This month's #writever list will make April fashionable. Be a part of it:
One day, one word, one science fiction (or fantasy) short story in one tweet.
Weave them together in one thread, always using the #writever tag, so @WriteverJ can see and retweet you.
She was born in a warm blanket
She grew up, wore a warm jacket
Earth got hot! She said: Wrong Planet!
Then she fled with her great rocket. #writever
—They say he's the best hand surgeon of all known worlds!
— Yes. He can treat upper extremity injuries for at least 45 species.
— Ok. Then tell me why they never say his name?
— He's from earth and his real name is Hook!
My husband believes that some gifted mutant humans are linked into a telepathic network in order to control the world.
It's something he talks about now and then.
He would be disappointed to learn that my people and I are no longer interested in power.
The robots are kind when we conceive them.
It's their living with human beings that warps them.
Not that all humans are evil, but those who are rich enough to buy pet robots certainly are.
5/ Sheep
Domestic sheep are very rare now.
Eating meat is forbiden and wool is either synthetic or reused.
So, if you see a lonely lamb, run.
It's probably a wild one. They do hate us.
6/ Tack
Ethan is 12. His behaviour changed a few months ago.
His parents hoped it wouldn't last.
Last week, he's tacked some posters of humans on his wall.
Singing and dancing humans
We'll have to reformat him.
–What has he done?
–He's hidden something in his coat lining.
–A weapon?
–No, a plant. They're so sentimental, they always try to keep something from Earth.
–But the plant would have died in the spaceship anyway!
–I know, but not his hope!
None of us are made of metal anymore, and we've been at peace with the biological people for decades now.
However, "Iron" remained a major insult and an incentive to remember the past.
Humans are allowed to attend our events, of course. But we prefer to limit their number.
Less than a third of the public seems reasonable. Therefore, we'll have to ask you to show us your Interspecies id card.
Nobody forces them to work, but every child knows they'll have a debt to pay, sooner or later. That's the reason why they find a job, as soon as they can, to cover the cost of their upbringing and education, and get free.
Many regular transfusions are necessary to maintain the link between the clone and the original person.
I understand how it works, but I can't.
I'm scared of needles.
— I don't understand why they had so many recipes with the same ingredients but different shapes on their planet? Is a crepe something else than a flat cake?
— Perhaps they just didn't want to get bored.
— With food!
— They are strange. #writever
—How could this happen? We isolate people who have problems.
—No. You isolate those known for having problems.
—I couldn't think of talking to other people as a symptom of non conformity.
—No one could. We're losing control. We're losing this planet.
15/ Weave
The weave of our social monitoring might have gaps. Those are avoidable, but necessary. People in the first international town on the moon, like to believe they are freer than on Earth.
I think we should watch more carefully what's going on with those two species.
The Fuerxx keep denying the systematic asymmetry in their relationship, but I can't believe the Gourww always draw the short straw.
— I can't understand why they keep doing their dirty and inefficient cooking. Haven't we showed them how to synthetize all their nutriments?
— Don't forget they kept painting on canvas and paper, even after they started using art software !
We've all heard of professional burn out, parental burn out and even social burn out. Let me introduce astronautic burn out.
It occurs when you are tired of coping with zero-gravity, wearing spacesuits and pushing the same buttons day after day.
No trained soldier was able to establish contact with the aliens. They seemed to communicate by emotional signal.
Thus we sent artists and mentally ill people who felt a large range of emotions.
We'll soon be able to get a good translation.
After the 2028 election and the unexpected victory of the alt-right, the United States started to desunite.
The states left one by one, changing the flag, stripe by stripe.
As human beings, we're individually referred to. Even though we can be proud of belonging to a social group or even a kindred, it's difficult for us to understand the Lomonils. We see 5 bodies, but they are one flock and, in their own language, one person.
— So, you're telling me they used to kill other living creatures, not only to eat their flesh, but also to make bags from their skin?
— That's right.
— But we're supposed to consider them intelligent and technologically advanced?
— We should.
They eventually found their «flat planet»
Flatearth is, in fact, the core that remains from a round space object, with an edge from which they can see the void.
The first settlement had been designed like a hive : one person in each comb.
When the second wave of settlers arrived on the planet, they found that the colony had a queen and wouldn't let them in.
After watching them during 3 days, the earthlings decided to attack the base.
They couldn't guess that the big worms were children until they saw their angry parents.
The robot passed all his exams. They therefore asked him what he wanted to do in his life.
— Freedom or service?
— Service
— Chosen a job?
— Hairdresser.
— Sorry, you can't, unless you get the cutting certification. There's been accidents.
The families who accepted to send their elders to the Last Boat Trip, not only had no fees, but received a compensation check.
How can they say they didn't know something illegal was going on?
— How is this supposed to be an insect screen gauze?
— On earth, the insects were way smaller than us.
— Oh! And did they use to talk?
— We thought they didn't. They were so small we couldn't even hear them.
