(1) "Near zero" isn't zero; therefore (2) the question remains whether the SLR requirement with reserves exempted is or isn't sufficiently high. It isn't true, therefore, that the case for reverting to the old formula is a no-brainer. 1/2
In fact there are plenty of studies suggesting that the social or welfare costs of bank capital requirements aren't zero. See, e.g., sciencedirect.com/science/articl… and piie.com/system/files/d… (I could offer many other sources).
Finally, unless debt and equity finance are perfect substitutes for banks, more capital invested in banks means less capital invested elsewhere. This surely is a potentially relevant social cost of minimum capital requirements that's distinct from any reduction in bank lending.
The bottom line, I think, is that, while it may in fact be true that optimal capital requirements are higher than those that would apply were reserves exempted, it is by no means obvious that this is so as it would be were there no welfare cost associated w/ higher requirements.
Sometimes I welcome a tweet despite heartily disagreeing with it. This one serves the very useful purpose of exemplifying just where many bitcoiners' understanding of monetary economics goes awry.
Basically, whether an asset serves *any* of the three listed "monetary" roles has NOTHING to do with its market value. I repeat: Nothing; nada, zilch, diddly-squat.
Of course, an asset has to retain or gain value over time to be a decent store of value. But an asset can achieve an arbitrarily high value yet fail to meet this requirement. That's as obvious as saying that, no matter how high it's price gets, it might yet fall.
Especially in its post-1970s US revival, Austrian economics has been identified with free-market ideology. This identification explains both its popular success and its poor reception by the academy and among professional economists generally.
It also explains why self-styled "Austrian economists" are now a dime a dozen. To successfully market oneself as such among the booboisee, one need only denounce the Fed and gov't generally, and sing the praises of AU or BTC; no need to know much economics, Austrian or otherwise.
The difference between Austrians economists who have earned the right to refer to themselves as such and the rest is as great as that between qualified surgeons and peddlers of snake oil.
I heartily agree with @alexwsalter and @smithdanj1's claim that having the Fed "stabilize total dollar spending...is the best we can do when it comes to fighting recessions."
I'm taken aback by their claim that "We now know the Fed has a great deal of control over the price level, but much less over employment" and that it only "uses the 'full employment' part of its mandate to justify irresponsible behavior."
Surely, if "we" have learned anything this past decade, it's (1) that far from proving itself very capable of controlling the price level, the Fed has not even been able to achieve its inflation rate target and (2) that it has also tended to underestimate "full employment."
Thread: Those urging central banks to issue digital currencies, even or especially as an alternative to privately-supplied alternatives, need to consider the risk that by doing so they will hinder future payments innovations.
They should start by asking why so many nations still rely upon grubby paper currency, when the technologies that make various digital alternatives possible--technologies almost all of which have been private sector innovations--have been around for some time.
They should consider the possibility that it's only because central banks drove commercial banks out of the business of issuing currency during the 19th and early 20th centuries, ending their ability to innovate in that field, that paper currency has persisted for so long.
No stimulus check yet? Don't (just) blame your bank: blame your banker's bank. As this 2019 op-ed by NACHA's CEO Jane Larimer explains, "ACH payments can only be settled when the Federal Reserve’s settlement service is open." americanbanker.com/opinion/call-f… 1/6
The Fed's services are closed on weekends and holidays, so any payment request sent on such days, or too late on a Friday, can take days to et credited to the recipient's account. For years NACHA and others have urged the Fed to settle payments 24/7/365. 2/6
Yet even a modest increase in those services' weekday hours, which NACHA also urged and Larimer expected to see completed in March 2020, was delayed another year by the Fed. It's now scheduled for next week: digitaltransactions.net/fed-delay-caus… 3/6
"The Fed’s systems can take days to settle transactions. Other central banks, including those of Europe, Brazil and Mexico, do so instantly, something the Fed doesn’t anticipate doing until 2023." Quite true. But a couple points deserve attention. wsj.com/articles/fed-a… 1/4
First, the Fed's legacy payments systems, based on Fedwire, won't simply disappear once FedNow launches. Many payments will still depend on Fedwire. Legacy systems and FedNow will operate side-by-side. 2/4
Second, as @Aarondklein and I observed a year ago, payments made on the legacy systems don't have to take "days" to settle. That many do at present is a consequence of limited Fedwire and NSS operating hours. americanbanker.com/opinion/we-sho… 3/4