Magilla Gorilla 39 Profile picture
Apr 5, 2021 163 tweets 74 min read Read on X
(1) A WIP thread on the "Bobby Did It" working theory.

This is not a report, and will likely ramble and go off on tangents, but I thought I would share it. ImageImageImageImage
(2) Rough Outline - 1:

I. Bobby has been noticing Teresa from prior visits to the Avery Salvage Yard and has become sexually interested
(computer pornography).

II. When Teresa leaves the Van location, Bobby follows her in his truck (Steven's testimony makes this possible). ImageImage
(3) Rough Outline - 2

III. Bobby catches Teresa in her RAV4 and gets her to pull over somehow. Could be before she gets to WI-147, along WI-147, on CTH Q or at Kuss Road.

IV. Bobby makes advances and Teresa rebuffs him. Image
(4) Rough Outline - 3

V. Bobby is so embarrassed and angry after Teresa rebuffs him that he strikes out at Teresa violently causing some significant injury.

VI. Rather than facing the police, he decides to kidnap her until he can decide what to do.
(5) Rough Outline - 4

VII. Bobby eventually decides to kill Teresa with a .22 caliber rifle and cremate her in a burn barrel.

VIII. Bobby buries Teresa's cremains at the Kuss Road burial site, where they are later found and moved by rogue law enforcement officers. ImageImage
(6) Rough Outline - 5

IX. Bobby kills the battery in Teresa's RAV4 and steals a nearly new Interstate MT-58 to replace it.

X. Bobby convinces his friend, Mike Osmunson, to help him plant Teresa's RAV4 at the Salvage Yard (Wilmer Siebert). ImageImage
(7) Rough Outline - 6

XI. Bobby accidentally puts cremains into his own family's Burn Barrels.

XII. Bobby sees Steven bleeding and goes into his home and collects blood while Steven is at Menard's with Chuck. ImageImage
(8) Rough Outline - 7

XIII. Bobby plants Stevens blood in the RAV4 by the pond.

XIV. Bobby burns Teresa's electronics and places them in Steven's burn barrel. ImageImage
(9) Rough Outline - 8

XV. Police plant remaining items: magic key, magic bullet, burn pit cremains. ImageImage
(10) Alternative:

XVI. Rogue police broke into Avery's home while he was at Menard's (lights at Kuss Road) & collected blood from the sink so it wouldn't be washed away while they were short on probable cause.

XVII. Rogue police planted blood in RAV4 prior to it leaving ASY. ImageImage
(11) Rough outline

XVIII. At trial Bobby tries to act reluctant but strongly implicates his Uncle.

XIX. Bobby does a half assed job of scrubbing his hard disk, revealing the lies he told about his activities on 10/31. ImageImage
(12) Rough outline

XX. Bobby obsessively follows the case and looks at disfigured women to relive his crime.

XXI. Bobby refuses to even talk to Steven after testifying. Image
(13) I will follow this outline, step-by-step and see if evidence supports this working theory or refutes it.

Let's start with:

Section I: Bobby has been noticing Teresa from prior visits to the Avery Salvage Yard and has become sexually interested (computer pornography). Image
(14) Obsessed with Teresa, I.

On the supporting side, we have evidence that Bobby looked at pornography on his family's computer and lied about it, the location of the computer, and his activities on 10/31/2005.

Also, many files had been erased and lost. ImageImageImage
(15) Obsessed with Teresa, II.

On the refuting side, none of the pornography directly tied to Teresa prior to the police investigation details being released.

Also, Bobby flirted with other girls on IM, socialized away from home, and still lived near his High School friends. Image
(16) Obsessed with Teresa III.

There is really no reason to think Bobby was awkward with women and easily obsessed with someone who visited 5 minutes at a time, maybe 10 times. Also, Teresa always dressed conservatively for work.

Further, Bobby is married with children, now. ImageImage
(17) At Bobby's age, it's easy to think he was sexually interested in Teresa, because he was probably sexually interested in anything that would talk to him.

I think there is very thin evidence that Bobby would suddenly become a sexual predator on that day. ImageImage
(18) Moving on to the next element of the working theory we have:

II. When Teresa leaves the Van location, Bobby follows her in his truck (Steven's testimony makes this possible).

(19) Bobby followed Teresa out of the Salvage Yard:

In Zellner's recreation, Bobby sees Teresa leave and immediately goes after her. She ends up with a 20s head start.