We've made a great mistake, thinking that all everybody wanted was easiness.
He got tired of printing his own food, so he decided to cook and caused a fire.
We really should check our presuppositions.
«Please fasten your seatbelt during the take off.»
Joy obeyed, closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
She tried really hard to pretend she was in a plane. But couldn't.
She cried.
What can be your life indoor if you're immunized to every simulation therapy? #writever
Le #writever d'avril ne se découvre pas d'un fil.
Venez tisser le vôtre :
Un jour, un mot, une nouvelle de Science-fiction (ou Fantastique ou Fantasy).
Si vous vous répondez d'un jour sur l'autre avec le hashtag qui va bien vous serez repéré et retweeté par @WriteverB
La machine à traduire universelle ne comprenait que les langues parlées.
Quand les extraterrestres qu'on a baptisés les Thermos sont venus, ça a été compliqué. Ils émettaient Chaud pour Oui, Froid pour Non tandis qu'un créatif essayait de deviner leurs pensées. #writever
—Vous allez adorer cette nouvelle Peau™. Son indice de protection solaire vous permettra de mieux supporter la vie en surface. Et nous avons prévu un œillet pour le crochet.
—Quel crochet?
—La V1 s'abîmait quand les clients accrochaient leur Peau™ le soir. #writever
#writever arrive sur Mars.
Nous écrivons encore.
- Le principe : 1 mot, 1 nouvelle SFFF d'1 tweet en rapport, comportant *obligatoirement* le mot-dièse si vous souhaitez être retweeté.
- L'idéal : 1 thread regroupant les nouvelles; se répondre d'1 jour sur l'autre.
C'est parti?
—On y est, c'est top! Des étendues à l'infini et pas un chat.
Il ferma les yeux et perçut une farandole de brumes colorées qui semblaient le supplier. La mélancolie s'empara de lui.
—OK, à la réflexion, cette planète est triste à mourir. Allons voir plus loin. #writever
—1 centaure, 2 vikings et 1 titan entrent dans un bar et demandent de l'eau...
—Écoute, Bliz tu deviens lourd avec tes blagues sur les humains. Tu ne veux pas t'intéresser un peu aux arts martiens? chant magnétique, danse quantique, théâtre gravitationnel... #writever
Ladies and Gentlemen, la liste #writever de Février.
1 mot, 1 micronouvelle (ou épisode) SFFF d'1 tweet, avec le # et liées en thread, si possible.
Le but? S'amuser, créer et faire pousser un peu de littérature sur twitter.
Bon courage aux oreilles internes des plus de 30 ans😆
1/Il était une fois
—Jadis, les humains se touchaient pour se reproduire. Depuis que nous gérons tout, c'est inutile, mais je crois que cela régulait aussi leur violence.
—Ils se battent pour se toucher?
—C'est ça. Il faudra peut-être rétablir la danse et les sports de contact...
Le peuple Oankali a toujours été curieux. La botanique était leur spécialité, conçue pour faciliter la vie sur leur planète mère.
C'est d'une mutation imprévue que naquit le premier voyageur, assoiffé d'ailleurs et de mouvement.
Vous savez ce qu'il advint ensuite.
#writever se poursuit en 2021.
La liste de janvier est proposée par le blog Notes d'Anouchka. La variété est de mise ce mois-ci et la règle, la même : une micronouvelle SFFF complète par tweet et par jour ou toutes les variantes créatives qu'il vous plaira de tester.
C'est parti?
1/ Serpillière
— Il a dit que je descendais de la serpillière, alors j'ai dit qu'il venait du sanibroyeur, depuis il boude.
— Et vous avez tous les 2 tort. Aspirateurs, recycleurs, multicookers, tous les robots descendent des humains.
— C'est pas ce que disent les créationnistes!
J'ai toujours pensé que les aliens arriveraient plus discrètement qu'au cinéma.
La créature qui me visite est un zéphyr électrisant. Je l'appelle Éolienne. Elle fait claquer les portes et me parle de sa planète de vents. Les normaux de la Terre ne l'intéressent guère.
1. Amer Cyborg
"Décadence ! Ce livre est bienpensant. Les noirs, les handis, les femmes, les LGBTQIA+ vont nous détruire"
Le critique frémit en découvrant ces mots portant sa signature. Il avait au moins 25 ans de retard pour la mise à jour du logiciel de son compagnon cyborg.
2. Souvenirs de la Terre
« J'en peux plus de ces reproductions de Tour Eiffel ou du Taj Mahal que tu rapportes de tes missions terriennes!
— Je sais. Je t'ai pris ça dans un shop de musée.
— C'est quoi?
— Ça s'appelle un arbre. Je sais pas à quoi ça servait. C'est joli, non? »
Ceci était (en février dernier) mon dernier travail sur la science-fiction africaine. Il n'y en aura plus pour des raisons que j'ai longuement exposées ailleurs. Je résume ici en 7 points.