PEDIATRIC HOSPITAL ADMISSIONS: @BannerHealth has shared their pediatric #COVID19 admission data with me across Arizona.
The numbers show that January will likely have 6X the number of admissions than October. (projected)
“Symptoms in children are generally more mild than in adults and almost all pediatric patients can recover and be discharged, but the trend we are seeing with more pediatric COVID-19 patients is concerning," Banner tells me.
Banners children’s hospitals do have capacity for children.
A pediatric doctor at Banner Desert has seen kids on ventilators, ECMO.
They also have seen MIS-C across Arizona and there's concerns of the long-term impacts on kids.
It also says that between Oct. 10-16 there was an average of 73 patients with confirmed covid-19, and 192 patients suspected of Covid-19 as newly admitted each day to AZ hospitals.
It also says this may be 'an underestimate of the actual total number of COVID-related hospitalizations. Underreporting may lead to a lower allocation of critical supplies.'