They show Steven's statement is viable, because Steven loses sight of Bobby shortly after he drives off. ImageImageImageImage
(20) So far, Zellner has reconciled a lot of moving parts with her video.

She showed that Steven Avery's statement can be totally accurate, including not seeing Bobby's truck and seeing the RAV4 turn left toward Larrabee.

I really can't argue that this sequence isn't plausible. Image
(21) Still, as far as it goes, it only puts Bobby Dassey 20s behind Teresa heading WNW on WI-147.

If Bobby leaves first, does this happen? Image
(22) The next step is more of a reach:

III. Bobby catches Teresa in her RAV4 and gets her to pull over somehow. Could be before she gets to WI-147, along WI-147, on CTH Q or at Kuss Road. Image
(23) From Avery Road to the County Road Q intersection, WI-147 has no stops and sparse traffic on a Monday afternoon.

Zellner shows that it is plausible for Bobby to catch up with Teresa before the County Road Q intersection, but making up 20s in 1.5 miles, is that likely? ImageImage
(24) If Teresa goes 45mph, the speed limit, she makes it from Avery Road to CTH Q in 120s, so Bobby has to make it in 100 seconds, which requires him to average 54mph.

If Teresa goes 60mph, Bobby needs to go 77mph. So catching up to Teresa depends a lot on how fast she drives. Image
(25) So Bobby can get in Teresa's rearview mirror, perhaps by the WI-147 and CTH Q intersection in Larrabee.

Next: III. Bobby catches Teresa in her RAV4 and gets her to pull over somehow. Could be before she gets to WI-147, along WI-147, on CTH Q or at Kuss Road. Image
(26) So Zellner has Teresa turn left at CTH Q, but this is only because Zellner believed that Teresa's scent was found at the Kuss Road burial site.

I believe K9 Loof may have been following someone else with a relationship to the scent article planting cremains. ImageImage
(27) If Teresa was taking the fastest route home, or if she was going to Green Bay, up North, she would go straight through the Larrabee intersection. CTH Q doesn't even show up on her best alternate routes. ImageImage
(28) Zellner has Bobby follow Teresa on CTH Q and signal Teresa to pull over by repeatedly flashing his headlights and later waving his arms.

Teresa could have been worried that he saw something wrong with her RAV4 and pulled over. This seems feasible, but how likely? ImageImage
(29) Women Only: If you were driving on a Monday afternoon on a rural road away from home, and a stranger flashed his headlights at you and hand signaled you to stop, would you pullover?
(30) I might be concerned that the other driver saw something hanging off the back of my vehicle, so I would head to a gas station and take a look.

I would not pull over for a stranger.

It's a jungle out there.
I could be wrong, but I don't think so.
(31) One might think Bobby may have forced Teresa off the road, but the accident that dislodged her fender liner occurred while the tires were muddy.

Both WI-147 and CTH Q are paved roads with gravel shoulders for most of their length. ImageImageImage
(32) Zellner shows Teresa pull into Kuss Road, pull over and get out of the RAV4 with her camera.

Bobby convinces her to follow him for a hustle shot. ImageImage
(33) Is Zellner's scenario reasonable to you?
(34) If you chose, "I've got a better one", please reply with a description of your scenario. Image
(35) Bobby leads Teresa to the Kuss Road cul-de-sac for the "hustle shot".

While she is photographing his Bronco, The action moves through the next two steps of our working theory. ImageImageImageImage
(36) Next steps:

IV. Bobby makes advances and Teresa rebuffs him.

V. Bobby is so embarrassed and angry after Teresa rebuffs him that he strikes out at Teresa violently causing some significant injury. ImageImageImageImage
(37) Due to his angry outburst and Teresa's injury, Bobby has few good options.

VI. Rather than facing the police, he decides to kidnap her until he can decide what to do.

Images from this portion of the recreation are a bit chilling. ImageImageImageImage
(38) Zellner shows him carrying her unconscious body to the Kuss Road burial site, shooting her with his .22 rifle, and burying her in a shallow grave. ImageImageImageImage
(39) Zellner's theory of the Kuss Road Burial Site is that the scent dog smelled Teresa's scent, and the HRD dogs smelled Teresa's blood.

My theory is that the scent dog smelled a perp associated with the contaminated scent article and the HRD dogs smelled cremains. Image
(40) Of course, if Bobby only planted cremains at the Kuss Road burial site, after he was contaminated with Teresa's scent, associating him with the scent article, it frees the "Bobby Did It" theory, allowing Bobby to do these steps at another location. ImageImageImageImage
(41) All the scenarios share common elements:

A. Bobby follows Teresa out of the Salvage Yard.
B. Bobby intercepts Teresa.
C. Bobby assaults Teresa, then abducts her.
D. Bobby decides to kill and cremate Teresa.

