The 4th day of witness testimony should be starting soon. Court ended yesterday after the state played multiple bodycam videos.

@CallanGrayNews talked with former U.S. Attorney Erica MacDonald about how the evidence could affect jurors. Link below...…
The state has called Courteney Ross to the stand.

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Ross was in a relationship with George Floyd at the time of his death. #DerekChauvinTrial
Ross is sharing the story of how she met George Floyd in 2017. She started to get choked up before starting. #DerekChauvinTrial Image
Ross met Floyd at Harbor Lights while waiting to see the father of her children. She gets emotional while sharing how Floyd walked up to her and asked to pray with her. #DerekChauvinTrial Image
Ross gave a big smile when she told the court about their first kiss. #DerekChauvinTrial
Matthew Frank is asking Ross about Floyd's employment as a security guard at Conga Latin Bistro, Harbor Lights. Image
Frank calls up Exhibit 247. You can hear Ross start to get choked up.

Ross: "I would call it a dad selfie...I, I'm just joking but a lot of dads, like sometimes don't have the best angle when they take selfies." #DerekChauvinTrial Image
Frank asks Ross about George Floyd's reaction to his mother's death.

"Floyd is what I would call a mama's boy...when he came from Houston...he seemed kinda like a shell of himself, like he was, like he was broken." #DerekChauvinTrial Image
Frank asks Ross if she needs a minute.

Ross: "I'm ok. I can do it."

Frank asks if drug abuse was part of their relationship.

Ross says both she and Floyd suffered from opioid addictions.

Ross: It's the classic story of how many people get addicted to opioids, we both suffer from chronic pain. #DerekChauvinTrial
Frank is asking Ross more about the types of drugs both she and Floyd would use. Sometimes they would use other people's prescriptions "to make sure they were safe." #DerekChauvinTrial
Frank asks Ross to think back to March 2020 and if Floyd was actively using drugs.

Ross: I think when you know someone who suffers with any type of addiction, you can start to kind of see changes when they're using again. #DerekChauvinTrial Image
Ross says she talked with Floyd the day before he died over the phone. #DerekChauvinTrial
Ross: Well, Floyd, you know, made his Minneapolis family here too, and a lot of the people that he was friends with were from other states and almost everybody had lost their job. Within that time, and he was feeling kind of lonely and just wanted to hang out with his friends.
Frank asks Courteney Ross about George Floyd's COVID-19 test results. He tested positive, she did not. #DerekChauvinTrial Image
Eric Nelson is now cross examining Courteney Ross.

Thanks Ross for sharing her story about her opioid addiction struggles. Image
Nelson is now asking y/n framed questions about Ross and Floyd's drug use.
Nelson asks Ross to identify Morries Hall in a picture only shown to her. Nelson asks if she and Floyd bought drugs from Hall. She says they had. #DerekChauvinTrial
Nelson asks Ross about a time she took Floyd to the hospital.

Nelson: You later learn that that was due to an overdose?
Ross: Yes

The state objects, Cahill overrules. #DerekChauvinTrial
Nelson asks Ross about pills that both she and Floyd had. She testifies that it didn't have the same effect on her as other pills.

Nelson: seemed like it was a really strong stimulant, I couldn't sleep all night.
Judge Cahill calls for a sidebar after Frank objects. I believe it was for improper cross examination.

Ross looked around confused. #DerekChauvinTrial Image
Nelson asks Ross about Floyd's friendship with Morries Hall.

She said she didn't like Hall. Nelson then asks if Floyd would be honest when he was with Hall.

Frank objects.

Cahill: That is sustained. You don't have to answer that.

Ross shook her head afterward.
Nelson is currently showing Ross her transcript from an interview with the FBI. #DerekChauvinTrial Image
Ross, reading the transcript says, "I was in such shock then I don't even know what I mean by some of the things I said."

Nelson: There was no question I'm gonna object.

Cahill calls for a sidebar after Frank says something. #DerekChauvinTrial
Nelson is bringing her transcript again to "refresh her memory."

Judge Cahill explains to Ross that she doesn't need to answer anything yet and to wait for Nelson to ask her something. #DerekChauvinTrial Image
Nelson asks Ross what Floyd had her number saved as in his phone.

Ross: Mama.

This came up in the middle of questions about where Floyd purchased drugs and from who. Ross is now crying again. #DerekChauvinTrial Image
Nelson is done.

Frank is up to redirect.
Frank: And it just wanted you to clarify for the jury you're not trying to mislead them or anything what you're saying is, you didn't personally see that sale.

