So it's hard not to make you react when you see these 4 things.
Another example:
I'm a writer. A relatable tweet for you, my fellow writer, would include how we both
- Experience Imposter Syndrome
- Experience Writer's Block
- Write absolute garbage when we're sleep deprived
- And think this is the most beautiful thing on planet Earth:
4. Room for discussion
50% of my comments: "This dude gets it"
50% of my comments: "Man that living room sucks"
This is good.
When you include polarization in your tweet, you'll get a bunch of engagement from those that agree and those that don't.
Classic technique.
Which is why you see so much polarizing content everywhere:
"Why you're depressed..."
"Your life sucks because..."
"You'll never get rich if you..."
"Why x is the worst thing you could do to your health"
They're persuasive, but see them for what they are:
A trick.
This was just 1 analysis (and a deep one for just 4 images and 7 words)
Want to know how I'd change this one?
Plus 20 more tweets?
Plus implement-and-receive-100-likes templates you can steal from me?