When you’ve made it your personal mission to attack somebody no matter what, this is the insanity you end up with if there’s nothing there to attack. This is why my mentions have gone from normal-bad to extra-bad lately:
Some really important pieces of news in this @lhfang piece on new White House disclosures.
Susan Rice's is particularly interesting, showing she owns Pfizer stock as well as more than a million in Johnson & Johnson, while these vaccine makers fight to control their patents /1
She owns a ton of Big Tech stock as antitrust is becoming a major issue for the White House. One of the few things she's divesting is Netflix stock options she was given as compensation. Why not divest all of it?
Google, Apple, Chevron, Amazon, IBM, and on and on. These are stocks held by the head of the White House Domestic Policy Council
The effort to absolve the staff of Teen Vogue of any responsibility for the outcome of the controversy that they initiated with their own public statement is as energetic as it is counterproductive.
Instead of being honestly critical of what the staff did, the move has been to say that actually it's much more complicated, management is to blame, etc. But why is it so hard to say that while management made mistakes, the staff did too? Why can nobody ever own it?
Your entire project would have *more* credibility if you could ever once admit an error. And the project is too important not to do so.
I see your Lenin and raise you Adam Smith: “What all the violence of the feudal institutions could never have effected, the silent and insensible operation of foreign commerce and manufactures gradually brought about.”
(He’s saying feudalism forced lords to share generously with serfs and others because otherwise it would all go to waste. Once wealth could be transformed into capital, stored and traded with other capitalists, there was no need to share it, since it wasn’t food that went bad)
This is the chapter “Towns Improved the Country” in Wealth of Nations
Bill Clinton used to have a phrase for an effort he would undertake that he knew would fail but was good politics to try: He’d say, “I want to be caught trying.”
A lot of Dems want to be caught trying to work with Republicans, so that when that doesn’t work, they can go alone
Open question is whether Biden wants to be caught trying or is actually trying. It probably doesn’t matter though, since it’s so unlikely to work.
There are filibuster politics at play too. Any Democrat alone, given the 50 seat majority, can block efforts to end it. And if they think there’s a chance Republicans will work with Dems, they want to try it. They have to be shown that’s not true.
The planning for the January 16 and 17 militia events in DC is quite specific. They want at least 15k people and if they achieve that they plan to block Democrats from entering the Capitol, allowing only Republicans through. Here’s where they plan to meet
That was available online on Jan 6 but the website has been taken down. It’s still on the wayback machine. Here are the further plans.
“All patriot participants will be responsible for finding their own food and lodging.”