Ross: No I didn't. Yeah, I just wanted to say what I saw.
Frank: What did he call his mother what, what did he refer to her as?
Ross: He called her mama, too, but it's just different, the way he said it.

Frank: Did you also see Mr Floyd taking that kind of pill.
Ross: We did not take them together that time.
Frank: Did you think that he had some of them for himself. Ross: Yes.
Frank: Obviously he did not die in March.
Ross: No.
Judge Cahill excuses Courteney Ross.

They are now on a 20 minute break.
Pool reporter says the court is on break until 11:15 a.m. #DerekChauvinTrial
Well, they started to come back...but then Judge Cahill said: "Hold on. Counsel, chambers? Briefly?" #DerekChauvinTrial Image
They're back now with the new witness. Seth Bravinder. #DerekChauvinTrial Image
Erin Eldridge is up for the state.

Bravinder is a paramedic with Hennepin Co. EMS. Image
Eldridge is asking questions establishing Bravinder's credentials as a paramedic, training, etc. #DerekChauvinTrial
Bravinder says he was on duty on May 25, 2020. He responded code 2 (meaning no lights/sirens) for someone with a mouth injury. #DerekChauvinTrial
Bravinder says the call was upgraded code 3 (lights/sirens) about a minute and a half later. #DerekChauvinTrial
Bravinder: There were multiple officers on top of the patient when we pulled up at that point, we assumed...
I should say, I assumed that there was potentially some struggle still because there were still on top of them. #DerekChauvinTrial Image
Bravinder: I didn't see any breathing or movement or anything like that.
Eldridge: Did he appear to be unresponsive to you at that point in time?
Bravinder: From what I could tell just standing from a distance, yes.
Eldridge: And was he in handcuffs.
Bravinder: Yes
Bravinder says his partner checked George Floyd's pulse on his neck and his pupils. Bravinder says he asked his partner if Floyd was in cardiac arrest. His partner said, "I think so."

Eldridge asks what cardiac arrests means.

Bravinder: It's a term we're going to use for anybody that's not responsive not breathing, and doesn't have a pulse currently.
Eldridge: So, essentially does that mean that someone's heart stopped?
Bravinder: Yeah. #ChauvinTrial
Bravinder says it takes a lot of focus/mental power when working on patients who are in cardiac arrest, so they chose to get Floyd in the ambulance and in a "controlled space." #DerekChauvinTrial Image
Eldridge is going to play a video clip for the court that has already been entered in as evidence.
It's Officer Lane's body camera video. So this could be traumatic for folks to watch.
The video is at the point when paramedics arrive at 38th & Chicago. #DerekChauvinTrial Image
Video is paused with George Floyd inside the ambulance.

Eldridge asks Bravinder to identify his partner (the paramedic wearing a hat.) #DerekChauvinTrial
They are now showing the bystander video and you see the ambulance and paramedics. #DerekChauvinTrial
Eldridge asks Bravinder to identify himself in the video. He was not wearing a hat.

Eldridge: There was a gesture with your hand. What were you attempting to do at that point in time?
Bravinder: Just having the officer move.
Bravinder says they had one of the MPD officers come with them in the ambulance to assist with chest compressions. Bravinder previously explained that firefighter EMT's tend to help them.
Eldridge is now showing Exhibit 73 to Bravinder and no one else. Says it's a map.
Bravinder marks on Exhibit 73 the route they took to get away from Cup Foods to be able to focus on George Floyd. #DerekChauvinTrial Image
Eldridge asks Bravinder to explain what he remembers after parking the ambulance and going to the back to assist with Floyd. He says Floyd's condition had not changed and his heart was "flatlined."#DerekChauvinTrial Image
Bravinder is now explaining a "Lucas device." It helps assist in chest compressions. They've pulled up a still frame from a body camera that shows the Lucas device.
FYI -- I've seen the video of George Floyd inside the ambulance as the device is operating. This could be traumatic or difficult for folks to watch. If so, you should turn it off. They're just using stills at this point. #DerekChauvinTrial
They're still showing still frames from the body camera video. You can see Bravinder holding Floyd's head to deliver oxygen, etc. His partner is on Floyd's side working on an IV.

They just wrapped up a quick sidebar conversation. #DerekChauvinTrial Image
Nelson objects to a couple of Eldridge's questions saying it's leading.

She's asking about medications and why they would be used on a cardiac arrest patient.
I've cropped this image that was shared with the jurors. Bravinder is on the right assisting with Floyd's breathing. His partner is hold Floyd's arm. #DerekChauvinTrial Image
Eldridge: Was there something that you needed to accomplish before you felt comfortable moving again?