Items B, C and D are sheer supposition. What support do they have? Image
(42) Bobby looked at vile pornography, and lied about it.

Bobby moved his statement and later testimony in ways that implicated Steven.

Bobby left his home within minutes of Teresa leaving.

Bobby lied about his whereabouts on 10/31/2005. ImageImageImageImage
(43) Bobby graduated High School on time. He did not have the chance to go to college.

Bobby held a job at the time and has a good work record.

Bobby has no court record in Wisconsin. Blaine, Bryan, Brad and Barb all have court records.

Bobby is now married with children. ImageImageImage
(44) Next Steps:

VII. Bobby eventually decides to kill Teresa with a .22 caliber rifle and cremate her in a burn barrel.

VIII. Bobby buries Teresa's cremains at the Kuss Road burial site, where they are later found and moved by rogue law enforcement officers.

No evidence. ImageImage
(45) Would Bobby choose to bury cremains at the Kuss Road burial site?

I don't find this site particularly helpful for Bobby. It's near his home, and if he left any forensic trace evidence by accident, it would point to him. Image
(46) Bobby also had access to Steven's property and could easily leave something there to implicate Steven.

Why wouldn't he do this if his reason for selecting the location was to do just that? Image
(47) The next step:

IX. Bobby kills the battery in Teresa's RAV4 and steals a nearly new Interstate MT-58 to replace it. ImageImageImageImage
(48) The battery found in the RAV4 was relatively new and not the right size for the battery tray and hold-down bracket.

I have more information on this elsewhere. Image
(49) The replacement battery had a manufacturing code of "J4" on top of it. This translates to the 10th month of 2004, aka October 2004.

Per the attached reference, most batteries sell within three months of their manufacturing date, so January 2005.… Image
(50) So the battery was bought new in early 2005, and had a retail cost of $120 to $150.

It's also no better than a properly sized battery.
(51) It also looks like it was installed with makeshift tools, because the nut that holds down the battery hold-down bracket shows toolmark damage from a narrow object used as a wrench. Image
(52-1) Much of this seems inculpatory for Bobby Dassey.

Why so new and valuable a battery, if you live in a junkyard with a used battery collection?

Why use makeshift tools to install it, when you are very near your home and could easily get a wrench set? Image
(52-2) Much of this seems inculpatory for Bobby Dassey.

Why leave the valuable battery in the RAV4, when you know its no longer needed and your a short walk from home? Image
(53) While working on the battery hold-down bracket nut, "the mechanic" rubbed dust off of the firewall liner, suggesting "the mechanic" tightened it with his left hand. Image
(54) There is plenty of room for a right-handed or ambidextrous "mechanic" to work on this nut. Only a left-handed "mechanic" would brush the firewall. Image
(55) At this point, I think Bobby Dassey is right handed. Please provide evidence to the contrary if you are aware of it.

Gesturing. Trigger hand. Casting hand. ImageImageImageImage
(56) Next step:

X. Bobby convinces his friend, Mike Osmunson, to help him plant Teresa's RAV4 at the Salvage Yard (Wilmer Siebert). ImageImage
(57) Wilmer Siebert saw a RAV4 and a White Jeep enter the property behind the Avery Auto Salvage Yard, and only the White Jeep left about a half hour later.

The question is why would Bobby involve an accomplice to plant the RAV4? He could easily walk home afterward. Image
(58) Also, Where's the Jeep?

So far, no close contact of Bobby Dassey has been found who had access to a small White Jeep in 2005.

Bobby drove a Chevy Blazer
Scott Tadych drove a Ford Ranger
What did Mike Osmunson drive? ImageImage
(59) This photo shows a Group Size 35 Battery (left) and a Group Size 58 Battery (right), side by side.

35 - L: 9 1/16" W: 6 7/8" H: 8 7/8"
58 - L: 10 1/16" W: 7 3/16" H: 6 15/16" Image
(60) Next step:

XI. Bobby accidentally puts cremains into his own family's Burn Barrels.

The curious case of Janda Burn Barrel #2: ImageImageImageImage
(61) Let's start the discussion here:

All the bone fragments found in Janda Burn Barrel #2 would fit easily into a Ziploc sandwich bag.

It's questionable whether planting them would even lead to detection.

