The nation's single most highly educated county is in Northern Virginia. 43% college educated. Biden won 83% of the vote.…
So when conservatives talk about preferring a smaller, higher-quality electorate - education is obviously not the selection criterion they have in mind.
I am listening to the 33-hour audiobook of Allen Drury's famous 1950s bestseller "Advise and Consent" - and in all that time, not a single senator ever thinks or talks about fundraising.
Drury reported on the Senate, he was not a naif of any kind. And to be clear, his world is not better than ours. A South Carolina senator at one point explains why politics in his state is cheap. "All we have to spend our money on is corn liquor and lynching bees."
But it was a different world, and a striking difference is the absence of money as an independent political force - despite the almost total lack in those days of legal restrictions on money in politics.
About 1/3 US population has had one short.
Almost 20% have had two shots.
At pace of nearly 4 million doses/day, those figures will more than double by early May.
As the vaccination rate rises, anti-COVID restrictions will spontaneously dissolve.
People who have had two shots will not await specific CDC guidance, "Do this, don't do that." They'll feel safe(r), so they'll resume normal life.
That's human nature. 2/x
The more risk-averse segments of the population will be offended by the behaviors of the less risk-averse. On platforms like this one, you may hear scolding: "Keep wearing the mask even if you've had your two shots! No parties till September!"
There's not much truth to the idea of the GOP as a worker's party. But increasingly, they are an anti-business party - at least, anti the businesses that must serve big, diverse, and increasingly global customer bases.
Businesses want and need to assure the safety of their customers. But Republican politicians vow to over-rule business needs for the sake of a paranoid fringe, who want to use other people's property without respecting other people's rules.…
In my article, I note we may never actually see a vaccine passport. The US vaccine program is moving so fast that the country may achieve herd immunity by autumn - so it may not be worth the trouble to check who is vaccinated and who is not.
The anti-vaccine-passport is not a pro-liberty movement. It's an attempt to police and control how businesses ensure the safety of their premises - all for the benefit of a subset of a population who wish to use the property of others without regard to the health of others.
it's often argued that mass immigration will rescue the finances of Medicare and Social Security. This was never a strong argument, because the typical immigrant contributed less than that immigrant would ultimately recoup in benefits after he/she reached 65.
@CIS_org But as the immigrant population arrives older, they have fewer and fewer year to contribute - before they begin to claim.
Older immigrants are also more likely to make claims on Medicaid even before they reach 65.