‘Social distancing’ is a made up measure that featured in no pandemic planning&whose efficacy has never been tested. It is entirely reliant on the lie that asymptomatic transmission is a major driver of infection.
This has nothing to with the virus & everything to do with control
And this. Blindingly obvious and yet still protests must be ‘risk assessed’ and we go through the pathetic theatre of ‘social’ distancing even outside.
‘Even if there is some asymptomatic transmission, asymptomatic transmission has never been the driver of outbreaks.’
Thank you, Dr Fauci. Pity you let this infinitesimal risk drive your entire dystopian policy.
Why don’t you - or the @BBCNews that made the show - question him about the abysmal standards in the laboratories exposed by Panorama, risking the contamination of numerous samples by ‘fragments’ of viral matter?
Or that PCR tests, at 45 cycles, have numerous false positives?
Even Fauci said that anything over 35 does not pick up live viral matter but the remnants of a virus that was - but is no longer - infectious. Yet this issue is never examined by those whose duty it is to scrutinise the government.
And the expansion of testing and engagement of numerous poorly trained staff at labs that don’t give a damn about accuracy will inevitably exacerbate both (a) the proportion of ‘positives’ of ppl who were but are no longer infectious and (b) the number of contaminated results.
The reality is that this this is not because of measures but because people generally don’t go to the pub when ill (especially now) and that there is no reliable evidence for asymptomatic transmission.
(Which it actually isn’t as, in another act of flagrant dishonesty, the government announced lockdowns laws had effect three days before they actuality did.)
150 million people worldwide will go into extreme poverty - that is, risk of starvation - because of the destruction of the economy caused by restricting supply chains. In the last pandemics - 57 & 69 - the economy grew. That isn’t caused by the pandemic.
This is a gross abuse of power. There is no power in s 45C of the Public Order Act (which provides for *domestic* regulations) to prevent *anyone* from leaving the country. Section 45B applies directly to international travel and only restricts *entry*.
Public HEALTH Act. Sorry
Which is another consideration of statutory interpretation, Parliament being presumed (when amending the Public HEALTH Act in 2008) to pass law in conformity with its international obligations.
There is no reliable evidence for the efficacy of the invented measure of ‘social distancing’. There cannot be: it was not contemplated by any pandemic plan before last year before it was plucked from nowhere and imposed (effectively) without debate or even legislation.
But imposed it was through other - statutory - measures such as licensing laws.
No evidence of efficacy. No precedent. No debate.
Yet to question it is to meet with howls of outrage from the baying mob.
I continue to be flabbergasted by the unthinking acceptance of such impositions of the state without evidential or logical justification-let alone any assessment of their proportionality-by supposedly learned people. Including Her Majesty's Counsel and judiciary.