The other possibility is that they were put there accidentally. Image
(62) The story really starts with HRD K9 Brutus:

On November 5, 2005:
"Moving outside, we checked an area with 4 burn barrels. K9 Brutus alerted on 2 of the barrels with extreme animation and excitement (ALERT #5)." ImageImage
(63) After Brutus alerted, the barrels were taken into police custody, loaded on a truck, and then taken to the CASO garage in Chilton for processing.

No attempt was made to understand the contents of the barrel at the crime scene. Image
(64) It's possible that the contents of the barrel were mixed up with other things at the CASO garage, but we do know that an experienced HRD dog alerted on the barrels, and human bones were recovered. Image
(65) The bones were from all over, suggesting the cremains had been mixed together, prior to this set being separated out.

The set of small fragments was from the shoulder blades, the spine, long bones & the hands.

Eisenberg said at least one fragment exhibited cut marks. Image
(66) One explanation might be that the bone fragments spilled onto Bobby's truck bed when he was moving the cremains in a bucket or burn barrel.

When he discovered them he threw them in his own trash, not expecting HRD dogs to find them. Image
(67) Another explanation might be that Janda Burn Barrel #2 was the cremation site, and the fragments were residue after the barrel was dumped.

We have no in situ photographs of the barrel. My, my.

I suspect the barrel might still contain Human Remains as residue, then. Image
(68) The state handled the burn barrels as if they had no evidentiary value, other than what might be sifted out of their contents. Any effort to identify residues, objects on their surface layer, the layering of their contents, etc., was completely beyond their ken. ImageImageImage
(69) My best theory for who planted cremains in Janda Burn Barrel #2 is that Ryan did it at a time that he only had the Autotrader paperwork and the Camera available to determine Teresa's last stop.

Some time between 10/31 and the afternoon of 11/03. Image
(70) For Bobby, my best theory is that the bone fragments in Janda Burn Barrel #2 spilled into his Blazer's truck bed, and he threw them in the burn barrel when he cleaned it out at home. ImageImage
(71) Overall, I think the bone fragments in Bobby Dassey's family burn barrels do tend to inculpate him.

He used the garage as a workspace. The barrels were right behind it.

Are the HRD dogs finding the bone fragments that foreseeable that this could be used to frame Bobby? Image
(72) Were the bone fragments placed in the Janda/Dassey Burn Barrels meant to frame Bobby or Steven?
(73) Next:

XII. Bobby sees Steven bleeding and goes into his home and collects blood while Steven is at Menard's with Chuck. ImageImageImageImage
(74) Zellner has made a big deal out of this part of the scenario, and has argued that the police are ruled out.

If there is a proposed smoking gun in Zellner's argument against Bobby, this is it. ImageImageImageImage
(75) I don't find Zellner's argument convincing at all, especially that idea that local Law Enforcement is ruled out. Let's break it down bit-by-bit.

Per Steven, Bobby was with Steven when he unhitched the tilt trailer and reopened the cut on the side of his finger. Image
(76) The cut on Steven's finger was deep, and Avery family witnesses said it predated 10/31/2005.

Substantial healing had already taken place when this picture was taken. Image
(77) Steven's statement says, before going to Menard's, Steven got something out of his Grand Am and dripped blood in the car. Wisconsin State Crime Lab did confirm the presence of Steven's blood in his car, on the gear shift lever. Image
(77) The MTSO Report confirms that on 11/08/2005 the Wisconsin State Crime Lab found blood in the sink using an alternative light source (perhaps luminol), and swabs they collected were shown to be from Steven by Sherry Culhane performing DNA analysis. Image
(78) The crime lab evidence markers can be seen in this Crime Scene photo of Steven's sink. Note at this time Steven had been away since the RAV4 was found on 11/05 so the blood predated the finding of the RAV4. Image
(78) A close-up of the sink shows that it is filthy with soap and toothpaste scum (I believe that is technically the correct word).

The blood had not been rinsed down the sink and the sink had not been cleaned, ergo it had been collected leaving only a faint residue. QED Image
(79) This is when Zellner goes a bridge too far for my taste. She ties Bobby's Blazer to the taillights seen behind Steven's home just before he left for Menard's. Image
(80) So Bobby was with Steven, saw him cut his finger, saw him go inside his trailer, then jumped in the Blazer and drove to Kuss Road via Steven's lawn.