Bravinder says they had to get chest compressions, breathing assistance, and medications done before driving to the hospital. He says it's "time sensitive." #DerekChauvinTrial
Eldridge: Is it important to start resuscitative efforts, immediately after someone does not find a pulse?
Bravinder: As soon as we can, yes.

Eldridge: What happens if there's a delay?
Bravinder: Based on my understanding that's not good for outcome.

They're now showing new evidence. Looks like surveillance video from their arrival to the hospital.
Eldridge asks what Floyd's condition was by the time they got him inside the hospital.

Bravinder: I don't know what his exact cardiac rhythm was at that point, but his overall conditioned did not appear to change. #DerekChauvinTrial
Eldridge: Again, over the course of your interaction with him and treatment to Mr. Floyd, did you notice any positive change or revival?

Bravinder: No. #DerekChauvinTrial
Eric Nelson starts his cross examination with Bravinder's education, training. Image
Nelson: Have you arrived at a scene where you've seen officers on top of a person before?
Bravinder: Yes.
Eldridge: Objection your honor, irrelevant.
Cahill: Overruled. #DerekChauvinTrial
Nelson's questions are now focused on EMS policy to have police respond to overdose medical calls. He then asks if people who are revived can become aggressive and violent.

Eldridge objects. Cahill overrules.
Nelson asks if Bravinder met with the prosecution last night to go over what he would testify to today.

Nelson has asked this before, including Courteney Ross.
Nelson asks if EMS carries Ketamine with them. Bravinder confirms. Asks if it's to sedate if a patient is struggling. Bravinder confirms.

Nelson follows up saying that it wasn't used on George Floyd.
Nelson asks Bravinder if it was difficult to get the Lucas device on George Floyd. Bravinder confirms.

Now asking if Bravinder had difficulty putting in the breathing device into Floyd's mouth or throat. He says no, but he had to get a different size.
Nelson wraps up. Eldridge is now redirecting Bravinder.
E: Was Mr. Floyd struggling or violent in any way.
B: No.
E: Did it appear to you that he was already dead when you got there?

Nelson objects, Cahill says if you know.

Bravinder: I wouldn't know when I pulled up on scene but I did not see him as I testified earlier.
Bravinder says he didn't see Floyd moving or breathing. Agrees that he later learned Floyd was in cardiac arrest.

Eldridge is now asking about the crowd in front of Cup Foods. #DerekChauvinTrial
Eldridge: What are the other things that you consider in terms of why to move somebody to another location.

Bravinder says equipment and "being in a good environment to resuscitate."

Bravinder is excused. Now on lunchbreak.
Derek Smith is now on the witness stand. He's a paramedic with Hennepin Co. EMS. #DerekChauvinTrial

Watch live: Image
Eldridge asks what cardiac arrests means.

Smith: What's a cardiac arrest. Well, cardiac arrest is an individual that is, in layman's terms death, not producing the pulse, not breathing. #DerekChauvinTrial
Paramedic Smith describes what he saw when he arrived on scene, besides Floyd and the police officers.

"Lots of there's multiple people, multiple cell phones out, there was elevated tones used, it didn't feel like a welcoming environment." #DerekChauvinTrial
Smith says the officers were still on George Floyd when he approached. #DerekChauvinTrial
Eldridge: And what did his condition appear to be to you?

Smith: Overall, in lay terms, I thought he was dead.

They're now showing a still frame from the bystander video. You see Smith's gloved hand checking for a pulse on Floyd's neck. #DerekChauvinTrial
Smith: In a living person, there should be a pulse there. I did not feel one. I suspected this patient to be dead, in lay terms.

Eldridge:And at the moment that you're checking for this carotid pulse is the officer still positioned on top of Mr. Floyd.

Smith: Yes.
Smith marks himself in this video with a green arrow. He says he believes he's reaching for his flashlight to check Floyd's pupils. #DerekChauvinTrial Image
Smith says he had to tell one of the officers to get out of his way.

"I wanted to get my patient, to my rig, as quickly as possible and so I can begin my resuscitation efforts." #DerekChauvinTrial
Eldridge: Had there been any, did you observe anyone rendering any medical care chest compressions when you arrived?

