I never closed my heart but the barriers to protect her from further hurt were stronger than any concrete wall ever constructed. Layer by layer.. they allowed me to offer love while preventing harm by never being vulnerable to another again. And so receiving, which was never easy
became even more difficult for without divine trust it’s a fool who opens the doorway to invite another in.
It took an oh so patient and lovingly persistent guide, come to awaken me by whatever means necessary..including shattering illusions🌟shaking and stirring the barriers..
to my heartful knowing to trigger my starsoul to blossom and tender heart to flower once again in the warmth of his loving.
It took un-learning to re-learn that all love grows and flows from loving my beautiful self first and foremost. From here within my love cup is Always full
to share and radiate to a world in need of the loving gifts I am divinely endowed with, Goddess that I am.
IAM..blessed in my divine Source~connected flow and dwell in gratitude as this waking dream winds down in peaceful grace and exciting possibilities. I invite more healing
and opening, releasing &clearing to make space for all the new creation that is imminent, within and without.
Yes, my wise Love, We rise Together and Uplift our Eartha with our divine Love, for Her, for Us, for All.
And So.It.Is🌟A’ho..into Our LoveLight We Go🙏🏻
#34 Opening to Discovery
We tune in to information from our outer environment, then assign meaning to it within our psyches. Every day, however, the amount of data we sort through exceeds what we’re capable of processing. Especially since the advent of the Internet,
we have been bombarded with more than we can ever hope to absorb. Therefore it’s important to be mindful of what we expose ourselves to.
Conscious exposure to information supporting our well-being shifts us toward growth and experience.
The universe is always engaging with us-
we are part of it, after all~through synchronicity, omens, other signs that point toward our best path. Our intuition helps us tune in &see our environment like an Oracle. However, this new information doesn’t always make sense right away, so being curious and nonresistant is key
From my SoulBroNick sharing his healing journey which helps us all🌟
“I'm not even the same person I was 3 days ago. I had to confront something so major, so hidden inside of me, that popped up right in my face out of no where.
I had no choice other than to take it head on and overcome it. If I didn't I would have allowed it to continue to control me subconsciously.
I took the road that went right through it, as I pulled myself away from the situation and observed my mind and how it reacted.
My mind was reacting in a way that didn't actually line up with the reality of the situation and was trying to protect itself from past trauma and hurt.
It wasn't the actual situation that was the issue, it was a deep seated wound/trauma that was rearing its ugly head.
#4 Great and Full~before you can begin to understand the process of manifesting your desires, you need to practice deep gratitude and the willingness to share that with others. This is the true nature of prosperity.
You’re invited to surrender to an important truth:
There’s ALWAYS enough for You. There is enough time to do the things you need and desire to do, enough opportunities to express your talents& connect to your purpose, & enough magic circulating through the invisible world into the visible.
Know that you are enough& all your needs
Are being fulfilled, even if you doubt this in some moments. Your life is brimming with unique potential~focus on that!
When you hold this feeling of gratitude, it acts as a magical “open sesame” to the floodgates of abundance. Your intentions burst forth into reality with little
Self love is the answer to create more peace. True self love, without Ego involved, is to accept and embrace oneself, just as the Divine Mother does, and to love oneself, unconditionally and purely. When one experiences this love and appreciation for all layers of ones being,
we experience oneness with the divine and with others.
Our heart chakra lies between the three lower chakras and three upper chakras, and created a bridge between the manifested and unmanifested. It is a portal between the physical and spiritual,
the body and the spirit. When this chakra is aligned, one feels complete and balanced and can give and receive love, both within and around.
The highest form of love is rooted deep within the fabric of us, it is what created us and what we are made of. When we realize this,
The Land Between~ You’re in a process of change. You know that you were called to it and can no longer be who you were, but you aren’t sure what the next experience of your life will be. You are in between what was and what could be,
You have one foot in the past, even if you’re ready to shed that version of yourself and become something new. Can you explore this stage of your evolution to get to know yourself better?
The process in between worlds is where things get really interesting. This is a real test of
emotional fortitude, patience, trust and humility. Once you have made this no-man’s-land your home, it will be part of you. Then whatever was set in motion comes to life. This is what you’ve been waiting for. When you look back, you will grow to love the place “in between,”
Dear one, you deserve someone present...
Someone who will not run and hide when the seas grow unsteady or the winds howl through the trees. A soul who won’t deflect your questions, your feelings or guard against your wild heart. The one meant to stand beside you
won’t play games when the time comes for action. You are not meant for connections that cause you to ache. You are meant for so much more.
You deserve someone who is actively committed to the evolution of your union. Who maybe doesn’t always know the way forward, but is willing
to walk through the fires beside you into the unknown. Time is the most valuable currency we have. It is far too precious to spend on someone who refuses to grow with you.
Life is too short to be with someone who isn’t looking towards the same horizon as you.