This is preposterous. Someone else was at the Kuss Road cul de sac, and we all know who it was. Image
(81) Earlier, at 6:37 PM on 11/03/2005, Investigator Wiegert of CASO called Andy Colborn of MTSO and told him that Steven Avery may be a key suspect in a Missing Person's Case.

Colborn undoubtedly informed the MTSO cadre about this opportunity when he spoke with them that night. ImageImage
(82) Now Chuck and Steven had left for Menard's and were about to turn onto WI-147 when Steven saw taillights near his home, on the dirt trail from his home to the Kuss Road cul de sac, only 5 to 10 minutes after he saw Bobby next to his garage.

Who was watching them leave? Image
(83) To me, it's clear as day that by 11/04, off-book MTSO Law Enforcement agents were watching Steven 24 x 7, probably from the entrance of Avery Road and from the Kuss Road cul-de-sac.

Avery may have abducted a girl, and this would solve everything. Image
(84) Steven and Chuck returned and found nothing near his home, but by then the LE agent had retreated to the Kuss Road cul de sac.

When Steven and Chuck finally left, the front door agent radioed the Kuss Road agent, and he forced his way into Steven's southernmost front door. ImageImage
(85) Zellner hangs her entire argument on Bobby being the only one who is sure that the blood in Steven's sink is Steven's and not Teresa's, but this argument is flawed on multiple levels. Image
(86) First, it's only 11/04/2005, this search is illegal, and the police cannot legally gather the evidence. The police are also a long way from having probable cause to get a search warrant.

Colborn might have cut a glimpse of the cut, but that's not probable cause. Image
(87) Second, if the MTSO agent leaves the blood in the sink alone, there is a strong chance that Steven will rinse it down the sink when he gets home.

This puts the agent in a conundrum. Image
(88) The agent can:

A. Gather the evidence & see how it can be used later.

B. Gather part of the evidence, w/hopes that a warrant can be justified soon to catch Steven w/the rest.

C. Leave the evidence & never learn whose blood it was & risk Steven rinsing it down the sink.
(89) It's clear to me the best solution for the rogue MTSO agent is A or B.

It's absurd to me to say they would never touch it. Image
(90) Per Steven, the person who broke in, then arrogantly smoked a cigarette in his home. This just rings MTSO Law Enforcement agent to me.

They wanted him to know that they were up his ass.

Are we supposed to believe Bobby was a chain smoker and couldn't resist? Image
(91) Tail lights behind Steven's trailer that disappear when they turn back, as if the person were warned.

An easily forced door.

The arrogance to smoke a cigarette while searching the property.

The dilemma of taking the blood or leaving it.

It had to be rogue MTSO agents. Image
(92) Is Zellner right to rule out the MTSO cops as the primary suspect for talking the blood from Steven's sink?
(93) Next step:

XIII. Bobby plants Stevens blood in the RAV4 by the pond. ImageImage
(94) Under Zellner's theory, Bobby planted the RAV4 and has the driver's keys, so he would simply take the blood he gathered and plant it in the RAV4 to frame Steven. Image
(95) I have an alternative theory that rogue MTSO Law Enforcement Officers and Agents broke into the RAV4 using a slim jim and a wedge, and planted Steven's blood in the front and back seat areas. Image
(96) It starts with MTSO rogue agents having an opportunity to plant.

I believe they learned the location of the RAV4 after Ryan Hillegas showed them where it was during the 22 "NO CALL ID" incident, between 3:11 PM and 7:30 PM on 11/04.

(97) The interval for rogue MTSO agents planting the blood starts when Law Enforcement learns the RAV4 location somewhere around 7:30 PM on 11/04/2005.

The window closes when the RAV4 leaves the Avery Salvage Yard between 8:30 PM and 9:00 PM on 11/05/2005.

Credit: @HenburyAve ImageImageImageImage
(98) There are two distinct intervals of opportunity to plant the blood:

A. After Ryan reveals its location to Law Enforcement & before Pam & Nikole Sturm discover the RAV4

B. After the RAV4 is discovered and before it is taken to the Wisconsin State Crime Lab in Madison
(99) The evidence that a break-in occurred is provided by a photo taken by the Wisconsin Crime Lab.

This interior photo of the driver's door shows damage to the wiper side of the weather stripping in two locations. Image
(100) The damage is only visible from the interior side of the window or from directly above the stripping, because the hard rubber side of the weather stripping is not damaged and occludes the damage from most outside angles. Image
(101) The wedge and slim jim are common tools of a policemen's automobile lock-out kits.

