"Holiness is in right action and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves. Goodness, what God desires is in our Minds and in our Hearts. What you decide to do every day will determine if you will be Good (wo)man or not"
Kane County Chronicle backed a Mayoral
Candidate Kevin Burns.
I received a call from Brenda Schory of the Kane County Chronicle asking me WHY I was bringing up Partial Birth Abortion (they literally pull the baby out while its kicking ... leave the head in the mother while its kicking and sever the spinal cord...
Democrats and Kevin Burns does not think this is murder) and Critical Race Theory. This reporter said she didn't know that Critical Race Theory (I will NEVER EVER Apologize for being WHITE, Critical Race Theory should not only be criminal but it should be recognized for what it
is; an attempt to start a race war), Communist Propaganda passed by a 70% Democrat Controlled legislature was the underpinnings of Pritzker's communist agenda for Illinois.
She was befuddled as to why I would call out Burns for his views on Abortion and Critical Race Theory.
I enclosed this clip outlined when I learned about Burns and his view on Abortion. Given the fact that Burns openly supports who is arguably the most liberal and horrific member of Congress the Undertaker (of the unborn) Underwood of IL-14. Burns not only supported Underwood
and her misguided evil beliefs; he was PROUD of it. Proud to know the most innocent among us would be slaughtered is nothing to ever be proud of.
All National Politics STARTS on the local level. We the People need to vote in others that SHARE our Values. Burns shares evil
values with a very evil person by the name of Lauren the Undertaker Underwood of IL-14.
We the citizens of Geneva need to show up and vote against Evil on April 6th. More than 1 innocent life is killed in every minute of every day because of People like Lauren Underwood and
Kevin Burns that attempt to disassociate themselves from the responsibility and obligation to defend the most innocent among us.
I coined the phrases phantom voters and phantom sleeper voters after going through data in AZ and PA
I also did a write up regarding a Congressional race explaining how entire classes of last nanes were annihilated as well as various age groups trimmed from the election results
I provided this information to a few folks including someone who ran for office in PA for Congress.
My forecast was 30% Phantom Voters in a sample set of names that I provided to PA and AZ. My estimates were spot on.
Some new film is coincidentally using my ideas and someone
someone in it sure makes it sound like they figured this out.
If someone asked you, Do you support universal education?
Most people would say yes. If they asked you would you ever be comfortable getting involved doing what you said you supported, you would most likely say, yes. I could live with myself supporting universal education.
If someone asked you, Do you support helping the needy?
Most people would say yes. If they asked you would you ever be comfortable getting involved doing what you said you supported, you would most likely say, yes. I could live with myself supporting helping the needy.
If someone ask you, Do you support abortion?, and you said yes.
My question to you is, would you really be comfortable getting involved or simply witnessing the horror of a child being ripped apart? Could you really live with yourself if "support" meant you had
January 6 at 9:00 AM · Reposting
Warnock received 1,616,061 votes on 11/3/2020 (I manually typed each of the 159 counties from Politico website. Gotta love the symmetry in the numbers.
Politico reported @KLoeffler
reported 1,272,893 and Collins picked up 980,009.
3 other Republicans received 5,236 while 2 Dem's picked up 321,979.
Total in 2020 Election: 1,938,040 for Dem Candidates and Republicans picked up 2,258,138
A total of 4,196,178 Votes were cast for these candidates.
Yesterday, 4,401,064 votes showed up to vote or 4.88% more
voters than showed up in 2020?
Why did more people show up to vote for this race by almost 5% while the other Senatorial race had a 9% decline? What gives???? This makes no sense. I'll going to go do the same analysis I did for @sendavidperdue now on this race.
Here is a
Let me start by saying, I do believe in Free Competition and Capitalism, what I do NOT believe in is Crony Capitalism or have State Based Capitalism (in which politicians are bought off to do corporate bidding). For about 2 decades, #Bezos and #Amazon destroyed the livelihood of
Millions of Americans and disrupted 100,000 plus communities; in the process making himself hundreds of billions of dollars. Non Exclusive List: 1) The Retail Tax Base (much of the competition of Amazon had to collect taxes and in industry of people switching over 1-2 percent,
this 5-10% advantage was Unfair) 2) Property Tax Base (aside from devastating State Sales Tax Revenues), Amazon crushed Local Communities tax bases by building facilities that often time were subsidized by taxpayers of other States. Very strange indeed that this is allowed to
My Fellow Americans, Never Underestimate the Power of Free Men and Women and the Might of the United State Military. I am not privy to an inside information but I know BEYOND a REASONABLE DOUBT that we have the Weapons and Will (of our Troops) to Keep
America Safe! The Weapons that I have dreamt that we have are absolutely Astonishing and will help US maintain God's Shining City on a Hill! America is the Greatest Nation Ever and will Remain So for All of Humankind! Never Forget this Fact! It is ours to Lose!
Every People from Every Nation on Earth resides in Our Great United States of America! Name another Nation, EVER, in the History of the World that had Free Spirits, from every corner of the world, flow into it! Evil Empires come and Go, and Amoral, God Complex, Mentally
Since election day, the price of oil appears to have jumped about $16 /barrel. #DoTheMath $16*20 million barrels a day is $320 million more spent daily across US economy. This works out to 2,240 millions/per week or $2.24 Billion or 116,800 millions or $116.8 billion/yearly.
If you divide this by 150 million American workers it works out to $778 more spent per worker per year or $2.13/day. Keep in mind this doesn't take into account the multiplier effect which magnifies this cost to 3-7 fold depending on industry.
Why am I writing about this today?
Because our Domestic Energy Industry (Western States, Alaska, etc) is being attacked from within our own Nation by our own Government for the benefit of Globalism and International Oil Trusts. It's disgusting. President Trump ended hundreds of billions being siphoned out of the