Smith: When I arrived on scene, there was no medical services being provided to the patient. #DerekChauvinTrial
Smith says he took of the handcuffs that were still on George Floyd. #DerekChauvinTrial Image
I've cropped this image. Smith identifies himself as the man in the paramedic uniform. Says he was reconfirming his initial assessment...Floyd was still pulseless. #DerekChauvinTrial Image
Next series of stills shows the MPD officer performing chest compression inside the ambulance. #DerekChauvinTrial
More stills show Floyd in the ambulance. Smith points out superficial injuries on Floyd's nose and shoulder. He said his concern was the cardiac arrest. #DerekChauvinTrial
Derek Chauvin is writing on his notepad during this testimony. #DerekChauvinTrial Image
Eldridge: So what was your concern working in cardiac arrest alone and needing fire to come code three?

Smith: There's a lot to be done and a little bit of time. #DerekChauvinTrial
Eldridge: ...applying a shock would not be something you could do at that point?

Smith: Correct.
Eldridge asks what it means when Smith says flatline or Asystole.

Smith: It means you're dead. #DerekChauvinTrial
Eldridge: And while you were traveling on route to the hospital, did you at some point deliver a shock or administer a shock?

Smith: Yes.

Smith had noticed a shockable rhythm while en route to the hospital.
Smith: It just delivered a shock and he remained in his quote unquote dead state, we continued on cardiac arrest.

Smith: He's a human being and I was trying to give him a second chance at life.

Eldridge: What was Mr. Floyd's condition at the time you arrived...

Smith: He was still deceased, we were working a cardiac arrest.

Nelson objects. But after a short sidebar, Judge Cahill says the answer will stand. #DerekChauvinTrial
Nelson asks for a moment before starting his cross examination.

#DerekChauvinTrial Image
Eric Nelson is now at the lectern for cross examination.

Nelson: This is gonna sound a little odd. Is it common to feel for a pulse with using your thumb like if I were feeling for a pulse on someone's arm, would you use your thumb or should you use fingers. #ChauvinTrial
Nelson: Why didn't you just have the officer help...?

Smith: That's not what we do, because he's not an EMT.
Next witness is called.
Capt. Jeremy Norton is with the Minneapolis Fire Dept. He's stationed at Station #17. Image
They're currently running through Norton's background, certifications, training, etc. #DerekChauvinTrial Image
Norton says the numbers he has seen shows 80% of their work is responding to medical calls.
Eldridge is now shifting to questions about May 25, 2020.

Norton says they were initially dispatched code 2. He says they were given very little information. #DerekChauvinTrial
Norton describes the scene when he arrived, but says the ambulance was not there and neither was the patient. #DerekChauvinTrial
Norton identifies himself getting out of the fire truck. #DerekChauvinTrial Image
Norton marks Genevieve Hansen, the off duty firefighter witness, with a green dot. You can see Norton with Minneapolis Fire on the back of his shirt. #DerekChauvinTrial Image
Norton sent someone to check on Genevieve Hansen at Cup Foods.

"Once we got in the ambulance and I saw the severity of Mr. Floyd's condition and the gravity...I understood the, the justification for duress and so I set my crew back to check on her to make sure she was okay."
Eric Nelson is now cross examining Capt. Norton.
I'm late coming back.

Steve Schleicher is questioning a new witness.
David Pleoger is now explaining use of force reviews within MPD. #DerekChauvinTrial Image
Judge Cahill called a sidebar as Schleicher asked to introduce a piece of evidence. Image
Judge Cahill explains that the state is introducing Minneapolis Police Dept. policies without having to call in witnesses to provide a foundation.

"You're simply saying that you may accept these policies as being the policies in place on May 25 2020" #DerekChauvinTrial
This is what Ploeger and jurors are currently looking at... #DerekChauvinTrial Image
Schleicher asks Ploeger about this portion of MPD policy:

"As soon as reasonably practical, determine if anyone was injured and render medical aid consistent with training and request Emergency Medical Service (EMS) if necessary." #DerekChauvinTrial Image
Ploeger is now explaining the purpose of a hobble or maximal restraint technique.

It requires supervisory reporting. #DerekChauvinTrial
Ploeger says he's known Officer Chauvin since around 2008...they worked together on the same shift. #DerekChauvinTrial
Schleicher had Ploeger point out Chauvin. Chauvin started to stand up, but sat back down with no objections from Nelson. #DerekChauvinTrial Image
The dispatcher we heard from earlier this week called Ploeger on May 25, 2020.

Ploeger: She called to say she didn't mean to be a snitch, but she'd seen something while viewing a camera that she thought was concerning and called to let me know about it.

They're playing the audio from the call made to Ploeger. #DerekChauvinTrial Image
They're now playing Derek Chauvin's body camera video and you can hear him on the phone with Ploeger.

