weekly jitters), so the most recent data point is the 8th Feb now (covering the period two weeks after this).
Linking with our recent preprint on the S:Q677 variants, S:Q677 is now included on CoVariants!
We can particularly see 677 showing up clearly in the USA 'Per Country' graphs.