When NY announced rental relief aid, tenant organizers saw red flags. The financial requirements were too stringent and the required paperwork too burdensome — and undocumented renters would almost certainly be left behind.
The state had to go back and reopen the application period for rental relief aid — this time with laxer requirements. New York distributed less than 40% of the original $100 million fund.
So, as NY works to finalize the budget and funding for undocumented workers, advocates fear they'll have to face the same barriers.
“How, being a street vendor, am I going to show what I earn?” asks a protestor on hunger strike for pandemic relief. ⬇️ documentedny.com/2021/03/31/mee…
"The fear, obviously, is it’s going to play out like the rental relief program where leadership creates such a byzantine and high-bar system that they’re not actually going to distribute a significant amount of the money."
1/ We teamed up with @univisionNY to correct misinformation spreading through immigrant communities. In Spanish, we fact checked claims of miracle cures and untrue promises of pandemic aid coming from big companies and government.
2/ We worked with our readers to investigate the underutilized Immigrant Emergency Relief Program, which promised $1,000 per family. We discovered that the NYC fund was improperly regulated and closed to many undocumented residents.
Immigrant workers are facing increased exploitation during the pandemic. In NYC, they're fighting back. Here's what we've seen happen in 2021 when workers come together. 🧵THREAD
Food vendors and delivery workers are on hunger strike to demand that New York #FundExcludedWorkers who have been left out of public COVID-19 relief packages.
These women have been fasting for nearly two weeks to put pressure on New York to pass a $3.5B fund that would provide emergency aid to undocumented workers.
They'll find out if their voices have been heard when the state budget is settled on April 1.
📍We are NYC's only newsroom that creates journalism for and about immigrants. This thread has everything you need to know about our community-centered approach, library of resources, upcoming events and how to get involved with our newsroom. ⬇️ documentedny.com
We are constantly updating our guide to navigating the pandemic as an immigrant.
In English: documentedny.com/2020/06/11/doc…
⚡️ En español: Guía con información y ayudas relevantes para inmigrantes de NY ⬇️ THREAD twitter.com/i/events/13714…
⚡️ We ensure that the people affected by our stories are also the people reading them. Here's how we engage with our Latino readers and what's next as we learn how to work with NYC's Caribbean and Chinese immigrant communities. ⬇️ THREAD twitter.com/i/events/13769…