S: He made a reference to shutting off, can you explain to the jury...:
P: I probably asked him if he had his camera on or off since we're having a private conversation. Image
This is body camera video from Ploeger.

He describes he was on the phone with Derek Chauvin. Ploeger says he told Chauvin he was close by and would talk to him in person. #DerekChauvinTrial Image
This is a still from Pleoger's body cam video. #DerekChauvinTrial Image
Pleoger directed Chauvin to talk to witnesses.

Chauvin responded with "I can try, but they're pretty hostile." Pleoger had him do it anyways. #DerekChauvinTrial Image
Body camera video shows Chauvin and Thao at the hospital. #DerekChauvinTrial Image
This body cam still shows Pleoger and hospital staff. #DerekChauvinTrial Image
Schleicher: Did the defendant tell you how long he had applied pressure to or restrained Mr.Floyd by applying pressure to his neck.

Pleoger: No. #DerekChauvinTrial
Schleicher asks, "Do you believe that the restraint should have ended at some point in the encounter?"

Nelson objects, Judge Cahill asks for in a sidebar. #DerekChauvinTrial
Still talking without audio... #DerekChauvinTrial Image
Schleicher is now asking a series of questions about duties as shift sergeant and referring use of force. Schleicher tells Judge Cahill he submits the foundation, but Nelson asks for a sidebar. #DerekChauvinTrial
Judge Cahill is now sending the jurors out for a break to figure out a "fairly sticky legal issue." #DerekChauvinTrial Image
Nelson has asked to voir dire Pleoger for a possible objection without the jury present. Image
Nelson is back again and asks " Rendering medical aid or trying to while trying to deal with other people who are upset with you or volatile towards you, may come into to play, agreed?

Pleoger: Yes. #DerekChauvinTrial
Steve Schleicher is back again.

I believe this is the first witness that the defense and state have gone back and forth over so many times. #DerekChauvinTrial Image
And they just wrapped for the day.

They'll be back tomorrow morning with more witnesses. Judge Cahill said that Friday would just be a half court ends at 12:30 p.m. #DerekChauvinTrial

• • •

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6 Apr
Court will start earlier, but not for witness testimony. At 8:30 a.m., Judge Cahill will hear the motion on Morries Hall's invocation of his 5th Amendment against self-incrimination. Hall was in George Floyd's car on May 25, 2020. #DerekChauvinTrial…
Witness testimony will continue after this AM's hearing.

We heard from Chief Arradondo and Inspector Katie Blackwell on use of force policy/procedures, specifically on neck restraints. #DerekChauvinTrial

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Morries Hall is appearing via Zoom. His attorney is in person. #DerekChauvinTrial Image
Read 84 tweets
5 Apr
It's day 18 of the Derek Chauvin trial. Testimony started w/a lot of emotion from witnesses, but it has since shifted...We expect that to continue this week with other experts & witnesses, including Chief Arradondo. #DerekChauvinTrial…
Court has started this morning, but first going over some motions about body camera video evidence.

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Judge Cahill said earlier that tomorrow they'll have to go over "Mr. Hall's invocation of his rights." #DerekChauvinTrial Image
Read 156 tweets
2 Apr
You may have wondered why the state and defense attorneys ask questions in certain ways. @KirstenKSTP learned why those questions are equally as important the testimony in the #DerekChauvinTrial…
And @CallanGrayNews spoke with Lee Hutton about why Thursday’s testimony from the two paramedics and now-retired Sgt. Pleoger was so significant. #DerekChauvinTrial…
Jon Edwards with the Minneapolis Police Dept. is the first witness on the stand this morning. #DerekChauvinTrial Image
Read 70 tweets
30 Mar
Matthew Frank is picking up where he left off with Donald Williams this morning. Williams, an experienced MMA fighter, witnessed what happened on May 25, 2020. #DerekChauvinTrial

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Eric Nelson objects as Williams starts to say something along the lines that he saw "someone like [him]" in that situation. Frank moves on to other questions... #ChauvinTrial
Frank asks Williams if he heard any bystander threaten the safety of the police officers. He says no, but did tell someone to go back into the store when things started getting heated. #DerekChauvinTrial
Read 125 tweets
29 Mar
Court will start in 10 minutes. The state and defense will give their opening statements this morning. @KirstenKSTP @EricChalouxKSTP @CallanGrayNews will also have updates.

How to watch live coverage of the #DerekChauvinTrial…
Court is on the record now. They're starting with motions and will bring in the jurors at 9:30 a.m.

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Judge Cahill says they do have all 15 jurors, so one will be dismissed. #DerekChauvinTrial
Read 96 tweets

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