Policemen and car thieves are well acquainted with them. ImageImage
(102) There is also less definitive evidence that the dirt on the window was disturbed by the slim jim and wedge tools. This could establish that the time of the break-in was recent. Image
(103) A picture of the interior-side weather stripping was inadvertently taken by Nikole Sturm.

The stripping is visible on the far side of the car. Image
(104) A closer look at the weather stripping in the Nikole Sturm photo shows no interior side damage.

The break-in must have occurred after 10/05/2005 at 10:29 AM, a period of time when the RAV4 was solely in the custody of the State. Image
(105) The RAV4 was locked when it arrived at the Wisconsin State Lab. A locksmith was brought in to make a key that is in evidence at CASO since 11/11/2005. ImageImage
(106) The RAV4 had not been slim jimmed when Nikole Sturm photographed it, late AM on 11/05/2005.

The RAV4 arrived at the WI SCL in Madison locked and a key was immediately made to open it.

Slim Jim and Wedge damage are now obviously present on the RAV4 driver's door.
QED ImageImageImageImage
(107) There is a strong case that rogue LE agents:

A. Illegally searched Steven's home while he was at Menard's.

B. Gathered blood from Steven's sink leaving residue that was later confirmed to be his blood by the WI SCL.

C. Broke into the RAV4 & planted the blood.
(108) Who do you think gathered and planted the blood?
(109) If MTSO agents gathered & planted the blood, it does not exculpate Bobby Dassey of other crimes, but I strongly think Zellner is off base thinking that the blood in Steven's sink is a smoking gun for Bobby Dassey.

To the contrary, I think Bobby is a very unlikely suspect. Image
(110) Frankly, I think Zellner has other motives for not making direct claims against the police.

I hope some day she'll explain them in a book, when Brendan and Steven are free! Image
(111) Next:

XIV. Bobby burns Teresa's electronics and places them in Steven's burn barrel. ImageImageImage
(112) For Ryan, my theory is he planted the burned electronics when he discovered on 11/03 that he had placed the cremains in the burn barrel at the wrong address for Steven Avery.

B. Janda
12930A Avery Road
S. Avery
12932 Avery Road

This is a tidy explanation for Ryan.
(113) Bobby would have planted the burn barrel electronics to implicate Steven.

It's equally possible that rogue MTSO agents got the electronics from the RAV4 and planted them to implicate Steven.

Neither is implausible; neither vindicates Bobby.

(114) It's interesting that HRD K9 Brutus, who alerted on the Janda/Dassey Burn Barrels, checked by Steven Avery's home, including its interior, and did not alert on either the burn barrel or the burn pit. To tlak of Bear is included. Image
(115) I believe the electronics in Steven's burn barrel and the cremains in his burn pit are two of the most overt attempts to frame Steven.

Steven would have to be a blithering idiot to do these things outside his own home.

To me, that smells like rogue MTSO agents' MO. Image
(116) More steps:

XV. Police plant remaining items: magic key, magic bullet, burn pit cremains, hood latch swab DNA.

It's important to remember that rogue Law Enforcement is clearly implicated in most of the evidence planting. Still, I think its unlikely they are the killers.
(117) Covered:

XVI. Rogue police broke into Avery's home while he was at Menard's (lights at Kuss Road) & collected blood from the sink so it wouldn't be washed away while they were short on probable cause.

XVII. Rogue police planted blood in RAV4 prior to it leaving ASY.
(118) Next up:

XVIII. At trial Bobby tries to act reluctant but strongly implicates his Uncle.

XIX. Bobby does a half assed job of scrubbing his hard disk, revealing the lies he told about his activities on 10/31. ImageImage
(119) While its clear that Bobby's statements & his trial testimony show a clear arc toward "more detail" & "further implication of his uncle", it was unclear how much of this was from the state harassing Bobby, & how much was Bobby revealing an ulterior motive.

11/05 Statement: Image
(120) By his trial testimony, he was answering questions about crude jokes, smearing his uncle, saying Teresa walked halfway to Steven's front door, though it's unclear he could see that much from his vantage point, and saying he saw the RAV4 w/o Teresa. Image
(121) Bobby also said he thought his family only had three burn barrels. This upset Kratz, but Bobby was likely one of the people who took trash out there the most.

Could one of the barrels have been dropped there by someone else? Image
(122) What do you think? Did Bobby Dassey move his statements and testimony to cast suspicion away from himself or to relieve harassment from Law Enforcement and Ken Kratz?
(123-1) Zellner has found an abundance of evidence that shows Bobby Dassey lied about his activities & whereabouts on 10/31.

He was awake on & off most of the day & likely heard Teresa's phone call to Barb's answering machine.

His Tadych alibi is refuted by his phone records.
(123-2) His brother Blaine claims to have seen him while coming home on the school bus.

His brother Bryan claims he told him that he saw Teresa leave the Salvage Yard.

His phone records suggest he was moving around and in contact with Mike Osmunson.
(123-3) He was late to his graveyard work shift.

When CASO questioned him about the discrepancies in 2017, he doubled down on his original statements & CASO dropped it.

Lying about your alibi is no small thing.

Neither is lying about material facts in a murder case. ImageImageImage
(124) There is a big, bad unknown here, and until the truth sees the light of day, Bobby Dassey must be considered a viable suspect. ImageImageImageImage
(125) Next up:

XIX. Bobby does a half assed job of scrubbing his hard disk, revealing the lies he told about his activities on 10/31… ImageImageImageImage
(126) The best analysis I'm aware of, of Bobby Dassey's suspected computer activities and other timeline events was performed by Temptedious on Reddit.

It shows how deletion periods seem to overlap with Teresa's visits, and how search keywords evolved.…
(127) Here's Temptedious' summary of Bobby Dassey's known activities for Oct 31, 2005.

Bobby's pattern is to try & sleep, but to look at pornography when he's woken up, perhaps to masturbate.

The words "15 year old" and "sluts" in his search history are the most problematic. Image
(128) The period between the time Teresa went missing and the time the RAV4 was found appears to have been purged.

This is suspicious, especially since the purging dates go all the way to November 13, 2005.

Were rogue police involved in the purging? Image
(129) Problematic searches start showing up in February, 2006.

Flames, knives, stab wounds, gunshot wounds to the head and car accidents start showing up in the search history.

Is this reliving an experience or the result of curiosity about the Halbach crime? Image
(130) Problematic searches start showing up in February, 2006.

Flames, knives, stab wounds, gunshot wounds to the head and car accidents start showing up in the search history.

Is this reliving an experience or the result of curiosity about the Halbach crime?
(131) February 27th is a big day for computer activity. It's also the day that Wiegert and Fassbender (W & F) started grilling Brendan.

Bobby flirts w/girls on Instant Messenger, while Brendan is harassed by W & F. Bobby is foul mouthed & makes a reference to the movie "Saw". ImageImageImageImage
(132) Brendan is arrested March 1, 2006, and Avery's indictment is superseded with additional charges by March 8th. Image
(133) From March 28th through the end of April, the computer searches back at home become increasingly disturbing, and photos of mutilated women become a partial obsession.

Search terms included: car accidents, drownings & female genital and anal abuse.…
(134) The recovered computer history is very disturbing, & the pattern of deletions suggests what's there is the tip of the iceberg.

During the 2017 CASO interviews, Bobby denied any involvement w/the computer, saying it was never in his bedroom; police video shows it there. ImageImageImage
(135) Rather than confronting Bobby with his obvious lies, Special Investigator John Dedering just drops the line of questioning and moves on as if he was unaware of the red flags.

Obviously, Law Enforcement is not putting forth any effort here.…
(136) The timing of the disturbing searches on the Dassey computer suggest that the March 2nd Press Conference briefing by Special Prosecutor Kratz and Sheriff Pagel may have triggered people's imaginations about the crime.

(137) There were two folders on the computer's desktop: "Halbach" & "DNA".

But there was no evidence that either was created before the murder or before the DNA evidence was made public.

Bobby's uncle & brother were in jail awaiting trial. Is this so suspicious? Image
(138) Both Ryan Hillegas and Bobby Dassey seem to have been coached "to admit nothing". When their statements are impeached they just deny the fact, and Law Enforcement acts like nothing happened.

Do you think the State is the one coaching Ryan and Bobby "to admit nothing"?
(139) We've reached the last part of the outline:

XXI. Bobby refuses to even talk to Steven after testifying.

After that, I'd like to review the Scent Dog evidence with regards to Bobby (Tracks #1, #3 and #6, below). ImageImageImage
(140) Even before 10/31/2005, Bobby doesn't seem to be a huge fan of his Uncle Steven. Steven was in prison until 2003, and Bobby was an independent teen when he was exonerated.

His statement also moved from being fairly neutral to highly incriminating over time.
(141) As Bobby's family became embroiled in Steven's and Brendan's trials, relationships became further strained, and perhaps the straw that broke the camel's back was Steven's accusations against Bobby during his appeals. ImageImageImageImage
(142) Do you think the animosity that has grown between Bobby Dassey and Steven Avery is understandable, or do you suspect some secret underlying explanation?
(143) Now let's review the Scent Dog Evidence starting with Scent Dog Track #1.

The track shows an initial path originating at the RAV4 location by the pond and going to Jambo Creek Road headed north, then a second path is found near Wilmer Siebert's home back to the RAV4. Image
(144) My best working theory for this track is it is showing Ryan Hillegas, claiming to be retracing his search path and locating the RAV4 for Law Enforcement on 11/04/2005, and then leaving by a similar route. Image
(145) Ryan is staying in Teresa Halbach's living space; His feet & shoes are likely contaminated w/her scent.

Also, Ryan's scent has likely contaminated the scent article (Teresa's shoes) at her home.

Further, Teresa's cat has likely placed scent on both Ryan and the shoes. ImageImageImage
(146) It's possible K9 Loof was following the scent of human remains, when she crossed over the berm to the south from the position of the RAV4, and this is likely what K9 Brutus was following when he did that.

However, Brutus followed no further, while Loof found a scent trail. ImageImageImage
(147) If this is Ryan showing Law Enforcement where the RAV4 is, his entry & exit over the southern berm makes sense.

If this is the perp planting the RAV4, then leaving over the berm to meet up with the White Jeep driver, we must ask, "Why wouldn't Bobby just walk home?" Image
(148) Could Bobby carry enough of Teresa's scent or human remains on his feet & legs to leave trails for K9 Bloodhound Loof?

It's possible he contaminated his shoes or boots fairly badly w/blood & could be leaving a trail, but the HRD dog is not following, so its a scent trail. Image
(149) It's unlikely that Bobby could get so contaminated by Teresa's scent during their encounter that he would leave trails of her scent for days afterward.

Bobby also has no other relationship to the scent article.… Image
(150) Ryan, on the other hand, is living in Teresa's house, walking on her floors, and reclining in her furniture.

He is much more likely to pick up Teresa's scent or contaminate the scent article. Image
(151) Track #3 also tends to exculpate Bobby. The track begins in front of Bobby's home, and a scent trail is found connecting Steven's home with the Kuss Road cul-de-sac.

This trail may have been the perp returning after planting evidence in one of the burn barrels. Image
(152) But why would Bobby leave this track, because he is contaminated with Teresa's scent, but not leave a scent when he is near his own home?

K9 Loof never finds a scent trail leading to Bobby's garage, home or burn barrels, when we know Bobby has been all over this area. Image
(153) Scent Dog Track #6 also seems to exculpate Bobby. There is a scent or human remains track starting in front of Bobby's house, and eventually skirting his back yard, but the trail never leads to locations we know Bobby was extensively at, like his garage w/the deer. Image
(154) My theory for #6, is that the person who left the new portion of the scent trail contaminated his feet with human cremains while digging up the Kuss Road burial site.

When Loof encountered the scent at the cat "Liter Pale [sic]" at the deer camp, Loof followed it. Image
(155) Lo' and Behold, K9 Loof uncovered the path of perp who planted the cremains in Steven Avery's burn pit. Image
(156) In summary, the scent trails show suspicious behavior around the vicinity of the crime scenes, however, none of the trails leads to locations where we know Bobby inhabited the week after Teresa went missing.

Not the garage, his driveway, his yard, or his home. ImageImageImageImage
(157) I've completed my planned research and will be consolidating these findings into a shorter report.

I will focus on items that strongly inculpate or exculpate Bobby Dassey.

After this long thread, I'm not sure how it adds up, but thanks everyone for participating. Image

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Feb 5, 2022
(1) Decoding the RAV4 Sightings, Iteration 2:

Here is my summary of the RAV4 Sightings and closely related events. Please comment, as this is just Iteration 2 of a working theory. I will got through each step in this thread.
(2) Assumptions:

A. Non-perp witnesses mostly correct.
B. Rahmlow tipped Colborn before he was assigned to the case.
C. Ryan/Mike did see the RAV4 on Tuesday night.
D. RAV4 at pond during flyover, but police failed to find it.
E. Pam Sturm was told where to find the RAV4.
(S1.1) Avery/Dassey see Teresa with RAV4 across from the Maroon Van:

This is the starting point, and I drew it with a black background because it is a known and corroborated sighting.

Both Avery and Dassey claim to last see the RAV4 here.
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